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The Dark Rock

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Everything posted by The Dark Rock

  1. I was expecting around $12m for MI4..hopefully it will increase from Nikki's estimates
  2. MI4- $9.61mI think thats just fine number for WH. With Oscar push it can end up around $100m finally.
  3. ^Not really...I think its pretty good number for TGWTDT
  4. The movie was pretty good. Highly entertaining. Inspite of 2hrs 13minutes run time, it never drags. Moves at breakneck pace and Cruise taking all the risk for the much talked death defying stunt by himself. 7.5/10
  5. Still Lily's theme is favorite and I think will remain my most favorite of the entire series. One of the best and heart wrenching soundtrack. Especially it looks so great in the beginning of the movie when dementors have surrounded Hogwarts and Snape watches the looming darkness over Hogwarts which was once so blissful (Courtyard Apocalypse, Statues and The resurrection stone are good too from DH2)
  6. Watched it on Blu ray and liked it more this time compared to in theater 4 months back . Will rate it 8 compared to 6.5-7 which I gave previously. Found it more engrossing and enjoyed it more.
  7. This is the most surprising trailer imo. Looks awesome
  8. ^I agree...specially for big movies early Fri numbers creates chaos
  9. I also voted against all three. Opening separate topic for daily numbers is much more exciting imo
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