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Jayhawk the Hutt

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Everything posted by Jayhawk the Hutt

  1. A really good weekend for A Walk in the Woods. Looks pretty mediocre but they picked a good weekend to release it.
  2. That accent by Smith tho. Looks interesting. Best part will be seeing the NFL's reaction to it.
  3. Holy shit. Just saw that Compton #. This thing could hit 200m if holds well through the weekend.
  4. Despite all the sequels, I'm really excited for this lineup. The original stuff looks great, and I'm very hopeful for the sequels as well.
  5. It'll have a great chance to increase from estimates through the night, noting that the WC should be huge for this.
  6. The Third Man is awesome. Wish I was getting it here.
  7. It may not have been great, but it's not like any of the movies on that list had really high budgets. They did really well for a year with no tentpoles.
  8. Everything is set for this to break out. Relevant topic, super popular group that nostalgia has set in for, great marketing, and solid reviews.
  9. Clearly this movie will drive minorities to commit violent acts. You know they can't control themselves, it's an instinct once they see a movie like this. Hide ya kids, hide ya wife. /s
  10. I don't know, it cheapened the writing and seemed like an easy way to advance the story. I let it slide because of the atmosphere and just an exciting story told me Weir. I agree. That could be really well done in a visual context, because we actually see it, instead of being told.
  11. I think I'll enjoy the movie more than the book, which is really, really rare for me. The book just didn't quite click for me, though I don't regret reading it before the movie. My main problem is the writing style/presentation of the book, but the foundation is there for a great movie.
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