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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. "As a Christian man, being in the situation to rape an unconscious girl, yeah, I feel bad. Raping her? Fuck no, I mean really, it's her fault for being passed out and being taken advantage of."
  2. Part of me says go, if just because of the rumors swirling that it might not be good, we need some on the ground reporting. Unless the ticket cost you money. Cause screw that.
  3. Having not seen it, can't judge. I just refuse the idea of Depp being Poirot.
  4. Took me a moment to see what they did. Guess the marketing team for this movie really is just an unpaid intern.
  5. It set up a world that didn't need John Wick to be in it for it to be interesting. I'm really excited for this movie, it's coming out for my best friends birthday, going first day.
  6. Its a movie that I didn't need a sequel to, but I wanted more of the world. I'd love an anthology series on Netflix or somewhere that's basically just "The Continental Stories"
  7. I found the world building really interesting. Actually watched it a few times, and one of the few movies I bought on DVD in the past few years.
  8. His girl wasn't killed. She died from disease unknown. It's why she got him the dog, cause she knew she was dying and he needed someone to love.
  9. Isn't it just an older version of the one from the end of the last movie?
  10. Namor's big problem is the big F-O-X. Not only is he heavily tied to the Fantastic Four, he's also a mutant. Though I believe he became a mutant after the contract was made, but it still makes it...problematic.
  11. I really enjoyed this movie. Even if not technically an A film, I'd give it more repeat viewings than most A films. I am also amused that a group of people who are such poor shots, never shot one of the horses, and always the riders.
  12. I see two problems with that site. 1.) Not only are their numbers estimated, they're not sourced, where did that site get those numbers. 2.) How is that anywhere near a fair or comparable chart? Monday night ratings aren't the same as Wednesday aren't the same as Friday. And 7 o'clock is different than 8 o'clock. How can any of that be taken seriously as a metric of popularity? I mean really, you're just using this as you being pissed that they fucked up the Hulk. You can be pissed about that, but your source is shit.
  13. I enjoyed Mag 7 a lot. Though spent most my time trying to compare the 7 to their counterparts in Seven Samurai, and in essence trying to figure out who would die. I was mostly correct.
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