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Everything posted by TServo2049

  1. Point well taken. The low weeks of the early 2000s were still big - there are weeks in the 10s that beat respective weeks in the early 00s, but they also never had the low lows the 10s have had on other weeks.
  2. Rush Hour still sold the second largest amount of tickets within the calendar month of September (behind The Sixth Sense, which released in August). No other movie has made $100M adjusted in September, or done a larger portion of its business in September than in any other month. (The biggest adjusted September releases, Crocodile Dundee and Fatal Attraction, made only a tiny bit of their money IN September.) I know, the chart, but still.
  3. Also, for the top page, the Age of Adaline estimate was fixed, it now correctly says $1.5 million.
  4. We use the word "fudge" too much. I know double features are technically fudging, but everyone does it, so it's not special. I guess another way to think of it would be that stuff like Puerto Rico is old-world family-recipe homemade fudge, and drive in double features are the stuff they put in E.L. Fudge cookies. Technically "fudge", but not REAL fudge.
  5. They don't have the foreign OW info for Jurassic World yet. I feel like the missing foreign info backlog will take the longest to fix, if it gets fixed at all.
  6. Where does this "Scooby-Doo in September 2018" info come from? It's not on BOM yet (and we can't blame Keith for not putting the date up, since we are now in the Age of Brad).
  7. Not happening. That was scheduled over two years ago, and I think SPA production may have gotten shaken up by the executive change up (Tom Rothman replacing Amy Pascal, Kristine Belson taking over at SPA). Beyond Get Smurfy and The Lamb, all we know is that Genndy is in development on Can You Imagine?, we know nothing new about Lauren Faust's Medusa. And Kelly Asbury is directing Get Smurfy, so his Kazorn & the Unicorn project must be temporarily on hold.
  8. I once read that back in the days when multiplexes were smaller and there were more of them, that there was a sort of gentlemen's agreement between theater operators/chains that the same movie would not play at two theaters within a five-mile radius. I am wondering if that partially contributed to movies not being dropped as quickly as they are today. Maybe they're all looking at this week's returns for M:I and Compton, and just assuming they'll make more from the new releases than holdovers. Their averages are getting low.
  9. Jurassic World was embargoed extremely late; it didn't get amazing reviews, but I remember reading people assuming the late embargo meant the film was going to be really bad.
  10. Did they just photoshop sunglasses onto an existing stock pose that I believe goes all the way back to the marketing for film 1?
  11. The trailer before Pitch Perfect 2 gave me more of an ABC Family vibe.
  12. Even though I can envision SW8 dropping from SW7 much like Empire and Clones, and I could actually see a scenario where GOTGv.2 has a HTTYD2-type "inexplicable" drop rather than a DMC/TDK-type breakout increase (also would not be surprised at a THG:CF-type "basically flat from the original" performance), I can't see how even Universal could best Disney in 2017. No JW2, for one thing. And I am not trying to be pessimistic about SW8/GOTG2, just saying that even under the worst-case scenario, Disney is very much likely to take the year.
  13. I dunno. Even before SW7 releases, I already feel SW8 has the potential for a TDKR/AOU-style drop (much like how I feel about JW2), if only based on the historical precedent of the SW franchise; the first episode of the trilogy is the high point, the second drops quite hard, the third somewhat recovers but is still below the first. Both Empire and Clones dropped, so depending on how SW7 does, SW8 could conceivably end up under $500M.
  14. Have we even heard an early predicted budget for the Infinity duology? And still, how is $500M for the two films "atrocious"? I mean, that would certainly be big, but the reported budgets for the first two Avengers movies combine to almost exactly $500M. (I wonder if that's where the prediction of a $500M budget for this one comes from?) For perspective, Pirates 2+3 were together budgeted at about $525M, in 2005-06 dollars. Adjusted for inflation, their combined budget would be $600M. (This is adding up the individual numbers on Wikipedia, not using the $450M cost they report for the two films together in a different chart.) So $500M total for Infinity War would be expensive for sure, but it wouldn't be "atrocious."
  15. Perlmutter has been tightfisted ever since he took over Marvel Comics. My only worry is that the budgets will start climbing. Even if the official $130m number for Ant-Man seems a little suspect - was it after Georgia tax credits or something? - solo films for new heroes shouldn't cost a ton. The coming new solo films shouldn't be spiraling out of control. Spend as much as you would have before, only with more generous salaries, and save the truly big budgets for the sequels and Avengers films.
  16. So this is not only Peter Pan Begins, but also Pan-vatar, with pixie dust as the stand-in for Unobtainium? And am I the only one who got a vibe of this being more a semi-knockoff of Stardust with the Peter Pan mythos grafted onto it? Meanwhile, there must be rejoicing at Disney, for this will be forgotten in five years and they can conceivably swoop in with their own live-action remake of the 1952 version, or their purported Peter and the Starcatchers adaptation, without fear of it being confused with this one. (Not saying that's a good thing either, but my point is that this has no chance of gaining a foothold in the public consciousness...)
  17. I don't believe it. With Brad Brevet now in charge, I pointed out some errors in a post on the Facebook page, and they got corrected within hours. He didn't even wait for when they did the next daily update. He didn't specifically respond to my posts, but it is clear that if you point out errors to him, he will fix them. Just a couple hours ago, I posted about the erroneous weekend 3 number for Self/Less, a mistake from almost 2 months ago, and it is now fixed. ALL HAIL BRAD, LORD AND SAVIOR OF BOXOFFICEMOJO.
  18. Holy shit, I pointed out the date error in a post to BOM's Facebook page, and the next day it was finally corrected to 9/23/16! They didn't reply to me on the FB post, but still, this cannot be a coincidence that it was corrected after I posted! ALL HAIL THE BRAD!!!
  19. As in, they are cringing too? Regardless of how this movie seemed on paper, how it could have turned out, how much effort Joe Wright put into it, or how it actually turns out, I get this feeling WB is thinking "OK, this was greenlit by the last regime and we're stuck with it, let's just get it over with."
  20. We need to stop pretending like we know when this will be coming out, but I do agree with you that Dec 2018 is the earliest possible date they will be able to make. This is becoming the cinematic equivalent of Duke Nukem Forever.
  21. Haven't we learned yet? There is no date for Avatar 2 until Fox officially announces one. So we need to stop pretending we know when it's "supposed to" come out.
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