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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. Fucking Iron Giant man.I love him so anything with him is good with me.Just have him say "i'm superman" at one point and i am there OD cheering like a fangirl.
  2. Loved the trailer!It's amazing how after all these years i want to see these movies...and i am not a Cruise fan but gotta give the man credit. And let's get real if this is Cruise's last (which i doubt because this franchise is the only thing Cruise has going on for him atm) they have already casted the replacement...I mean you don't just cast Henry's moustache and have it as a one off.And to be honest,Henry would make for a great replacement.
  3. Want to add...here's hoping that Henry's character,if good ofc,makes it out alive and turns to some kind of anti hero so he can be a part of the franchise from now on.
  4. Henry,Cruise,Ferguson and Pegg will appear on the Graham Norton show next week!Pretty sure we can expect a trailer!!
  5. This has to be the year with most interesting runs... Get Out,Wonder Woman,It and now Jumanji.
  6. Easily Wonder Woman.The film has heart and humor yet it doesn't shy away from how awful the world war was or raising some important questions.Add to that perfect performances and direction and you have what is probably my favorite comic book film in many mant years.10/10 Spiderman Homecoming is a distant second.I trully enjoyed it and it was fun with good performances.7.5/10 Justice League follows.The characters were just perfect and their interactions more than made up for the lack of plot and weak villain.Performances were great across the board and considering th3 behind the scenes drama the film exceeded expectations.7/10 Thor Ragnarok also had a weak plot and on top of that it felt like there were not stakes.It was obviously fun but you never felt that the characters were in danger which took away from the already underwhelming villain (great as Blanchett was). Logan really bored the living hell out of me.But some exciting scenes and a satisfying abd emotional end save the film from reveling into dullness. Guardians...tried to hard...
  7. The cast is really deverse.Representation alone can help this break out.
  8. Mind you,these conversations were taking place long before JL so it's safe to assume that the movie is further in develepment that those involved were letting on.If WB wants to fast track it a 2020 release is very possible.
  9. WB/New Line will be pretty stupid if they won't make this a family film.It has a story that can hit big with everyone no matter his/hers age.350M seems like a very bold prediction atm but stranger things have happenned.That being said i wouldn't be surprised with something close to 300M.
  10. It is actually more telling for the movies that are currently playing..
  11. As someone who didn't even know this movie was being made based on a book i never heard of...i am really excited.Loved Ex Machina,the story is very interesting,the cast is great,the chara ters seem great as well,the visuals seem top notch ...i am in...
  12. Soooo nomination #895840373 for Streep and oscar #4?It's a good bet.It would be gret of probably the two greatest actors working right now (Hanks and Streep) would win in the same night,for the same movie no less.
  13. IDK about theaters but this is definetly what will end up on the Steelbook and Blu-ray
  14. Maybe that Superman poster kinda helped things out a bit...
  15. Cavill is not going anywhere.Especially,after Superman's reception in JL.He is a fan favorite now.Cavill leaving,let alone being "thrown away",could potentially destroy any chance this universe has left.Him and Gadot in particular are probably the safest in terms of who gets to stay in case of a reboot.
  16. The "Warriors" Wonder Woman trailer was the best one this year,imo. I also want to say i didn't like the latest The Last Jedi trailer when i saw it online buuuut watching it on the big screen,i loved it.
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