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Everything posted by PPZVGOS

  1. It seems that American films are losing their luster in China. What was the last Hollywood film to genuinely break out in China?
  2. I was in Moscow around New Year's. Before arriving I was so excited that I would see tons of snow and experience the famous Russian winter. Alas, when I arrived there, there was almost no snow and locals told me that this was the warmest New Year's they had ever experienced! Since I left, it has been record snowfall across Russia! I will have to go again next year.
  3. Did Doctor Strange had its previews on a weekend and its OD on a Monday? Are we comparing like-for-like?
  4. Oh, I thought that 10.5B was the North American total. So Canada is just $500m? I thought it was more. And from what I see, 2017 was down from 2016 ($11.377B) I am guessing that this year, both China and North America are way ahead from 2017 YTD.
  5. Actually, China's BO last year was $8.6B with the then FX rate. With the current one, it would be around $8.9B. Canada is around 10% of NA BO, which means that the US BO is around $9.4B. Therefore, Greater China is probably already ahead of the US in terms of BO. http://variety.com/2017/film/asia/china-box-office-expands-by-2-billion-in-2017-1202650515/
  6. I think that China overtaking North America is bound to happen somewhere between 2019 & 2020. I wonder whether Greater China (PRC, Taiwan, Hong-Kong) has already overtaken the US (excluding Canada) https://www.screendaily.com/news/china-box-office-monster-hunt-2-powers-weekend-to-global-record/5126819.article
  7. Exactly. In matter of fact, after the relative disappointments that were parts 2 & 3, the Jurassic brand was considered past its sell-by date. Jurassic World went on to achieve the kind of success that the original 1993 film did (almost) What The Force Awakens did for Star Wars, Jurassic World did for the Jurassic brand. The difference of course being, that the cultural relevance of Star Wars has been undisputed for over 4 decades (people still lose their shit over Star Wars movies, no matter what) whereas Jurassic Park was considered a one-off event pulled off by Steven Spielberg.
  8. This. American Sniper is the kind of movie that usually makes somewhere around 40 to 100m domestic. But it handily went over 300m. A massive shock. Also, Jurassic World. Sure a Jurassic Park movie is expected to make a lot of money, but 650m domestic and over 1B internationally is simply jaw-dropping. How big was Jurassic World? Way bigger than Star Wars 8, Frozen, any FF movie, any Avengers or any Harry Potter. Truly unbelievable performance. Guardians, Frozen, Wonder Woman, IT, Hunger Games, Deadpool and Jumanji all over-performed, but I wouldn't describe them as massive surprises since these were films that were expected to be big anyway. Disney cartoons with cute princesses, superhero movies and other concepts based on well established cultural products are bound to do extremely well from time to time.
  9. It's not just its massive decline from the previous film, but also the overwhelmingly negative reaction of fans and also the fact that it has made less money than The Avengers or Jurassic World. This is now where a Star Wars film should be. Rogue One, a mere spin-off, had better legs. Everything indicates that TLJ is something of a relative disaster (despite its massive BO take) I think this fact will be reflected in the BO numbers of the Solo movie. Episode 9 will also probably suffer as a result. In my view, Disney dropped the ball big-time with TLJ.
  10. TDKR drop from TDK: 16.3% AoU drop from TA: 26.4% Spiderman 2 drop from Spiderman: 7.5% AOTC drop from TPM: 27.8% TLJ drop from TFA: around 33% The Last Jedi seems to be uniquely bad in terms of audience retention as well as in negative reception from fans. It seems that only "critics" liked it.
  11. We also have to note that TLJ enjoyed far better FX rates than TFA and even more so R1.
  12. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/intl/cis/yearly/ Going Vertical and Jumanji still making money though.
  13. How does TLJ compare to TFA & R1 in terms of pound sterling? Edit: Just checked myself (not hard to find) TFA: 123.2M RO1: 66.0M TLJ: 80M+ So, in relative terms, TLJ has done better than in other country? I guess so.
  14. Sometimes long scenes can be nothing other than pretentious. But in many cases, they may very well fit the film's overall tone, themes and aesthetics. And yes, sometimes being slow and patient with your scenes allows the audience the necessary time to deliberate, reflect, analyze, admire and generally soak in what they are watching and experiencing. If done properly, deliberately slow films can be excellent ART! Edit: and that was exactly the case with BOTH Blade Runner films.
  15. Such a shame that this excellent film did not make more money than it did. The general audience is condemning us to an eternal cycle of Wonder Womans, Jumanjis and rehashed cartoons to live-action. SMH
  16. Dvizhenye Vergh is now at around 37.3M dollars. Where do you think it might end up? Can it also surpass "Ironia Sud'by: Pradalzhenye" in terms of admissions?
  17. Things not looking that great at the domestic BO for TLJ and outright awful at the overseas BO. TLJ is bringing Star Wars back to the dark days of the prequels. Kennedy & Rian Johnson have f*cked up.
  18. I broadly agree with what you are saying there. But if TLJ displays weaker legs than TFA, the total gross could prove relatively disappointing. I think it's both good, and substantial at the same time. We'll be in a better position to judge in a couple of weeks I think.
  19. TLJ cannot re-create the epic buzz that TFA could. A Star Wars movie seems to dilute the franchise a bit. I say this, because a 20% drop is significant. Still, we are talking huge numbers here.
  20. Any weekend estimates about the UK? TFA opened to a bit over $50m or 34m sterling. Back then, the USD was equivalent to 67 pennies, whereas now it's worth a whooping 75.
  21. I am expecting Ragnarok to genuinely break out as well. The trailer looks terrific, the cast is perfect (especially, Cate Blanchett) and it will lead us directly to Infinity War. I am 100% with you on this one.
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