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Everything posted by James

  1. ? If that holds, and thats a big if, it only shows some big signs of being frontloaded. 200M is far from locked.
  2. Imagine if it also keeps the OD record even with the 7pm Thursday thing
  3. 85-89? IF that holds I'll laugh my ass off. After all the shitty comments that this is locked to obliterate DH2s OD blah blah blah, that is just plain bad. It would also be very frontloaded compared to all Marvel previous movies. And it would mean nothing will take the OD record for a VERY LONG time.
  4. How is 200M locked? This will be more frontloaded than the first one.
  5. BD2 made it and it was in 2D and DH2 obliterated that number and it didn't need to cheat it's way there. #Myfranchiseisbetterthanyours
  6. Didn't this 7am midnights start only after TDKR?
  7. Ok, I'll eat my crow: this was fuckin great! How are people actually preferring the first Avengers over this. The first one was incredibly dull, but this. OMG, was it awesome! The action scenes were really great, Marvel FINALLY had a good villain, which I actually felt sorry for. I really sympathized with Ultron. My favourite sene was the city rising from the ground. That was epic. I had some problems with Vision as a character. He seemed pretty unexceptional after all the blah blah blah with that stone, but oh well, it was just a minor setback. Even Cap managed not to annoy me this time, which is incredible and, per se, the best character was Ultron, followed by Tony. I also really enjoyed the slightly darker tone. Couldve been even better from this POV, but oh well. A
  8. Me neither, but it only needs to make around 1.5M to beat AoU and it has a huge advantage, the Winter Holidays and that is ALWAYS the biggest BO period of the year.
  9. Its actually weaker than Thor 2 in USD. And yeah, your are right, thankfully, we are not so crazed about superheroes. Either way, AoU will likely have good legs. Most Marvel movies do. And it will end up in Top 5 for the year if something doesnt surprise. I'm curious whether if can beat 50 Shades in USD. If it has the exact same legs as TA it will barely do it, but I see it being slightly more frontloaded. FF7, Spectre, 50 Shades and likely SW will end up making more than it. I think Jurassic World also has a chance if it has good legs. MJ2, with 3D and a potential finale boost also has a slight chance.
  10. Yeah, that theme is one of the most memorable ever used in a movie, whether you like it or not. You are clearly not able to make a difference between a movie and it's score. Pirates 2 will be higher. It was #3 on my list.
  11. AoU just had the 2nd biggest OW for a SH movie here, behind Thor: The Dark World in USD (even though it beat TDW in admissions) and the 4th biggest OW of the year, behind FF7 (AoU OW is 1/3 of that), 50 Shades (1/2 of that) and Taken 3.
  12. I'd really wish to understand why people like Jon so much. I find his narrative line to be the the most boring, both in books and the movies.
  13. Well, you are entitled to your own opinion, even if disagree. My top 10 looked like this: 1. Shore 2. Shore 3. Zimmer 4. Jablonsky 5. Shore 6. Williams 7. Zimmer 8. Zimmer 9. Doyle 10. Williams
  14. Are you deaf? Jut because you dont like the movie it doesnt mean the soundtrack isnt magnificent.
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