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Everything posted by Quigley

  1. Weekend 14-17/01/2016 Ranking Title Weekend admissions % Change from last weekend Total admissions Week 1 Νοτιάς (Notias) 41,886 N/A 41,886 1 2 Ένας Άλλος Κόσμος (Enas Allos Kosmos; aka Worlds Apart) [GR] 33,957 -35.9% 549,101 5 3 The Hateful Eight 18,602 -30.1% 62,501 2 4 Star Wars: The Force Awakens 17,424 -51.3% 413,026 4 5 The Big Short 15,424 -13.9% 43,240 2 6 Secret in their Eyes 11,548 N/A 11,548 1 7 The Little Prince 11,027 -37.8% 79,875 3 8 The Good Dinosaur 9,612 -35.2% 167,911 5 9 In the Heart of the Sea 5,506 -63.0% 76,260 3 10 Rams 1,700 N/A 1,700 1 Source: http://www.flix.gr/news/box-office-14012016.html This weekend was less heated than I expected. 'Notias' lagged in relation to almost all comparable films: 'Touch of Spice' (65,000 admissions), 'Brides' (60,000), 'El Greco' (141,000), 'God Loves Caviar' (85,116), 'Little England' (60,312) all earned significantly more on their opening weekend, and in some cases from much less screens. I personally find it hypocritical when big American media outlets make predictions about films before their release that turn out to be very inaccurate, but they then immediately write a piece on "Why [insert film title] flopped?" or "How [insert film title] broke the opening-weekend record". If they know reasons for this, why did they not use them prior to its release to make a more accurate prediction? In any case, I have to say I found the opening of 'Notias' disappointing to say the least and I was anticipating an opening nearer to 100,000 admissions. Its opening-weekend figure could be seen in a more positive light if it had at least been around 60,000 admissions. Comparing it to the above Greek films, though, I can see that its lack of direct connection to any historical figures or events was a major drawback. Furthermore, all these films were released before the Christmas holidays and built up word-of-mouth by the time Christmas had arrived. Although I doubt this has much to do with its underwhelming performance, its post-holiday release could have contributed to a certain extent, since people may have felt it is too early to pursue another trip to the cinemas. It was also attached to very big names (Evanthia Reboutsika, a renowned music composer in Greece, and the director of 'Touch of Spice'), but it did admittedly resemble 'Touch of Spice' a bit too much. Another factor may have been the ongoing popularity 'Worlds Apart', which continues to roam, with a 5th weekend above 30,000 admissions. Finally, reviews were not fantastic so maybe word-of-mouth was also not great. It may be that all these factors together resulted in this opening, but for all I know, the actual reasons may be completely different. I don't wanna sound too gloomy though: this type of film tends to generate the biggest mulitples so I won't be surprised if it reaches 200,000 admissions and I'm (naïvely, one would say) hoping for more. Due to the mediocre performance of this week's major opener, it may not baffle you that other films had decent drops. Apart from 'Star Wars 7' and 'In the Heart of the Sea', all films in top 10 dropped less than 40%. After the end of holidays, it became clear that Star Wars will not have an Avatar-esque run. Its precipitous drops continued this weekend as it is still lagging behind 'Spectre', which finished its 4th weekend with 20,000 admissions and a cumulative total of 444,000. 'In the Heart of the Sea', despite dropping more than 60%, has surpassed 75,000 admissions in what can only be described as a solid run. After becoming the biggest film of 2015, 'Worlds Apart' surpassed 'What If...', to become Papakaliatis's best directorial effort (he's only got two anyway). It also inched past local film 'Nisos' (548,733 admissions). Next on the list of Greek films is 'Brides' which is sitting at a comfortable distance at about 700,000 admissions. Although such a total is possible, I think 'Worlds Apart' will more likely settle for a total at about 650,000. 'The Hateful Eight' and 'The Big Short' had the best holds of the weekend, in part possibly due to their Oscar nominations, and word-of-mouth is bound to help them maintain this dynamic. 'The Good Dinosaur' is still on its way to break into the top 10 of 2015 and 'The Little Prince' may reach 100,000 admissions, definitely impressive for a non-Hollywood animated film. Other newcomers, like 'Secret in their Eyes' and 'Rams' performed well in 28 and 2 theaters, respectively. No major Greek films left for the month but there will be a significant amount of foreign competition.
