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Everything posted by James

  1. Fight Club A+ Gone Girl A+ Zodiac A The Curious Case of BB A
  2. Fight Club (1999) - How come we don't have a thread for this?! I could swear I saw one, but now it's nowhere to be found.
  3. I know it's probably a generational thing, but we watched this in english class 3 years ago. Man, was is boring! And so damn long!
  4. The first Thor is my favourite Disney Marvel movie. This, on the other hand... such a disappointment. C
  5. Well, I hoped for TDKR to be higher. But at least all three LOTR movies will make the top.
  6. Hmm... from what I read it's gotta be Suicide Squad. If DC keeps it's dark, gritty style this could be awesome. Sort of like GotG should've been. I have no interest in anything else (ok, maybe WW sounds a bit interesting because I love mythology).
  7. If marketed right, this could be a gold mine for WB (and considering what a tentpole free year 2015 is for them, this could actually beat Mad Max, Conjuring 2 and Pan for their biggest film WW). 'Moby Dick' is an insanely popular novel and the trailer looks good. Europe at least will do gangbuster business. But they should move it. It opens the same weekend as Cinderella and they have more or less the same audience. Granted, INTOTS will skew older, but I can see it bringing in some young audience too.
  8. Nice. So with 3D and inflation15-20M could happen if marketed well.
  9. What is HP's track record there? I'm curious since I wanna know what to expect from Fantastic Beasts. Italy seems to be the first territory that gets it, on Nov 11, a week ahead of any other country.
  10. Annabelle Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $65,295,403 50.0% + Foreign: $65,200,000 50.0% = Worldwide: $130,495,403 It's amazing how much of a brand The Conjuring has become. Annabelle will finish over the biggest PA movie OS (PA 3 - 103M) and has a good chance of beating the biggest PA WW (also PA 3 with 207M). And it's a freakin spin-off. I see TC 2 at around 400M WW. So in 2016 we'll get either TC 3 or the Annabelle sequel. 2016 is looking more and more like a monster year for WB. BvS - 1B lock Fantastic Beasts - 800M is the absolute floor for it Ninjago - 500M+ Suicide Squad - I have no clue, but Warner has a lot betting on it and they'll push it hard. So around 500M I guess. Conjuring 3 - 400M+ or Annabelle 2 - 300M+ And then you have: King Arthur (my guess is around 400M) Jungle Book Tarzan (I have no clue about these two) Live By Night (their typical fall adult drama with Ben Affleck starring, directing and writing - 100M DOM at least and seems like an Oscar bait) Geostorm + other movies (my guess is we might see a We're The Millers sequel)
  11. Great, great movie! Easily Top 3 for the year. I haven't read the book so I went in unspoiled. Awesome story, directing and acting. I see a lot of praise for Pike, but not nearly enough for Affleck. In the end, he carried a big part of the movie and that question (is he guilty or not?) remained unanswered till the middle of the film because of his acting skills. My audience also liked it. A few claps at the end, which never happens here. A+
  12. I love this movie . It's also a case of film where it's easier to root for the 'bad guy', because he's much more interesting and likable than the main character. But the fight scened are nicely done. A-
  13. As a general fact, I can understand this. For example, we have elections for a new president too and I'll vote for the one that benefits my way of living better. I don't give a fuck if the rest of the country goes to shit as long as the "category" I'm a part of lives well. That's how 99% of the people think and it's perfectly understandable.
  14. WEEKEND BOX OFFICE Shitty days are back. We had 4 new openers, all in the disappointment - flop - bomb - mega 'I can't fuckin believe how bad this is' bomb territory and 'Dracula Untold' ruled the box office again with no problems. - Dracula maintained it's top position after a 52% slide. That's an ok-ish drop considering it's huge OW. 1M is still well within reach. - In second place, A Walk Among The Tombstones opened to 15.819 admissions (and $ 87K). That's only half of 'Non-Stop''s OW earlier this year. Considering the strong competition in the coming weeks and the not-so-great WOM it's safe to say the latest Neeson flick will fade fast. - Despite opening lower than expected last weekend, Gone Girl had a good 37% drop and thanks to strong WOM it will end with a decent gross. - In fourt place, The November Man opened to a little over 10.000 adm on 46 theatres. That's a bomb right there and it's no wonder considering the crowded thriller-action market. - In face of competition, The Equalizer dropped a harsh 59%. Ultimately,it should earn around 600K and that's a success for it. - The Maze Runner continues to do strong business. It fell 39% and has totaled 530K so far. - The House of Magic had another excellent hold, off only 14%. It's at 495K right now. - Let's Be Cops and Guardians of the Galaxy both had nice holds. - How To Train Your Dragon 2 re-enters Top 10 in it's 17th weekend (lol), after increasing 11% (last weekend it increased 14%). It has grossed a very good 755K so far. This just shows how neglected are the family audiences lately. - Outside Top 10, the third opener, What If, opened to under 1.000 admissions from 7 theatres, but the reasult is anything but surprising: teen romance movies are dead here. - The local movie Q.E.D. was the bomb of all bombs. It opened to 2.650 adm from 46 theatres and thanks to cheap tickets it actually earned less than 'What If'. Local market - dead. Next week's openers: - Annabelle - Before I Go To Sleep - Kill The Messenger - Poarta Alba (The White Gate - local movie) Horror movies don't do well here. 'The Conjuring' was no exception. If 'Annabelle' manages to reach that's movies 11.800 adm OW, it should be deemed a success. The other two movies will likely flop and the local movie will bomb.
  15. I don't think any of them are what you'd call general draws (like Cruise for example). Affleck has a better track record, but mainly because he chooses his roles carefully. RDJ is a draw for his franchises.
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