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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. on a side note, I'm trying to book tickets for Cineworld IMAX movies this Saturday for their "IMAX fest" and it says 'the number of tickets available is less than what you require'. Have these really all sold out? I thought cineworld greyed out the time on their schedule when it sells out... anyone know? @SchumacherFTW
  2. Really struggling to find 100 movies that I love let alone ranking them. I'm gonna have to dig deep to remember what I've even seen lol. Also a good excuse to watch some good films.
  3. I actually agree that popular good movies lighten up the atmosphere here, given that it's a movie forum. This month is so sparse for films, everything that is coming out is going to bomb, so we fight over other stuff.
  4. why would it be frontloaded? It's a Spielberg movie should be well received so have decent legs.
  5. Good idea. Whenever tree shares an opinion that is different from yours, let's close the thread. I agree.
  6. So, you don't think anyone went to see Black Panther because it features black people? The colour of their skin had nothing at all to do with the success of the movie. Nope. Not at all
  7. well its true and the same goes for black panther. I thought the whole success of black panther was because of "reverse racism" as you call it? I.e. because people like being represented when normally they haven't been. I don't recall the last time people celebrated a lack of black people. Whether it's good or bad is irrelevant you can't deny that it is true, people are celebrating these movies for having "diverse" casts and producers.
  8. I dont care how critics rate movies, I dont read much reviews I just stick to a couple of critics who I like listening to / reading. The reason I keep going on is not because i care about this issue but because you keep telling me that this is my opinion, when it's not. I already gave you an example of a review for Wrinkle in Time that includes racial bias opinions, I dont see why I should have to do more to defend an opinion that I dont even hold, so bugger off and stop annoying me.
  9. The only objective reviews are IMDB credit lists and Wikipedia plot summaries. even then, the wikipedia plot summaries are pretty biased
  10. Do you have reading comprehension issues? I said I would be perfectly happy for someone to give a terrible movie a great rating because of whatever personal reason they like. I dont care, its just someone's opinion and it's no more or less valid than anyone else's. I'm just saying some people are bothered by this stuff where reviewers aren't "objective" and use political beliefs such as racism/representation as part of their film criticism.
  11. Are you really telling me that racial politics have had no influence on the following reviews? These are just two I grabbed off the front page of Rotten Tomatoes, i'm sure there are more. As I said, its not somethin I care about but I get that people dont like politics entering their entertainment.
  12. its not an opinion I personally hold, I think people can review movies in whatever way they like, and if a film earns 5 stars solely because it has a black cast, that's fine, I dont care. But I do understand that other people are bothered by that.
  13. I hadn't actually realised this was scheduled for a Friday release originally, assumed it was Thursday already.
  14. We don't, its just some people are unhappy when a critic uses political biases to rate a movie, i.e. they give it a better score because of the racial stuff than if it hadn't had that racial stuff
  15. someone want to explain to me how there's a movie with Charlize Theron, Joel Edgerton and David Oyewlowo coming out and it's gonna be doing $3M opening according to everyone? How does that happen. David Oyelowo & Mexican cartel vs. Evil Boss Charlize Theron sounds epic to me.
  16. Jesus. It cost twice the original Cloverfield to make. It looks like the VFX had a budget of $45 dollars.
  17. I've never heard of students buying a house for uni, is that normal in America? I know you have those "frat house" things that I've seen in movies but I assume those are second homes from rich parents?
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