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Everything posted by Belakor

  1. I have high hopes for this, I hope it doesn't disappoint.
  2. Wow, this felt unnecessary and bloated already, but god what an awful trailer, everything feels disjointed and out of place. Jay-Z rapping definitely transported me right back to 476 AD! Another legendary franchise /movie of Ridley being destroyed by himself. No wonder Hollywood is in survival mode, with only making remakes and sequels no one asked for.
  3. The costumes looks like absolute trash, looks like a CW movie. Green lantern is just Boris Johnson in a green suit. Not looking good. Too goofy.
  4. Looking good, if WOM it's good I can see it doing good numbers
  5. We know Marvel Studios loves to throw a lot of money in movies with poor scripts with unseasoned directors and producers, why is this a surprise?
  6. This looks like it will take all the razzies this year. Mega flop incoming.
  7. Looks worse TBH, too many characters on screen already. All I see are jokes about the red underwear over the pants. LOL.
  8. That suit looks horrible, like a bad cosplay. Sorry but MoS suit is 10 times better. This dude looks like a wish version of Cavil.
  9. This show is pure cringe. Yikes. No wonder the franchise is buried behind ugly tv shows.
  10. Who cares what the numbers are, give Cruise some credit. Top Gun 2 did almost 2 billion out of nowhere when many said was a pointless sequel.
  11. Cruise is good, he already has a deal with WB. Paramount is not in that much trouble, at the worst is going to be bought cheap.
  12. Yeah, as a rabid gamer I want all of this projects to succeed but this looks really, really bad. I haven't seen trailers this bad since the flops of the early 2010's. Like JimmyB said. This is going to bomb very epic.
  13. I'm still thinking we are deep in the CBM fatigue era, watch this and The Joker underperform.
  14. Now we are talking. If Edwards managed to do a film as visually robust and impressive as The Creator with only 79m, I can only imagine what he is going to do with triple that budget, holy cow.
  15. LMAO good luck with that, I can see this soft-flopping really easily.
  16. What a shame, these studios are going to destroy their legacy with all those shitty tv adaptations (Rings of Power is an example) and bad scripted movies.
  17. Yeah no shit, if for Shure is going to brick back the only characters that made some BO this year.
  18. For sure, they are worth watching. The second one is more action packed.
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