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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. stumbled across the trailer 5 minutes after it was uploaded. switched it off after 1 minute because I was bored. And this is coming from someone who genuinely enjoyed the first one.
  2. Audience I was with cheered at the end as well, the ending just makes you want to. Now that I've seen The Room will be rewatching Disaster Artist at the weekend hopefully.
  3. I just watched The Room in a sold out screening. Was so much fun. Plastic spoons being thrown everywhere. I'm thinking it is probably the best cinema experience I've ever had, though I've never been to one of these rocky horror type movies before. Absolutely awesome.
  4. I have no idea - I'm not given the privilege of knowing what caused it. I've been suspended before for saying offensive things but this time there was no indication. I emailed their customer support to be told that "for safety and security reasons" they can't detail what it was to cause my ban, only that I am "ineligible to use Facebook" and the decision is final.
  5. What are you idiots talking about? You're virtually inventing fake scandals. James Franco has already been in controversy for messaging that 17 year old a couple years ago (my god, what a crime) so it would not be surprising, but saying "rumour has it" over and over again doesn't really mean anything.
  6. Well damn. My Facebook account has been permanently disabled. I don't get the luxury of knowing why, nor the right to appeal...
  7. Isn't that kind of a given though? Most books are far more in depth than their films. As for it being personal - well it was written by Greg Sestero himself so yeah it's going to be more personal. Anyway I thought Disaster Artist was fantastic. It has completely changed the way I see The Room and Tommy Wiseau
  8. I don't agree with you although I haven't read the book. As for the continuity error - glasses right? I thought I was going crazy.
  9. Awesome film. People are going to really like it. Whether it actually appeals to enough people in the first place though... I'm not sure. Most people have never seen The Room and therefore may not want to watch this, so I'm not sure how big its target audience really is.
  10. Awesome film. People are going to really like it. Whether it actually appeals to enough people in the first place though... I'm not sure. Most people have never seen The Room and therefore may not want to watch this, so I'm not sure how big its target audience really is.
  11. oh shit yeah I completely forgot I actually went to the secret screening of that awful triple 9 movie. that's a decent line up of films though. I would guess the upcoming one is Wonder... not something I'm interested in.
  12. I enjoyed it, because the jokes worked better than most of the MCU movies. But it's still exactly the same movie as the rest of them, and I cannot for one second imagine that it'll hold up as well as Guardians of the Galaxy - where as well as the humour, I actually cared about the characters.
  13. That's the question everyone is asking but Definitely not. You'll enjoy it just as much.
  14. Just watched The Disaster Artist. Absolutely great and I hope it does really well. Audience was in stitches.
  15. Just watched The Disaster Artist. Absolutely great and I hope it does really well. Audience was in stitches.
  16. Apparently cineworld is now doing secret cinema like Odeon, the 6th one is this week, does anyone know what the previous 5 were? Trying to decide whether I want to go and can't find anything online as to what they've previously shown.
  17. Infinity War, Han Solo movie, and Jurassic Park 5. Avengers and JP are guaranteed, Han Solo is a probably, and there's nothing else that will come close. Not sure what there is to discuss really.
  18. just watched this snore fest and I've actually aged 2 years since I started the film. - one of the most boring and uninteresting films I've ever seen - everyone talks really quietly for no reason, no matter who they are or what the context is - the lighting in every single room is retarded and makes no sense - it's at least 16 hours too long - Ryan gosling looks very very bored - every actor except for Dave Bautitsta was wasted. actually I guess he was wasted the most since he was the best thing in it and he was killed 3 seconds into the opening credits - plot made no sense whatsoever. I'd start asking questions about the film but I dont care enough on the plus side: - cinematography was impressive - some of the sets were well designed - threesome scene was cool I had really thought this was going to be the movie that proved me wrong about denis villeneuve, but its exactly the opposite, he is indeed every bit as pretentious and bland and boring as I had previously thought. I genuinely liked almost nothing about it.
  19. whoops forgot to do this can I submit a 1-movie list consisting of Starship Troopers and nothing else, post-deadline?
  20. not an easy comparison as thor opened on like a monday
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