  2. So I guess $100M for SW7 is out of the question, but there may still be a chance for ¥10B?
  3. Star Wars will be the first of the three to surpass HP7:P2 in OS w/o China. It might actually reach $1B OS w/o China. Hoping it can surpass FF7. HP7:P2 made $30M on 5th weekend and $100M on remaining weekends (it was also on its 2nd China weekend). Fingers crossed.
  4. @Zamor If you're messaging them let me know at latest 24 hours after this message. Otherwise I'll message them.
  5. I thought Saturday increased from Friday close to 100% for most films. Why such a low increase for SW7?
  6. I think FF7 OS is a tough target. Won't get that high probably. Also it must be sad for Potter fans that the film dropped three spots on the OS chart this year. It's not even in the Top 5 anymore...
  7. With a 39m yuan Friday, a 150m yuan weekend is very likely for SW7, right?
  8. 'Worlds Apart' has sold more than 500,000 admissions. The sources say it achieved this "in its first month of release". If by "month" they meant its first 30 days, its 30th day is today, Friday the 15th. This is impossible so the number is either up to and including Wednesday the 13th, and maybe Thursday the 14th. In any case, this is perfect timing since 'Notias' was released on Thursday, so 'Worlds Apart' will be facing fierce competition from now on. http://www.koutipandoras.gr/article/160007/pano-apo-500000-eisitiria-gia-tin-tainia-enas-allos-kosmos-toy-hristoforoy
  9. BOM uses the current exchange rate, which is why you may see a decrease in the total gross from one week to the next in certain cases (extremely unprofessional on their part). I don't know how studio's work out the dollar gross, but I would assume they divide each day's gross by the daily ER, unless they have other agreements with the cinema chains.
  10. This thread's title has not changed for too long. I will send a message to the administrators in 24 hours and ask them to make me manager of this thread so that I can change the title. If anyone else is willing to become manager, please reply within the next 24 hours saying you intend to do so. Ideally, you should update the title about once a week or whenever there is breaking news (no pressure, though, seriously - it's ok to miss it once in a while just not too often), so bear in mind this commitment before saying you plan to become manager. I would be really happy if someone else wanted to do this because I'm already a manager of two other threads, but it's not such a big deal so don't worry if you can't volunteer for this.
  11. So Avatar is going down and, unless Quo Vado? has drops of more than 50% on subsequent weekends, Titanic is going down too, right?
