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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. all three high school musical films are good. they're honestly good high school movies.
  2. Dude have you ever made a post that isn't utterly moronic? On a serious note, you dont need to shave every other day at your age. I'm sure you are fine.
  3. eh, more like all the studios decided to group all their bombs together and stick them in a dead month so they can't harm their prestige franchise movies
  4. If BP dropped 45% this weekend it makes 36.5M now. I think Tomb Raider will open around 20M, which would be another 45% drop for BP to be below it. I think BP will end up with 5 weekends at #1. It will be dethroned by PACIFIC RIM!
  5. 30% RT score from audience ratings that include, "Say it isn't so. A Disney movie with a rotten score? I could tell from the trailers that this movie looked like a disaster. First bomb for Disney this year I guess. Disney can't win them all." Plenty of the 1 star reviews I can see come from users that have no other rating history on RT. That's not to say they are fake - maybe they were so outraged by the movie that it drove them to create a new Rotten Tomatoes account to review it - but just take it with a pinch of salt.
  6. THIS is what I was talking about the other day when I asked you if you still worked in a cinema. You always say "my theater has sold X tickets for Y day". I'm glad I am not going crazy.
  7. People stopped caring about World War Z on 21 June 2013.
  8. Err.... okay? If they liked it, why does it matter if you don't think they are getting the most out of it? This is kind of the case with any adaptation based on something else. People can still enjoy it even if they aren't familiar with it. For example, in 1977 Star Wars became the biggest movie of all time, and yet most people had not even seen the previous 3 movies.
  9. most of the forum is under the age of 17 so I wouldn't worry too much, everyones list will be modern-heavy. We haven't all been alive as long as @HerediTele has.
  10. My main question would be why would anyone NOT want to watch The Room though. It's amazing.
  11. I know several people who really enjoyed The Disaster Artist and who at the time hadn't seen The Room. You don't need to be a Room fan to enjoy The Disaster Artist.
  12. Can't wait. Don't think it is getting a wide theatrical release here though, it is going straight to TV on 6 April. Yes you heard me, straight to TV LOL.
  13. That Mitchell and Webb Look got nothing on peep show.
  14. 100M is fine, don't know what people are complaining about. Superhero movies generally have a limit around 120M in China. Logan, Justice League, Wonder Woman, Thor, GotG 2, Spiderman Homecoming, they all did between 90 and 120 last year iirc. If it gets there then that's a win.
  15. I thought it was a good version of the story but you're right that it's not faithful to the book. It's not surprising that Tommy says the film is accurate but the book is not. I don't think it's too self referential though.
  16. Blockbusters - the positive side On the other hand, there were plenty of expensive tentpole movies that impressed me in 2017. Here's a handful. Guardians of the Galaxy, vol. 2 I am no Marvel fan, but I loved Guardians of the Galaxy in 2014. It felt fresh and original, and I had an experience that must be somewhat akin to how people felt in 1977 when Star Wars released. It was a visually inventive space sci-fi with characters that I cared about and a real emotional resonance. The sequel had a lot to live up to, and for the most part it delivered. It wasn't as fresh as the previous movie, but it ticked all the boxes. I laughed - a lot - it had great music, and I cried. This series really stands out from the rest of the MCU because I genuinely enjoy the company of these characters. They have an energetic chemistry that feels natural, and it's funny. The music is just as good, and although the ending may not be the most original death scene, I'll be damned if I don't cry every time I hear Father & Son. Logan As I said above, I am not really a fan of comic book movies. Generally speaking, they all follow the same cookie cutter formula. I understand that a lot of people like this, but I'm pretty bored of it. Logan, though... WOW. It feels like a drama that happens to be adapted from comics, as opposed to any old superhero movie. I haven't seen many X-Men movies but I completely bought Hugh Jackman's Wolverine here as a character. It was gripping and I hugely admire its balls to follow its story to the logical conclusion, and it's not afraid of pulling punches along the way (Professor Xavier..). What an epic send-off for this character. King Arthur: Legend of the Sword Criticise this all you want, I really enjoyed it. Guy Ritchie's modern take on this well told story was executed in a fun manner. I don't have much else to say but since everyone else hates it, I thought it deserves mentioning. Valerian What the hell is all the negativity for?! Valerian is inventive and well-intentioned fun. It doesnt descend to being generic blockbuster fare and it's not here to set up a huge franchise. I'll challenge anyone to find a movie this expensive from 2017 that has as many ideas that it's willing to throw on screen. From Ethan Hawke's cowboy routine to the John Goodman sequence... well, I thought it was really good fun and Dane DeHaan wasn't even that annoying. Two thumbs up from me. I promise I didn't just like it because I was drooling over Cara Delevigne in her revealing outfits... promise... APES! TOGETHER! STRONG! Its not hard to see why this failed. It has no humour, it's complex, and well, there's no war. In fact Dawn had a bigger battle sequence than this. But it is a credit to the filmmakers and to Fox that they were willing to take this back to the serious themes of the original Apes series, rather than just turning it to the usual action stuff. It has brilliant performances and it makes you think. Money well spent.... well, in my mind at least, even if it hasn't turned much of a profit...
