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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. In short,since i am to lazy to search and link,he was asked about the MeTOO movement and then he said some things (among them that things "absolutely need to change" and that he has noticed odd behavior by his male colleagues and called them out} and then he said that he won't further "chase" a girl after her first "no" in fear that he will be called a "rapist".Again,he wroding could have been better but imo he is coming from a good place. Like it or not,at some point the MeToo movement became as dangerous as it was grounbreaking,great and correct.There are the women that used it as a platform to speak out on the awful experiences an then there were women who used it to hurt some people for whatever agenda they had (and we have heard of an instance or two).Henry,being a public face,said he won't flirt with a woman after getting the first rejection because she coult take advantage of his fame and falsely accuse him of sexual harrasment.And while stop flirting after the first "no" is right what Henry says is that he enjoys old-fashioned flirting with a girl,which means that a man should "fight" for the girl,should proove that he is worthy and not just give up.And to me that's normal. If a man likes a girl he should not just give up but try to win her over without-in any way-getting physical or forcing himself.It's not that hard ot understand.But i guess "woke" people have grew to fragile to reason with it.
  2. Yeah they will extract like 0.1K from the BO like all the previous twitter outrage campaigns by special snowflakes, typing with rage before reading the whole damn thing ,have done before. BTW,i will say this and i don't care what anyone thinks of me,he is right.Maybe he could word it out better but still...
  3. Trinity costumes are perfect but it's jot fair because they are damn perfect.Shazam and Aquaman both look great.Flash is the one i want them to change.
  4. IDK about Bond, i assume it's also the case,but WW had a bigger older people watching it than your typical cbm and MOTOE skewed older as well so there is a big overlap there...i thonk it's a better date for it to work as cou ter programming and then take advantage of the holdays and a typically barren January.
  5. Whatever WB shows at Comic Con goes online a little time later.They dodn't want the first look at their movies to be a shitty bottleg video.Wonder Woman and Justice League had their first trailers released on the same ay right after the WB SDCC panel.
  6. The AIDS Crisis will add so much depth to a movie revolved around a character that among other things represents love.And i am sure Jenkins has put together a story to celebrate diversity and representation so given the AIDS crisis being involved the LGBT community will turn up in droves for this one.Patty...you magnificent woman, As for getting a first look during Comic Con i would not put it past WB.We got our first look at Justice League in Comic Con 2016 along with our first trailer for Wonder Woman.The same could happen with Wonder Woman/Shazam.That being said,could they master a teaser in time?
  7. Holy fuck.Did they just announce that the main villain will not be in fact Cheetah but the greatest villain even in DC history. I mean look at Steve's picture.Looks like the evil moustache that defeated JL is finally going to make its debut .
  8. Also,it's a crime that noone has mentioned how amazing the costumes are.
  9. Hade,Circe and Greek trippy stuff aside i have read some good theories. 1.The pond Steve took a bath in while in Themyscira was a version of the Lazarus Pit. 2(i am not a fan of this one).Steve and Diana are destined to be together and always find their way to each other.
  10. I am more thrilled than i expected to be to see Steve/Chris back but they wouldn't just let it out there...Patty is not naive...there is definetly something more...Plus,theywouldn't just ignore what happenned before.Like it or not,WW is a part of a shared universe and while they can change other things and get away with it,this is not one of them.So i am prepared to have my heart crushed again.
  11. Loved it. God i love this franchise so much.I am not a fun of horror films but tgese films are awesome.For me,horror films thar don't solely rely on jumpscares and slash but create these unsetting,creepy feeling inside you just by its atmosphere.And while this franchise has its fair share of the former they trully master at the later. This film seems to be no exception and Valak is scary af just by looking at her/him/it.I also loved the cinematography from what i saw.Corin Hardy won't dissapoint.
  12. Lawsuit or not,WB will not let one of their most profitable franchise pause.The Conjuring is a goldmine for them and they will keep milking this cash cow like nobody's bussiness.The xroojed man will happen,TC3 will happen and whatever monster it brings with it will get its spin-off.I don't kow how Wan did it but the brand is strobg atm.
  13. So i giess we can start discussing what stars we want to see in the next couple Ocean's films.Maybe Roberts and Jones could return?Maybe Gadot?McArthy?Robbie?Queen Meryl?But if you would ask me i would love to see dame Maggie Smith in obe of them.
  14. With HTTYD3 i don't really care about its box office.I just want it to be as great as the previous 2 so it will go dwon as one of the best trilogies in recent cinematic history.
  15. Sandy Bullock be like Anyway,i think this previews number is great as i don't think a reinonvated Oceans franchise will have a rush factor.Plus it will skew females and older groups and both tend to show up a bit later.IMO,the internal multy will be very good and i would not count out a mid-50s weekend. And this is the perfect movie to go along the world cup as women won't spend the WC nights watching soccer with their boyfriends (i know mine won't) and there is not a better movie out there for a girl gang to enjoy at a movie night out.So i think the multy will also be very good.150+M is not impossible.Eapecially if it follows the franchise's previous entries.
  16. Perfection.Loved it. To begin with,i can't wait to be the weird 23 year old in the theatet that cries his eyes out in a room full of kids. The story once again seems great and heartfelt.And it seems like they have slightly departed from the original source(at least that's what one shot indicates)?
  17. I am all about supporting the LGBT community but these asshats are fucking morons.I don't even know why i will try and find a sensible reason as to why Toothless will have a hetero relationship but the most simple reason...like dogs or cats and most animals it is their natural call to find a mate of the opposite sex and mate with them because guess what...animals don't understand sex.They understand that they have to reproduce.Does this thing need more explaining?It's fucking common sense! Idiots.
  18. The song sounds great and Gaga's voice is -as always- absolutely amazing.The trailer was ok i guess.
  19. So what makes this movie soooo disturbing?What sets it apart from ther horror ghost movies?
  20. I think the important thing that made Diana/Steve such a great couple(aside from the actors' undeniable chemistry),and the other couple that were mentioned,is that the directors and wrters didn't forced them into the relationshp but let them evolve into it.Steve and Diana sharing a kiss at the moment that they did made total sense given what mayhem they were coming from and seeing around them what they achieved together.It's a moment were they both realise that they can trust ach other,fight for each other,they share the same goal...and it maked even more sense when you think that at the begginning of the story these guys turn to each other because they have something to gain. Most of the times in superhero films the "couple moments" feel unearned and undeserved.The writer give so much time for action sequences or developing characters seperately (and they are right to do so) but they don't take time to develop characters in relation to other characters.Patty did this and worked out in spades.No just with Steve and Diana but also with the rest of the gang and with Hyppolita even mino characters like Antiope and Etta.
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