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Everything posted by movieboner

  1. Star Wars, Finding Dory and The Jungle Book, Disney is banking on Nostalgia. Since remaking nostalgic films is the fad today, I hope they remake Basic Instinct or Showgirls.
  2. With all that money, I wonder what's the next franchise Disney will prey on. My guess is James Bond, after Sony loses the film rights, they'll probably buy it out with the highest bid.
  3. Nobody is going to care about this weekend, except for the Melissa McCarthy fanboys. Everyone is going to turn their attention to the Captain America: Civil War reviews and spoilers.
  4. When will Zootopia overtake Age of Ultron? It's at 1459 mil RMB and Avengers: AOU is at 1470 mil RMB. Marvel fanboys are going to be butthurt by this and everyone will laugh at dem clowns hehe.
  5. I think Martin Scorsese's Silence has a shot of taking this trophy. Liam Neeson could win best supporting actor, he's overdue.
  6. DC fanboys should blame Zack Snyder and WB, not Disney and Marvel for the disappointing outcome of this film. I've been hearing out of this world conspiracy theories about Disney trying to destroy the DCCU.....it's comedy central.
  7. China is like the US, movie goers judge films based on reviews/wom from review sites that are equivalent to IMDB, Metacritic, and Rotten Tomatoes. Great reviews and audience reaction equals good box office, Zootopia is a great example of this.
  8. Zootopia is definitely hitting $1 billion worldwide. It's holding strong in China and North America. As for BvS, its 2nd weekend is dropping hard almost everywhere, so its chances of reaching $1 billion has been slightly reduced.
  9. If Stephen Chow directed Batman vs Superman, I wonder how much it'll gross in China lol. His name alone can fill theaters anywhere in China. Marvel is probably thinking about it: introduce a Chinese superhero into the MCU and have Stephen Chow direct it. The popularity of the MCU and Stephen Chow together in China would equal box office orgasm.
  10. I think Zootopia will finish a little over $300 million. Next week, Batman vs Superman is going to eat into its box office legs.
  11. I saw the film 2 1/2 years ago in December, so my memory of the film is a bit fuzzy. All I can remember is a princess falls in love, the many sing alongs, comic relief supporting characters like the reindeer and snowman, and a generic good defeats evil story= a generic Disney princess movie. I have no intention of seeing Frozen again when I can enjoy "better" animated flicks with popcorn like Inside Out, Zootopia, Big Hero 6, Wreck-it Ralph and Despicable me 1 & 2.
  12. Here's my top 10 for 2015 in no order: 1. Inside Out 2. Mad Max Fury Road 3. The Martian 4. Mission Impossible Rogue Nation 5. The Revenant 6. Ex-Machina 7. Star Wars: The Force Awakens 8. The Big Short 9. Sicario 10. Spotlight
  13. Happy Women's Day. I hope all the females can increase ticket sales for Tuesday.
  14. No, I'm talking about the relationship between Kristoff and Anna. She's nobility and he's a peasant, so they wouldn't be allowed together.
  15. It follows the same generic formula: forbidden love story and a lousy sing along. The film's plot at times resembles Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. The only difference is Frozen cashed in on its popular song "Let It Go" and had better marketing like a McDonald's commercial. It's the "new business strategy" for Disney to maximize profits from a movie.
  16. I think Disney picked a good release date for Zootopia, where there is less competition. Bad release dates for SW7 and KFP 3, notable big hits were released shortly afterwards and attracted moviegoers from SW7 AND KFP 3.
  17. You have to look at the entire filmography of WDA vs Pixar. WDA is better in my opinion, Pixar only surpassed WDA in the 2000s and made a steady decline in the early 2010s. During the 90s and early 2010s, WDA made better animated films. 1990s WDA: Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Hercules, Aladdin, Mulan, Pocahontas, Dinosaurs, Tarzan, Fantasia 2000 Pixar: A Bug's life, Toy Story, Toy Story 2 Early 2010s WDA: Tangled, Zootopia, Big Hero 6, Frozen, Wreck-it Ralph, Winnie the Pooh Pixar: Monster's University, Cars 2, Brave, The Good Dinosaur, Inside Out, Toy Story 3
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