  17. Jerry Bruckheimer Achievement for Biggest Waste of One Hundred Million Dollars Every studio has tentpole movies - expensive productions designed to appeal to the masses. Some of these are bland (see MARVEL STUDIOS), some of them are intelligent, but some are simply a waste of money... Bright This award is a tie-break between two movies devoid of any positive elements. First up, well, it didn't quite cost $100M but its close enough. Netflix's most expensive movie, their biggest film project yet, was Bright. Supposedly it uses fantasy elements like orcs and elves, to tell a story relevant to us mere mortals on Earth. There was so much potential here. It presents Elves as the rich 1%, and orcs as the lower classes, evidently supposed to be black people. There is SO much potential to tell a parable of our class system. Orcs are kept as the lowest of the low, they're abused by the police, and looked down on by everyone. This is an exciting idea, and it's directed by David Ayer. Although I haven't generally liked his movies, he's talented and usually has a vision. Unfortunately its all gone to waste. He has a whole universe to explore, and yet this $90M Will Smith movie is reduced to nothing more than a generic cop-corruption movie. The opening sequence has all sorts of interesting imagery, but Ayer can't even keep us interested for 5 minutes. I wouldnt mind so much if this were, you know, Transformers or some comic book adaptation, but it looked genuinely interesting and is a COMPLETE waste. There's nothing worse than a movie wasting its potential. It starts out with promise but within about 15 minutes has completely given up on any interesting story or parallel. A real shame. I'm also stunned that they spent $90M given that the CGI is worse than most network TV shows. In contrast, Jumanji released the same week and cost the same amount of money. I needn't say any more. The Mummy But the ultimate waste of money this year was the reboot of the Mummy franchise. This was meant to be the start of a new shared universe, and it had all sorts of avenues it could have gone down. Instead, it spends all its time in London - hardly the location we want to see a Mummy movie. I'm a massive Cruise fan, but even here he looks utterly bored. The Mummy could have created some cool fantasy sequences in Egypt; instead, it spends the first 10 minutes there and then gives up. A real disappointment that features almost nothing we want from a Mummy film. Okay, its directed by Alex Kurtzman who is hardly known for his originality, but I had hoped that Cruise's creative control would mean some cool action sequences, and given his stardom and power, he had the opportunity to kick start this franchise. Instead, it's dead on arrival. Utterly boring, with the exception of the terrible performance by Russell Crowe, who looks like he's about to break into out-of-tune song any minute. This cost $125M, and it's $125M that's completely wasted by everyone involved.
  18. I ended up walking back with my mate and we just chilled outside for a half hour. Home now but I'm still buzzing and I have work in 4 hours... Hope my alarm wakes me up lol
  19. I'm high as a fucking kite at 2am and my mates just gone home. My housemate says I'm keeping her up but I'm buzzing so much I can't go to sleep. Opinions please, what do I do?
  20. Fair enough. I was busy this weekend but my plans just got cancelled so figured I would go see a few IMAX movies. Oh well. This year's line up wasn't that great, compared to couple years ago when they had Jurassic World, Martian and other good movies.
  21. Not sure what films you're referring to... the only film I'm interested in this month is the new lynne ramsay movie. The expensive studio stuff all looks shit.
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