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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Rampage Is the Only Mutant Alligator Movie With the Guts to Re-create 9/11
  2. dammit my new name doesn't fit on my posts
  3. You know movies are not cheap to make... hiring very well paid actors/writers etc as well as the large crews and post production teams. You ever watch to the end in a FOX film? After the film has finished they display a card that says "Thank you for supporting the 15,000 people who worked on this film" or whatever the number is, usually it's 15,000+ for a blockbuster/tentpole. Hiring 15,000 people on a single project costs a bit of money... Also what do you mean "no movie would recoup its budget"? If a film costs 300M and it grosses like 600M at the box office, then yes it does get its money back... plus theres hundreds of millions to be made ffrom home video - DVD, streaming, TV rights. Then you have merchandise sales too. Films do make money. This is what the business is.
  4. nope, they can keep the embargo as late as they like. But showings for Rampage are at 8pm here and its now 3pm.... really pushing it.I dont get why they just dont release the reviews, doesn't matter if they are bad imo. public is going to find out what the film's like regardless.
  5. The independent put their review up then quickly took it down, all I can see is the title. "Rampage review: Dwayne Johnson's new film has completely lost the plot"
  6. Yes but it's also a good source in itself, most of the time it is reliable and informative and correct. Pretty sure studies have found that it's more accurate than authored encyclopedias and has fewer errors.
  7. Gonna look at this tonight. Thread title says there are several SOTMs, I assume I can do all of these still right, none of them have ended? Since the game hasnt started yet?
  8. 6 more tickets sold for a showing tonight - there are now TEN people seeing it!
  9. In my experience - trailer views are meaningless yes, but genre has a big impact. Would have to dig out my old laptop to find that data but genre is absolutely a factor. I have never looked at cinemascore.
  10. Deadpool is Fox, which is owned by.....
  11. yet look at for example 200M movies... there is only one non disney that will make 200M+ which is Jurassic World. Maybe the Grinch, also universal. meanwhile disney will have several movies with multiple hundreds of millions. Black Panther ~700M, Avengers 500M, Solo 300M, Incredibles 300M, Mary Poppins maybe 300M etc
  12. that was nothing to do with the date that was cause it was Halloween in october.....
  13. Quiet Place, Ghost Stories and Truth or Dare open within a week of each other, why is there so much horror crammed into such a small space/
  14. The writer is making a sequel of the book so I think it is very possible, even if its not Spielberg doing it. It's at 400M worldwide in a week and a half - while it would be great to stand on its own like other spielberg blockbusters, in a reality where everything has to be a franchise, a 600M+ movie would be looking pretty lovely for WB to be making a new franchise.
  15. Why wouldn't unlimited previews count? Unlimited tickets count towards every other movie, I'm sure the same is true for the previews. I just meant its interesting that you have a clear figure from "private" previews which we don't usually see.
  16. Does that mean its various unlimited/mystery previews several weeks ago earned £200K then? Interesting.
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