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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. Since i joined the forum's this is the first thread that i'm commenting that also Shay comments.It's a weird experience.But an experience nonetheless.
  2. Yeah i actually found TCJ2 better than the original.And like IT,both conhuring film worked because you care about the characters.Still C2 is the exception and not the rule. He also directed Mama?This guy is awesome. I believe WB offered him Justice League Dark and he almost signed but opted out because he is committed to the IT sequel.That being said,WB is a director friendly studio and after the inevitable success of IT i can see them working something out to get him on board with their biggest moneymaker. Actually,that's the film's biggest assett so if you are especially looking for this you won't be dissapointed. He is commited to the IT sequel and apparently he is attached to a Dracula film with Paramount.After IT his schedule is gonna be pretty tight.Wan will dwfinwtly want to hit that for TCJ universe.Hey maybe WB will unite IT with Wan's universe.They will create the ultimate horror brand.
  3. Guuuuuys.You'll certainly float.This was fcking amazing. Best Horror film ever for me,bar none.It's very creepy and disturbing yet somehow it founds some warmth and humanity in its quite moments.The scares are not there just because its a horror movie.They are very effective.Well developed characters,that you genunely care about,brough to life by a terrific ensemble.You could actually say that this is a charcater drama just as much it's a horror film,which is great because you really feel for the characters when something happens to them so the "horror" element has more impact.It's visually stunning.Honestly,i have nothing bad to say.It leaves you with a feel of unease long after you leave the theater. Now i hope Muschietti does the unthinkable and delievers a great horror sequel.
  4. From now on i will be using the term "Wonder-Womaning" to descibe a film that posta amazing day-to-day or weeklu drops. For instance : Dunkirk and Wonder Woman are Wonder-Womaning again
  5. So no daily box office updated from Mendelson a la Wonder Woman? Anyway,this is going to be huge.The 100+M OW predictions are very difficult but not impossible or ridiculous by any means.I think it will get close.Something like 85M. I can place an accurate prediction but i do predict that it's going to be huge.Like 200M huge.And i also believe that the sequel is going to be just as big.f the first one is gpood enough and the success that it seems it will be then i can see the sequel attracting some big names to play the adult version of the characters.WB has a juggernaut waiting to happen here.
  6. Wonder Woman just can't stop making money.I bet WB are now looking back at the moment when the hesitentanly (is that a word?) said "yes" to DC to go on with the movie and be like :
  7. Agreed.Well not entirely... I would give the honor of the MVP to Clarke.She was phenomenal this season.The girl has more expressions just on her eyes than most humans have in their entity. Turner was great as well though.She has come a long way since S1...both her and Sansa.Personally,i think that Sansa is one of the best characters right now.She is playing the game better than anyone.Yet she still has her heart at a good place.
  8. What?No?This is basically ignoring 6 season worth of character development. When she began Sansa could not wait to give up everything that is related to the north but after what she is been through she has come to appreciate her home and her old life more.She wanted the pretty things now all she wants is something that reminds her of her family.And with that she has come to appreiate all of her siblings too.You could tell she was extremely happy to see her remaining siblings again.And she is smart.Without her Winterfell would still be run by Boltons.Jon would have indeed lost the battle of the bastars if the knights of the vale wouldn't come to her aid.She was smart back then.She was smart when it came down to take a desicion to save herself and that's why she is alive right now.Most of the GoT charcaters would have been dead by now if faced with the same circumstances. And right now she is the only trying to keep the family together while also trying to lead Winterfell.I used to loathe Sansa with passion but we can't just ignore the journey to the totally different woman she has become now.
  9. The previous actor was fFreddie Stroma, who played Cormac McLaggen in Harry Potter,and he is way smaller than Tom Hopper.
  10. Watched the episode.It may as well be my favorite of the series.It's like Battle of the Bastards and Winds of Winter had a love child. Action packed yet character driven.Game of Thrones is what every movie blockbuster should aspire to be.WB better give them a far bigger budget for the final season.
  11. I'm fine with them not showing Ghost.In fact,they can only show him in the very last episode of the series.As long as he is safe.I can't stand watching another direwolf dying.Kill whatever human you want,just don't hurt the direwolves.Nymeria gets the idea.
  12. IDK Dany does seem like the character that writers usually use to five that emotional gut puch to the audience by having them sacrfise themselved for the greater good. In a typical Hollywood movie/tv show it would go like..."Dany has lost control of her power and she is burning her enemies alive like nobody's bussiness and then she realises what she was doing and goes on and give up her life so the others can have a fighting chance." That being said,this is GoT and "Typical" it's never the way you should think.For what is worth,Daenerys is still kind and when Jon is around she gets even more gentle.So far whatever she has done is nothing that any conquerer wouldn't do.And as the series draws to a close i don't think that the writers have any intention to spend time on the " Mad Queen" story arc for Daenerys.I mean basically the entire S8 will be about the war with the walkers and Dany won't turn on any human (maybe if someone crosses her but that would be understandable) during the great war. Also,as now the writers of the show have full creative control and don't need to follow Martin's books they can easily go "fuck it" and give the show a happy ending.I don't think they are dropping all these hints for the Dany/Jon thing to end up at nothing.At least one important thing should/will happen for them before someone dies. As for Cersei...a million times YES.For 7 seasons what she does is to basically only talk yet she has become one the greatest villains ever imo.She hasn't moved her finger(hell what is the last time we have seen her out of the palace?) yet her twisted mind has kneeled armies,eradicated families and led nations.What a boss.Tywin is nothing to her honestly.
  13. This is just me making scenarios in my mind but maybe the dragons are good with those Daenerys trusts...and before Jon we only had Tyrion (i think at the moment of when the Tyrion scene happenned Dany had exiled Jorah).Maybe they can sense Dany's feeling towards someone and they behave accordingly.It's not a Targaryen thing but a Daenerys thing.Think of it as a dog...a huge,fire breathing dog but more reckless and vicious.
  14. Yeah this season in partucular she is totally killing it!Easiky the MVP for me. She does not need words....she says it all with her eyes.And her "faith" monologue was terrific.Anyone who complains at this point i think has a beef with the character.Clarke is absolutely phenomenal.
  15. BS most probably.To begin with,it does not seem that the two leaks coincide.Other than that,apparently the scipt has just been finished written by D&D like the day before yesterday and is being slowly distributed,probably to excutives first.Chances are that not even the actors have gotten their hands on the script yet.Hell they are still working on other projects. Remember that S7 leaks came out right before S7 finished shooting and was mostly coming from reports from set.S8 still has a long way to go before shooting commences.
  16. When the leaked spoilers came out almost a year ago i was stupid enough to read them because i was so sure they were fake.I regret it now but i still find the episodes amazing.
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