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Eric the Marxist

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Eric the Marxist last won the day on September 8

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About Eric the Marxist

  • Birthday 11/24/1997

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    Timothee pls marry me

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  1. Will say that I do have faith in Superman and Fantastic Four being big hits however. I have faith in both films' creative team, and it seems there's a lot of fandom excitement for those two in particular. Way more than most of the other superhero stuff coming down the pipeline.
  2. Will continue to argue until I'm blue in the face that the big push for big-budget superhero shows did a ton of damage for the movies and their appeal with both fans and the casuals. Both in the quality and just oversaturation in general. It's harder to make these movies good when executives and producers have to look over a bunch of streaming shows that serve as 6-hour movies, and it's harder to get all excited and interested in the next epic movie event when you have superhero content shoved in your face 24/7. And most of that content isn't even that good!
  3. It's times like these where it's hard to be an Arianator. Hearing her recite the lines that Kristen Chenoweth made oh so iconic is just...why couldn't we get an actual actress for the part?
  4. Moderation @HummingLemon496 that is enough of this constant “Joker is gonna bomb, it’s gonna have awful legs, it’s a huge failure, lol at the fanboys pretending it’s doing okay” rhetoric. I understand presales are poor, but repeating these mantras over and over and over and over again adds nothing to the conversation, and frankly is starting to border on concern trolling. Either add something new to the conversation, or leave the thread. Because if you continue this, you will see a thread ban.
  5. Worse hold than the IT movies, but it's also a PG-13 with kid/family appeal, so it's kind of hard to really parse this as a good or bad Monday.
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