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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. I can't wait. A friend dragged me along to the second one in the cinema as a joke, and I fell completely in love with it. Man 2014 was a good summer for movies.
  2. saw fellowship of the ring in the cinema tonight. What a film. Never saw any of them in the cinema before. Now really want to see the 35mm print trilogy when it comes around to London again.
  3. Family film can still mean parents + teenage kids. Dont imagine there will be many under 10s seeing Rampage but that's similar to other films like Jurassic World. Not kid friendly but still plays like a family movie.
  4. Hadn't quite realised the US is getting it much later than everywhere else either. I thought it was the same weekend as the first one. I'm not gonna be able to see it OW because of download sad times.
  5. Can someone tell me I'm not going crazy that the CGI was pretty hokey in this? All the closeups of the animals were good, but the shots of them running were really static/robotic and didn't look like they are connected to the ground. And that helicopter on fire... hoooooly. I wouldn't expect CGI fire that poor on a TV show let alone a hollywood tentpole. Laughed in embarrassment for the film at that point.
  6. ethan I looked at your instagram yesterday and you have like 12 pictures on there.
  7. If that's anywhere near accurate then I am super excited. Whiplash was electrifying and had me sweating by the end. Couldn't stand Bla Bla Bland but Whiplash is the definition of "visceral" as he says there.
  8. If you consider Dwayne Johnson to be a "lead role" in 5 and 7 then the term "lead" has lost all meaning. He is a supporting character in 5 and a main character with no screen time in 7. He had to be pretty much cut out of the script because of filming schedule conflicts which is why he gets hospitalised in the opening scene and only comes back in the final scene.
  9. The nachos in the cinema I used to work at, we changed supplier and the new ones were amazing. I must have eaten thousands of those things while preparing the nacho trays each day. Any excuse to be put on nacho making duty.
  10. That sounds really impressive until you realise there are in fact 8 Dwayne Johnson films over 100M, not 11. Which admittedly is still really impressive but whatever, they're wrong.
  11. anyone who eats nachos in the cinema is a fucking dick. If you want to be that loud stay at home. Cinemas are equally at fault for selling them, they shouldn't sell loud food, but so is the customer. Not cool man. especially in a quiet place.
  12. This was top notch, glad you guys like it too. Best film in every sense of the word, that I have seen in a long time. It will be a good year if there is another movie this good.
  13. That person was talking rubbish. There is one scene of violence that is very bloody but it is instant and it happens in the background. And its played for comedic effect. The moment is this, be warned for spoiler: Nothing other than that, that you wouldn't find in any other PG-13 blockbuster like the avengers or jurassic park or whatever. Yeah there are tense moments, quite a lot of people get eaten by monsters etc. I would say if someone can handle Jurassic World then they will have no problem with Rampage, JW is scarier and more violent. So maybe use that as a benchmark?
  14. the only recent comedy that had a run anywhere near 20/100 that I can think of was Sisters, and that was at christmas. yes ofc I was being facetious but I still can't really see why anyone would have thought it could do 100M
  15. I suppose there's also a long shot for TRUTH OR DARE to reach 100M since it opened to the same numbers as BLOCKERS, right?
  16. Blockers won't hit 100M? Yeah no shit. It opened to 20M why would you have ever thought it would make 100?
  17. Grease is doing extraordinarily well, seems to be selling out nearly every single showing wherever I look. Wonder what the box office take is gonna look like. Shame it won't be on the weekend list as it's on a Thursday.
  18. RPO dropped badly this weekend but it's still done alright... if you take its opening to be 47M then its still finishing with a 3x multi. That's decent.
  19. thought it was okay. Didn't like it as much as I wanted to. not as boring as San Andreas but not as fun as it should be. Some of the dialogue was laugh out loud hilarious. The military commander saying "But I didn't think we had any active submarines in Chicago" had me in tears. Other bits were cringey, the whole bit at the start with the young girl asking The Dwayne for his "submission techniques", the side characters being betas and The Dwayne being the alpha, was just quite crude and out of place. Maybe in a deodorant advert, not in a allegedly family-friendly movie. Speaking of which, some of it was actually tense and dark - like the scenes hunting the wolf. Which were in complete contrast to other bits. Also love the Trump kids trying to destroy the world to make money from the top of their tower. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was so good that I might watch the walking dead since apparently that's the same performance he gives.
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