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Everything posted by James

  1. Nah, I needed someone to fight with about that and here it got the most exposure. Not fun in the BvS thread You people are so by the rules
  2. Listening to some soundtracks I got to this: Can we agree this is the most impressive and unbelievable fight scene in any SH movie ever?
  3. It's Gyllehaal's best movie, which is saying a lot considering almost all his movies are great.
  4. WEEKEND BOX OFFICE Haven't had time for an analysis of the past last weekend, but here's some info: Great opening for Get Hard and pretty bad for Home. And good holds for almost everything, expcept for 'The Gunman'. 'Insurgent' is doing very well. Now, regarding this weekend, we have Furious 7, which will be huge. 100.000+ adm OW for sure and one of the biggest opening weekends ever. We also have Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Neverbeast, which will open pretty big methinks. The last year, 'The Pirate Fairy' debuted with over 30.000 adm. 'Neverbeast' might not top that, but it should at least come close.
  5. Late here, but great for FF! 1B WW seems likely. Catching up, what's with the Paul Walker' death denial effect? The franchise suddenly has a huge increase, anyone thinking this wasn'y about PW's passing is just delusional. Also, why compare TA2 with this. This had a clear reason for increasing that much. TA2 doesn't. As for the MJ2 talk, it will make 400M. MJ1 managed to make 340M without 3D, the finale factor and with no action. That basically tells you that franchise is bullet proof.
  6. Awesome! I really hope I see Donnie Darko on the list.
  7. You see, this is where people get it wrong. Basically Disney took 3 preexisting franchise, CA and Thor, and IM that Paramount developed, then released TA as their first MCU movie, which was a novelty and was a huge hit and then these franchises became big because of the exposure. GotG is the first movie that was really shaped on the MCU name. So what track record? It is really annoying because Disney does this and when Warner does it people say it's wrong. Ant Man has a less attractive premise, seems less family friendly, the trailer was not so good, the ER will be much much worse than for Guardians etc.
  8. The next one will drop big. It's not like TDKR, that lost it's villain. This is the one of the main 2 characters we're talking about. Plus, because of Walker's death, F7 will be bigger than it would have normally been.
  9. I actually like Walker's character the most so this will kinda be the last FF for me. Hope it will be awesome.
  10. The Rock is what ruined the last movie for me. The guy is a black hole of talent. Diesel is not much better either, but at least it feels like he fits there.
  11. Ugh, Yoda is so annoying. Like a talking little broccoli without a proper sense of syntax.
  12. Cabin Fever 2. That's pretty much the only movie where I felt I wanna punch the screen. That aside, I generally like sequels more than the originals. Generally.
  13. I love Christensen's acting. In fact, when I made the list, there were 17 characters and David Rice, his character in Jumper, was no. 16.
  14. It's pretty much the exact opposite for me. I loved the character. In fact, it's one of my favourite characters ever on screen.
  15. ? He is the only thing that makes ROTS the only decent SW movie. I like watching him turn dark. If you look closely, that is a main theme in my list. Characters with dark nuances are much more interesting than your bland, all good characters.
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