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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. Can we discuss leaked spoilers in spoiker tags...ot this is absolutely prohibited no matter the form of the leaked spoiker?There is something i desperately wanna ask...
  2. HOLY FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK WHAT AN EPISODE! They are killing it this season! YES i get it had no action but it was much needed and it perfectly set what should be two phenomenal final episodes! I loved it so much because characters made thir desicions that will ultimately lead to bigger things.
  3. It's the reprocussions of the loot train attack and the continuation of one of the series' most well receicved and the highest rated episode.So yeah it's a big one.But it's GoT...every episode is big when it comes to attracting audiences.
  4. With the supposed LD expantion WW should crawl to top 5 all-time domestic superhero movies with 410+ M and maybe even a 4x multy. I think ending above Civil War is given at this point,even though Civil War opened with 76M more. Incredible to say the least. Rest of its domestic run should get it past 800M WW with Japan probably probably pushing it to 820M final total.
  5. If The Nun and The Crooked Man can keep up the good will of The Conjuring Universe then the 3rd entry in the main series will be a real juggernaut.Maybe even 400M will be in play. And IDK about the Crooked Man but that the Nun is probably the most well received monster in the universe so far and it's bound to have at least a decent run.I wonder what other miracle will Wan's imagination comes up with for TC3....and i think the same kind of intrigue is shared by audiences around the world as well,which will only help TC3. I can see this universe being held as one of the most impactful in the genre.They have creates something trully unique.
  6. 2018 seems like a great year for them as well but not as good as 2017 so i don't know if they can hold on to the spot. Aquaman,Ocean's 8 and,Tomb Raider,The Nun and Ready Player One should be good.Buuuut 2019 again seems like a biggie for them with the return of the queen,Shazam! (which could be really huge if they find the perfect tone) ,another DCEU film (which HOLLY HELL could be Reeve's The Batman),Godzilla 2 and to WB Event films that i have no idea what they are. The DCEU alone could bring as much as 1B Domestically.
  7. Yeah this one's was good.Very good.I just love when a horror film does not rely on jumpscares and gore yet still manages to give you a feel of unease throughout its runtime.Good performances across the board.The Conjuring universe keeps on winning.
  8. I had zero interest for this but...it looks absolutely phenomenal.Count me in. It seems like one of these very rare atmospheric horror films that don't rely on jumpscares to disturb you but on plot ,performances and atmosphere...which is waaaay more terryfying. P.S: After all these years Michelle Pfeifer is still one of the most beautiful actresses working.So excited about her comeback.
  9. Is this left filed jugernaut locked for 1B.HOLY FCK what an epic year for the industry...
  10. The Conjuring Universe seems to be a goldmine for WB.If the budget for this is even remotely close to the first film then WB will have profit from it in its opening weekend alone.And with these reviews the film may leg it out to something close to 100M DOM.Hell,there is a need for a good horror flick in the market right now and fans of the genre will suck this up f it is indeed good.
  11. Disagree.Man from UNCLE is a prime example that he is more than capable.Now if only the next MOS wirter gives him the right material so he can be as charming and charisnatic as Guy Ritchie let him be.
  12. If WB gets Bond then watch Cavill becoming the next Bond.He has prooven that he can pull it off ,he is a fan favorite and WB is more than eager to keep offering new projects to actors from "inside the family"....plus,it can help the MOS franchise and vice versa.
  13. It was very sad to lose Olenna, the queen of the sass but it was a very fitting end for her. 4 I believe Bran's return felt anticlimatc but thinking more about it ,it's plausible for him to be so stone cold...he knows everything that has ever happenned and that kind of knowledge weighted in on him.Arya's return should be glorious though.Her absense was felt. Sansa seems to be a good leader.Her character's growth over the years is incredible. Cersei is a fcking ---- but it's the kind of character that you want to stay as long as possible.She is an amazing,interesting and well-layered character.It's mindblowing to think that she has done all these dispecable things out of love.Credit to the the writers and ,of coure,Headey. Not much to be said about Jon in this episode.But Jon+Dany is another story...they are basically the same person but noone knows it yet.Both kind and compassionate and both care for their people.And ,yes, it's obvious that sooner or later the writers intent to bring them together. Incest FTW i guess.Love how both were trying to one up each other but Dany chose her words more carefully so she came out on top. Terrific episode.Can't wait for Dany's rage next week.
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