  12. Weekend 07-10/01/2016 Ranking Title Weekend admissions % Change from last weekend Total admissions Week 1 Ένας Άλλος Κόσμος (Enas Allos Kosmos; aka Worlds Apart) [GR] 52,986 -10.5% 481,122 4 2 Star Wars: The Force Awakens 35,799 -47.3% 378,687 3 3 The Hateful Eight 26,602 N/A 26,602 1 4 The Big Short 17,910 N/A 17,910 1 5 The Little Prince 17,727 -34.4% 66,738 2 6 In the Heart of the Sea 14,872 -43.0% 62,569 2 7 The Good Dinosaur 14,842 -37.9% 156,535 4 8 Joy 3,738 -51.3% 35,998 3 9 Ουζερί Τσιτσάνης (Ouzeri Tsitsanis) [GR] 2,125 -43.7% 113,968 6 10 Point Break 1,790 -59.9% 26,208 3 Source: http://www.grandmagazine.gr/ngine/article/2872/oi-giortes-teleiosan-oxi-omos-kai-i-eispraktikh-fora-tou-allou-kosmou 'Worlds Apart' was, as expected, the winner of the weekend. The % drop, however, beat even the most optimistic expectations. It is now guaranteed to surpass Papakaliatis's first directorial effort 'What If...' and may well be headed for 600,000 admissions. The latter will be determined by next week's drop, since 'Notias' is bound heat up the box office and blow away the competition. 'Star Wars 7', on the other hand, continued its trajectory with another big % drop. It is already the third biggest film of the year, a position it will likely retain but not improve. 'Spectre' grossed a third weekend of about 39,000 admissions, with a total of about 407,000 admissions by its third Sunday. Both figures are higher than those for 'Star Wars 7'. 'The Hateful Eight' and 'The Big Short' had solid openings. 'The Little Prince' and 'In the Heart of the Sea' had good holds but neither are heading for more than 100,000 admissions. 'Joy' and 'Point Break' continued their anemic run. 'The Good Dinosaur' had another solid hold and is headed for a position in the year's Top 10. Its opening did not bode well for the film but it has surprised since then, maintaining an impressive dynamic. I'll do a comparison with other Pixar films soon. Finally, 'Ouzeri Tsitsanis' is near the end of its underwhelming run. The only other newcomer of the week, 'Nahid' sold 938 admission in 2 theaters, scoring a similar per-theater average to the other newcomers and the third biggest of the weekend. Everyone's attention is now towards next weekend's 'Notias' (literally translates to 'auster' or 'sirocco'). Can its director's connection to 'Touch of Spice' help it score 100,000 admissions on its opening? Bet away...
  13. However there was one single-day Sunday opening that did better...
  14. I always wanted to meet a DreamWorks fan. I never really believed such a person could exist. I personally despise DreamWorks films for their lack of originality, lack of genuine emotion, lack of good plot design, the stupidity of the jokes and the general lack of creative humor. They just don't have any self-respect. I'm not saying that all their movies are like this. There are always exceptions to the rule. If you like the exceptions a lot, I would understand that but you shouldn't call yourself a DreamWorks fan if that's the case. Just please don't tell me that the average DW film is better than any pre-Cars 2 Pixar film.
  15. Fourth biggest Hollywood midnight gross in China. Anything could happen from now on. Well above $50M for its first two days. Hoping it can come close to $100M.
  16. I think what matters most to me atm is that it makes $2B w/o China. If China can then gross over $200M, that would be perfect.
  17. I'm not implying that SW7 will match FF7's OD, but based exclusively on these factors, it's not impossible. Obviously there are other factors that affect the final outcome but the fact that SW7 has the same presales as FF7 is in no way a bad thing.
  18. Since there are more screens compared to when FF7 was released, the total possible number of presales and total possible number of walk-ups is bigger. This means that the biggest possible OD gross is bigger than when FF7 was released. The fact that SW7 presales are similar to FF7's (and actually slightly higher) just means that SW7 will earn a smaller percentage of the biggest possible opening day. Example (not real numbers) biggest possible number of presales for FF7: 1M actual presales: 450K (ratio 0.45) biggest possible opening day for FF7 based on number of screens: $100M actual OD: $64M (ratio 0.64) biggest possible number of presales for SW7: 1.3M actual presales: 450K (ratio 0.346) biggest possible opening day for SW7 based on number of screens: $130M prediction for OD: 0.45 ratio for presales gives 0.64 ratio for OD, so 0.346 ratio for presales gives... calculation... 0.492 ratio for OD. 0.492*130= $64M This is theoretical but it just shows that, in a market with a bigger number of screens, assuming the ratio of walk-ups to presales is the same for all movies, equal presales gives equal OD grosses.
  19. Presales are indeed picking up fast. I don't wanna get too optimistic but, according to some at the Chinese thread an opening day above 200m yuan (~$30M) is likely at the moment.
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