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Everything posted by Macleod

  1. Playin' off dat Rock and Diesel on-set drama for marketing, I see...
  2. Didn't catch the 4th one until Amazon Prime time...and yeah, I think I separated it into chunks over two nights, as well...couldn't take it.
  3. What do you consider your first three films? From "Fast Five"? I'm getting a headache...
  4. "Die Another Day" flashbacks...there's a reason no big blockbuster has really attempted an action scene on ice since... We'll finally see if Rock and Vin Diesel's "mild tiff" on set has drawn great performances out of them...or, as this teaser for a teaser perhaps hints, that they just decided to never appear on screen together... Looking forward to film #9...Furiously on Fire
  5. Saw this Monday evening at an early screening. Wonderful stuff. I'm no fan of musicals, really...can't take most of them seriously...and even with this, I didn't buy from the opening moments and for a while...but probably about a half-hour to 45 min in, I was into it...and by the end, I had stars in my eyes. One of the better films of the year...in a lesser year, Stone might get a nomination, but not sure here. Soundtrack and score might definitely get nominations. So might Production Design, Editing.
  6. Connery "didn't understand" Gandalf when he was offered it, apparently...but did understand The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen script...? But yeah...he's as retired as can be...no one has been able to lure him back...him or Gene Hackman.
  7. I'll say again...Bay's been saying "This is my last one" since #3...
  8. The only reason FOX would be moving this from August to May (anywhere in May) is because they've seen an edit of it and have confidence in it. They already have more confidence in it than Prometheus, at the very least. They clearly pushed Ridley to more fully embrace Alien-isms, and he must have done so...and the poster indicates as such.
  9. All the critical comments in here show exactly why Scorsese had so much trouble even getting this movie funded. It's not a mainstream-appeal story, but it's one he's apparently been passionate about for many years, so I expect parts of it, even if not the whole, to be an immensely powerful experience, in the same manner as Last Temptation (which is probably one of my favorite films). Would this have more potential with Leo? Most definitely, but I hope people give it a chance. Where is the running time rumor coming from?
  10. Good luck with this. But considering Paramount couldn't get it off the ground in any form for the past ten years or so, I'm not holding my breath. Haven't read the books, but I have a perverse love for the Lynch film in its own way; nothing will ever quite replicate the feeling, mood, style, attitude of that piece, regardless of how much people feel like it accurately or inaccurately reflects the texts.
  11. The smart thing to do from an investment perspective would be to push this baby back a year or two...and wait to see how the audience responds to the actor/character in Justice League (that's what I would do)...obviously Batman (and even another Superman entry) are safer bets at this point, especially considering they don't have active/ongoing TV counterparts...but WB may be determined to troll ahead...
  12. I wondered what this was about...then I looked in the 'Mother' thread...sheesh.
  13. Let's just hope this is more Terminator-suburbia and less Masters of the Universe-suburbia... But with Munn in the mix, anything is possible...the only thing I've seen her actually be good in is The Newsroom.
  14. I'm gonna ask the hair question again (you may remember me from the Rogue One thread where I inquired about Forest Whitaker's hair). Did they re-shoot Sam Jackson's scenes? Because he had hair in the first trailer...and now he doesn't. I should write a book about this topic, I clearly have a good eye for it...
  15. It may not be up to her...the actors have contracts that benefit the producing party/studio most of all, of course...and if they decide to "go another way"...that will often change the vision.
  16. Agreed. I don't know how much more "edgy" The Flash can get past BVS and Suicide Squad...but perhaps this is now a process of retro-fitting studio engineering in response to BVS' reception. And now, after many years of 'intense' takes on the material, they are going to attempt to go 'lighter' again...basically...they can't make up their minds. Flash has always had trouble in development, just like Supes.
  17. This is the epitome of what passes for internet "journalism" these days. A site I've never heard of "reporting" something totally unfounded, with seemingly no legitimate basis in reality. "Reports say..." What reports?? From where?? Their broken English betrays the constitution of what they're saying. If they have a "source," they should say so...otherwise, bunk off and do something better with your website.
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