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Everything posted by TServo2049

  1. Getting back on track, stuff like that is why Pixar has earned my trust and respect, and why I will always give their films a chance (as long as they're not Cars sequels - I don't hate Cars, I just "nothing" it. Hence why I've never seen Cars 2.)Other than that, if it's Pixar, I will see it in the theater.
  2. Read my edit about the fact that I had a very similar knee injury from falling off my bike as a kid. I was floored when I realized Ego's was also on his left knee, in the same general area where MY scar is (albeit his covers basically his entire knee, mine didn't)I wish *I* had had some comfort food after that.
  3. I love Ratatouille. At the time, it seemed to almost be an unintentional metaphor for how Lasseter (with Catmull and the Pixar brain trust) was going to save Disney animation. Remy = Lasseter, Gusteau = Walt Disney, Skinner = Eisner. Sure, thingd didn't COMPLETELY pan out that way - e.g.. the 2D unit ultimately being shuttered for the second time - but Tangled/WIR/Frozen have arguably "saved" WDAS to the point where they had two consecutive films get more praise than their year's respective PIXAR releases.Either way, even without that, I enjoy it immensely. I enjoyed it even BEFORE Ego's review. My favorite moment is actually when Ego eats the ratatouille and has his flashback - little kid Ego sniffling with the injured knee and the mangled bike just makes me go AWWWWWWWW. It made me go AWWWWWWW when I was 19 and it makes me go AWWWWWWWWW when I'm 26-going-on-27. (Doesn't hurt that I had a nasty bike wipeout when I was 9, for which I still have a scar - and watching that scene again, it was on the same knee in almost the same place! Weird...)
  4. Something I just realized: Dragon 1 may not have even crossed $200M if two-thirds of its sales hadn't been 3D. So getting to $300M in 2014 really would have required a Despicable Me 2-level admissions breakout.
  5. Dragon 2 boggles my mind in retrospect. Why DID everyone (including me) think it could pass $300M? I am asking this in all seriousness.
  6. This is true. I will admit, I didn't actually pay much attention to MMPR for the first couple of months. It was only with the Green Ranger 5-parter that I really took notice.
  7. I repeat: "Avatar doesn't have to have been the #1 film in the market in either admissions or gross, and the film that beat it doesn't have to be #1 today, or even have been #1 then. I just want to know which markets had a non-IMAX 2D film outgross Avatar."Yes, Avengers sold more tickets than INI. But that's not what I'm asking about. I just am interested to know which post-2009 standard 2D releases have outgrossed Avatar in a given OS market.
  8. Agreed on all points.I grew up on this show, I had all the toys, I saw the movie on opening night, No idea what this reboot is going to be. I know we'd expect it to be based on the "classic" era, but who says that's actually what it's going to be?EDIT: I got off of my original intended reply. I'm not trying to blindly defend the show or anything with that "jaded/cynical" comment. My point was that the people behind the show have admitted it was unintentional, they've apologized, and Walter Jones has shown no resentment, so why do Internet people keep snarking about it?
  9. Completely unintended. Apparently Walter Jones was originally going to be the Blue Ranger, and the original Trini wasn't Asian. Yes, Zack ended up being the Black Ranger and they recast the Yellow Ranger with an Asian, but the producers insist that they were not TRYING to make the Black Ranger African-American and the Yellow Ranger Asian.And as a kid, I NEVER put two and two together and realized that. Most other kids didn't either. That's just something jaded/cynical people like to bring up to sneer down their noses at the show. Power Rangers was goofy, it was stupid, but it was NOT racist.
  10. So is HTTYD2 not going to outgross HTTYD1? Will it end up with fewer admissions too?
  11. Insane that a film without 3D or IMAX has beaten Avatar in both admissions AND gross. The only other film I can think of to have done that was Elite Squad 2 in Brazil (even though The Avengers subsequently outgrossed it - but didn't beat its admissions). Did any other markets have a regular 2D film come out after Avatar and beat both its admissions and gross? Avatar doesn't have to have been the #1 film in the market in either admissions or gross, and the film that beat it doesn't have to be #1 today, or even have been #1 then. I just want to know which markets had a non-IMAX 2D film outgross Avatar.Looking at Mexico, Avatar has $44m and Instructions Not Included has $46m, but USD grosses for the top films in Mexico have gone up since 2009. I did compare their totals in pesos on the last weekends BOM recorded their grosses - INI is higher than Avatar. And since it's regular 2D, I assume INI also sold more tickets in Mexico than Avatar did?
  12. From what I've calculated, that would mean it's only going to make another $5M over the rest of its run. I know that in China, films can drop off quite quickly, but are you sure about that?$64-65M is still a very good total, though.
  13. Yeah, but Lego's not going to make an additional $2m from 25 locations, so if WB is really doing this to try to pass Cap, they're doing it wrong.
  14. Apes 2 in China looks like it could be the Chinese equivalent of one of those insane domestic sequel breakouts (Austin Powers 2, The Dark Knight), or Despicable Me 2's 100% OS increase...
  15. Um, not quite. Twice HTTYD1's OS gross would be almost $555 million. That's probably what DW was anticipating it to make pre-release, though...The fact that it will ultimately increase over 50% from Dragon 1, without 3D being the novelty it was in 2010, is still dang good. Especially after it stumbled domestically...
  16. Unfunny, lame and nakedly derivative. The Kraft Singles of CG animated features--no, make that the store-brand-knockoff-of-Kraft-Singles of CG animated features. It might as well have been an unreleased leftover from the Generic Me-Too CG Animated Feature Glut of '05-'07, just with Gangnam Style and an Angry Bird knockoff thrown in to disguise it. If you told me that the filmmakers had taken a Sally Struthers correspondence course on how to make a CG animated feature and this was the end result, I would actually believe you.I'm not giving this an F, because it failed at even being bad enough to deserve that low of a rating. An F would be rewarding this film, so it gets a D.And now, a short list of the things that still bug me:All the animals have names, or at least "type" names, yet the raccoon and the mole are just named Raccoon and Mole?Was this meant to be a 40s-50s period piece?Did they actually think it was funny to have absolutely none of the humans be able to recognize what a squirrel is?Remind me again, why is Grayson considered to be the hero of the park?The only reason Raccoon is able to maintain his Machiavellian rule over the park is because everyone there is too stupid to live.WHY WOULDN'T THE FAKE ANGRY BIRD DIE?!?!?!?
  17. What? Where did you read this? BOM currently has it as $413.2m.
  18. For one thing, China's weekend gross was underestimated by over $2.5M - the 11-day cume number reported with the Sunday studio estimate was $48.2M, while the 11-day cume gross reported with the China weekly finals was $50.8M.
  19. They even did a Wings sequel to cash in on Fire and Rescue. And both of them feature Josh Duhamel, Rob Schneider, Hilary Duff and TOM SKERRITT. What a weird cast of has-beens. (Except for Duhamel, what is HE doing there? At least Chloe Moretz has the excuse of dubbing Space Dogs BEFORE she became famous.)
  20. That would at least be more bizarrely funny than whatever I just watched.
  21. I think this movie actually killed some of my brain cells. Seriously, we need to do something hilariously bad next time, not just painfully mediocre. (I need to go back and watch Free Birds while reading the riffs, I missed out on that.)
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