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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. After ~8 years of bad villains, the last few MCU movies have all had excellent villains. Hela, Vulture, Killmonger and now Thanos have all been superb, and in completely different ways.
  2. Amusingly, among others, I got a Justice League trailer. Yes, really. Everyone thought it was an Aquaman trailer at first, but after about 15 seconds it was like, "Wait, this is the Justice League trailer..."
  3. Crap, I totally forgot to check out sell-outs around here. Edit - Oh, I forgot there was a reason I stopped checking. An Alamo Drafthouse opened here in the fall which skewed the supply/demand so the sellout rate won't really be comparable to TFA or even Last Jedi.
  4. CW is neck and neck with GotG for being my favorite MCU movie, but I totally get why folks who hadn't seen 285739857 prior MCU movies weren't quite as on-board with Civil War as I was.
  5. But I came up with all those glorious league names!
  6. I already hate my list, but can't figure out what about it I want to edit.
  7. I rewatched the Princess Bride not that long ago, and, call me a plebeian, but it had actually aged slightly in the way that Buttercup essentially does nothing except be really pretty. On the other hand, I finally got around to watching Starship Troopers and liked it more than I expected to. It has a Robocop-lite vibe to it.
  8. 105M OW is now locked. Oh, wait, that's Friday.
  9. Ditto! Here we go! Edit - Having a hard time deciding whether or not to edit my preseason. Did badly on Week 0 so the cost isn't high, but I'm actually still pretty happy with my picks. Maybe tonight.
  10. 41.56M - Thursday64.55M - Friday71.55M - Saturday60.55M - Sunday 238.21M - weekend
  11. AND BEYOND! 1. Will Avengers Open to more than $210M? 1000 YES 2. Will Avengers Open to more than $250M? 2000 NO 3. Will Avengers Open to more than $230M? 3000 YES 4. Will Avengers Saturday increase from its true Friday (excluding Thursday previews)? 4000 YES 5. Will Will Avengers' Sunday be more than 5 times higher than second place's weekend gross? 5000 YES 6. Will Black Panther finish in a higher position this weekend than last weekend? 1000 YES 7. Will Rampage drop less than 50%? 2000 NO 8. Will truth or dare stay above blockers? 3000 NO 9. Will any film in the top 10 drop more than 70%? 4000 NO 10. Will Ready player One's PTA stay above $2000? 5000 NO 11. Will Super Troopers increase more than 40% on Saturday? 1000 YES 12. Will Quiet Place drop more than 33% on Sunday? 2000 YES 13. Will I Feel pretty make more than $9M? 3000 NO 14. Will Isle of Dogs increase more than 175% on Friday? 4000 NO 15. Will the top 12 make more than $300M? 5000 YES 16. Will Traffic stay above Isle of Dogs? 1000 NO 17. Will I feel Pretty have the worst PTA in the top 5? 2000 YES 18. Will Bharat Ane Nenu drop less than 60%? 3000 YES 19. Will Blockers make more than $1.25M on Saturday? 4000 NO 20. Will there be rioting in the streets when IW 'only' makes $185M? 5000 Little know fact: this is how the Purge originally started. Bonus: 12/20 3000 13/20 5000 14/20 8000 15/20 12000 16/20 16,000 17/20 20,000 18/20 26,000 19/20 32,000 20/20 40,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Avengers make for its 3 day OW? 238m 2. What will Ready Player One's Sunday gross be? 1.1m 3. What will Black Panther's PTA be for the 3 day weekend? 2,050 Part C: There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 1. Avengers Infinity War 3. Rampage 6. Super Troopers 2 8. Black Panther 9. Truth or Dare 11. Traffik
  12. Proposed league names below. Worth noting that while some are fake, others are actual team names. To be clear, I get that they're leagues, not teams, but I figure we can take an expansive view if people find them funny enough. Columbia College Fighting Koalas New Orleans Clown Punchers Nippon Hamfighters Portland Wetsocks Empire State School of Beauty Fighting Cosmetologists Poughkeepsie State Flying Cougars St. Louis College of Pharmacy Eutectics Whiskey Bay Skipjacks
  13. I'll play if there's room. I've been meaning to get back into doing this for a while now.
  14. Well, yes and no. If you don’t turn in preseason predicts at all, then you’d still get the week 0 score. However, the preason predicts could be as much as 40% of your total game score (over 1 million if you do reasonably well and much higher if you really crush it), while the week 0 score will probably be like 50-80k depending on how you do. Point being: preseason predicts are pretty important.
  15. As a time saver, its fine to glance through other folks’s answers to find the right ballpark. I mean, you’ll never win relying enitrely on that (waiting for a past winner to chime in that that’s exactly how they won), but if you’re unsure its a good way to get started.
  16. Hmm. I'm down to the "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" stage ("Hmm, Deadpool 2 DOM doesn't seem quite right. I'll bump it up $2M. That's better.") which makes me feel better about the number until I think about it again 10 minutes later and bump it down $3M. etc etc. Guess I'm done.
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