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Everything posted by Macleod

  1. The whole movie is in the synopsis, and worse, the trailer. It's really disappointing that they feel they have to reveal so much just to hook people. That trailer should have ended at about 1:30 with B.D. Wong's "Bring him home!" and a cliffhanger, before he even makes the journey back to Earth.
  2. These are nice, and good to see "Bones" gets some respect...but it's hilarious how Paramount is still afraid of using the name "STAR TREK", especially during the franchise's 50th f'n Anniversary! (I like the subtle insignia image, though...)
  3. ...Which is exactly what the movie will be trying to do, based on how little buzz this has.
  4. This may not have been released in China, but it was released in Taiwan...which China considers a part of itself, when convenient... I happened to be in Taipei in Jan. 2015 for this film's local red carpet premiere. Hemsworth and Mann didn't see fit to show, but the evening was attended by Chinese-born Tang Wei, who was infamously "banned from acting"/blacklisted for a few years by the Chinese government after her appearance in Ang Lee's Lust, Caution (2007). Tang Wei had also just married a South Korean film director in 2014...I'm guessing that didn't help the Chinese government's perception of her...or Blackhat. ;-)
  5. This looks like the closest thing to Mel back as Mad Max that we're ever going to get! Cannes Review: http://variety.com/2016/film/festivals/cannes-mel-gibson-blood-father-1201780294/ Trailer: Behind the scenes: (delete if there is already a thread)
  6. The original filmmaker agrees. Nicholas Meyer on STID: "Well, you have to be flattered that somebody wants to sort of try and make your movie again. But the difference between a rip-off and an homage is that you are supposed to add something." http://trekmovie.com/2014/10/10/exclusive-nick-meyer-talks-star-trek-ii-directors-blu-ray-reacts-to-into-darkness-death-scene-more/
  7. This was an exclusive given out to fans who attended the event last night in LA. I don't think it's going to be part of Paramount's general promotion for this.
  8. http://www.comic-con.org/toucan/world-premiere-of-star-trek-beyond-comic-con-international "Exclusive red carpet world premiere" ...And so it is.
  9. The word is that it should be online in an hour or two, after this event.
  10. I'm more interested in the TV series at this point than I am in Beyond...that's not good for Paramount.
  11. Not having to pay Robert Downey, Jr. $40 mil. and change sure helps...
  12. I haven't re-visited the first movie and I never saw the second one... but my gf likes this book. Everything else Ron Howard does is so great... Hmm...
  13. This is serious. And it's more serious than they let on in the first place, which was easy to see, based on early leaked news of the accident. So it shouldn't be so hard to believe that the film will be "delayed indefinitely" (i.e. canceled for now), especially if the other item this person mentioned is true. Fans are fans, I guess...
  14. It would be nice if some of this went to a charity in Prince's name... This is why I'm going to see it this week at a local (non-multiplex) theater of mine...at least I'll be supporting a local historic theater and knowing that it won't all be going to the corporate machine.
  15. No one can. And the idea that fans think Warner Bros. is going to touch that character with a ten-foot motion capture pole anytime before the third act of Justice League 2 (if that film even happens) is hilarious. They sunk $300 mil down the toilet -- they're pretty wary of wading into those green, sludgy CG waters again. ...And now, they clearly have much bigger problems to worry about.
  16. In-ter-esting. HR claims they're keeping SGS's script (though I'm sure it'll have at least a couple more "polishes"). Wouldn't it be truly ironic if WB/SGS now are fractured because they actually are responding to criticisms of BvS and indeed intend on making Flash significantly "tonally different" (i.e. lighter)? I'd really like to see this dude do Beetlejuice 2...but the longer it goes on development, the less likely that is, too.
  17. There were plenty of people involved in the production of The Crow in 1993 that debated/wanted to cancel the film and put it on the shelf, after what happened there. Fortunately, this is not involving a death...but it sounds severe enough to pull the lead out of the production for the foreseeable future, if not fully. We'll see what happens here. Depends how far into filming they were, and how much the investors will want to...recoup. (morbid, but it's the truth) I doubt they'll recast, at this point.
  18. That's Public Relations...always putting their "best foot forward." I could tell this was serious when we first heard about it.
  19. All four of the Alien films are genius on production design alone, unlike most of the shlocky, recycled, digitally-manipulated sci-fi we get these days...
  20. http://variety.com/2016/film/box-office/the-huntsman-faces-steep-writedown-after-chilly-box-office-results-1201760908 The still says it alll...
  21. Whoever holds the current distribution rights. Warner Bros., I'd imagine.
  22. "Ridley demanded Neil not make our Alien first because he knows it would generate much more public interest and make audiences forget about any "Prometheus" film. We have an awesome script, a more authentic sequel to the original two films. But we're barred from shooting because Ridley strong-armed his way into a Producer credit for our film, and we have to wait until he finishes his shitty film. But fuck Ridley, we're going to shoot this fucker no matter what, even if we have to wait until he dies."
  23. She had a couple of pieces of dialogue, then is taken out of the film about 2/3 of the way in. I'm betting there was more of her, edited out. What I found funny/interesting is you have English actors like Oldman and Eve playing American, but the whole thing is set in London...they could have just been MI6 liasons, or something, instead of American CIA! Nice to see Antje Traue again, as well, as another badass (one of the only enjoyable bits of Man of Steel, for me).
  24. I saw this last night and dug it (but maybe I'm just morbid). I caught a double feature of Huntsman and this, and I'd almost swear there were more people in this theater (75% over-40 crowd) than for Huntsman (filled 75% with teenage girls, interestingly). (What a bore Huntsman is...but I digress.) It's a testament to Costner that you pretty quickly root for a character as awful as his is (his regular grunts are hilarious); not only that, as he develops humanity, I felt more and more invested in the outcome. It gets over a pretty ludicrous premise through his (and even Gal's) performance. Oldman and TLJ are, yeah...there. And Alice Eve must have had more to do that was cut out, as well as perhaps Reynolds (unless he did it as a favor to someone). By the end I was wishing for a sequel with Costner's hybrid character!
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