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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Why do all your posts suggest you live inside some teenage boy's head?
  2. Nicolas Cage has done a lot of straight to DVD type movies in the past few years, and most of them suck. Some of them are OK. But this is easily the best he's done in ages. It's a really strong horror film. It has a straightforward premise that it sees through to the end, it's short and tight, it's properly scary, and at the appropriate times it is really funny. Nicolas Cage is full on Nicolas Cage, with the voice and the eyes and the face and everything. Although it's worth pointing out he's not the main character. I thought the frenetic editing worked really well. Whatever it is that's making the parents go savage to kill their children, it's on and off. So when the adults are calm, the camera moves gently, and it has dull generic score. But as soon as the parents start thinking about their kids, the camera is flying sideways, it's cutting every two seconds, and this awful dubstep/techno music starts pumping. It sounds retarded but somehow it works really well. It doesn't spend any time asking what the cause is, but it's something you think about. The kids act like pricks to their parents, because well that's what we all do, and the parents are having mid life crises of their own. If it had started to resolve that mystery, it would have been getting tangled in plot threads and it might be dumping exposition on our heads. Instead, it just sticks to its premise, and that makes it feel tout. Sometimes less is more. There are some very uncomfortable scenes of violence, but it's never upsetting. It gets the balance right of being distasteful but not putting you off. Also some very creepy shots e.g. parents gawping at the window of a maternity ward where the newborns are kept. It's really well balanced in every respect. Also, best use of Erasure ever.
  3. I rewatched Crystal Skull a couple years ago and thought it was fine, no its hardly classic Indiana Jones but it's alright, I enjoyed it. I have't seen 1941 so can't comment. Minority Report is a bit crap, sorry, it's true. Spielberg ties himself in knots and then gives up because it can't end the way he wants it to. It has some tense scenes though. And no I dont like SPR, as I said it's not a very bad film just not really my thing. I haven't seen any really bad Spielberg movies.
  4. This is how it's going to be from now on. Every four months it will increase. Last Jedi did 620M, then within four months Black Panther does 650M. Then within 3 months Jurassic World 2 does 700M. Then within 2 months The Meg does 760M and outgrosses Avatar. Then within 1 month the Predator reboot outgrosses The Force Awakens to become the highest grossing movie of all time.
  5. The Lost World is good. I guess my worst 5 Spielbergs would be: 1) Minority Report 2) Temple of Doom 3) Saving Private Ryan 4) Bridge of Spies 5) The Post but tbh he doesn't make really bad movies. these are just weak.
  6. Oh, missed it. Why the fuck we got 12 people who thought Lord of the Rings is better than Star Wars? Why is it even Return of the King? That's the weakest one. RAIDERS gets my vote
  7. You know a black dude directed Fast and furious 8 which cost 250M right? Actually that series is much more diverse. It's got coloured people in form of Dwayne Johnson, Ludacris, Tyrese Gibson, Michelle Rodriguez. Fast 8 had an African villain too. Theres a mix of men and women, and of different ages.
  8. It keeps dropping and dropping. It will reach my 29M prediction. It will.
  9. I just don't see how Black Panther is any more "diverse" than most other blockbuster movies by any meaningful definition that isn't just "diverse = black" Also, first black director to do what exactly?
  10. You could just as well say that Thor Ragnarok was a diverse movie. It has Australia, English, Welsh, Irish, American, New Zealand, Japanese actors. Two of the main cast are black. It's very diverse, it's just most of the diverse cast just happened to be white.
  11. I just don't see how the writer's personal political opinion has anything to do with box office numbers.
  12. This is the opening sentence for Deadline's weekend report. I'm no trump fan but this is pretty pathetic and lazy and unprofessional... At a time when our U.S. President cultivates division in society, Hollywood and moviegoers counter that by supporting pics with positive messages of inclusivity.
  13. They have every right to be self congratulatory. Remember, Hollywood were the first ones to talk about AIDS and civil rights. They have done great things.
  14. Can't say I particularly liked the movie but must admit, I could listen to Taika Waititi talk about pretty much anything. Not enough for me to buy the movie though.
  15. can't wait to see it, have no idea what it is about though. (I'm not asking you to tell me btw dont want to be spoiled)
  16. You must be a huge fan of Keith Urban if that movie made you forget his name is Karl Urban.
  17. I watched this movie called Mom and Dad, with Nicolas Cage, it's a horror movie about something causing all parents to kill their children. It is completely fucked up, awesome friday night movie. Nicolas Cage goes full on Nicolas Cage and it's been tooooooo long since we've had that.
  18. Sat on my lonesome in the cinema for a new Nicolas Cage movie called Mom & Dad. I have no idea what it's about but Ive realised I haven't seen Nicolas Cage on the big screen since National Treasure 2.... most of his movies don't get theatrical releases its crazy.
  19. Erm, think you're forgetting something... I'm sure @IronJimbo will be along in a minute to correct you.
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