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Posts posted by tokila

  1. 1 minute ago, Baumer Fett said:

    Avatar fell 19.9% on the same Monday.  I don't think TFA will fall that softly....hoping for less than a 30% drop.

    ya but Avatar had a much better Sunday % wise (14%) so its possible that TFA could have a similar hold. I think this is what we are waiting for, was yesterday the start of sharp decline or will TFA maintain good holds after.

  2. Just now, JonathanLB said:

    I was hearing Australia increased week over week, so hopefully that bodes well for America as well. I'm curious to see numbers, too. It's still early here, though, just 8 p.m. Watching Jessica Jones on Netflix, just started it. I love Daredevil and heard this was good. 

    think the UK did too. 

  3. So after the long weekend have asked my co-workers what they thought of it. A few have yet to see it, but plan to too. All the ones I who have seen it want to or plan to see it again. All but one say it is now there favorite SW movie, one says you still cant beat the original(he saw ANH 7 times in the theater as a kid) but he loved it. I talk to maybe 10 co-workers about it. I would classify none of them as Star Wars fans in the sense they follow it or read book, most already liked the original movies. I have not gotten a chance to talk to the guy who is a big SW (does the comicon stuff, already planning a Disney World trip once they open all the SW stuff) I expect him to be the only one who mentions it maybe being too familiar, lol.

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  4. Just now, MovieMan89 said:

    $1.1b definitely sounds about right at the moment. I wish January was the wasteland it used to be though. Avatar didn't have to deal with the likes of a 13 Hours, Ride Along, or KFP3 in its January. 

    ya Avatar pretty much only had to deal with the Book of Eli(which I found entertaining) until Valentine's day. 

  5. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2015/12/23/star-wars-the-force-awakens-poll-repeat-viewership/77803128/


    well this bodes well. If you read the article, 42% of people who have seen TFA plan to see it again. Most of those who plan to see it again plan to bring others in. If this holds up my maths tell me that this would almost double the total we have now simple from repeat viewers bringing themselves and a friend or 2 (or there kids). There will also be those who were not planning to see it again but will because some friend wants to see it and they will go with them. 

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  6. I just noticed that TFA broke another record that should be a big deal, but no one is talking about it. Biggest Month ever, with a current total of 534mil up until now The Avengers had the biggest Month with 532 million in May 2012. JW had 514 this past June, but it had some better legs because less competition and 4th of July weekend gave it a nice boost. 

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