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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. How much I love Inside Out and it's only in the 60s on my list. Not 100% sure how it got there.
  2. 4 feels as much like an RE game as 5. the last game to feel like an RE game was Code Veronica.
  3. 5 & 6 became action games when 4 became an action game.
  4. Didn't have 10th place ribbons either. I just play to play, winning is just a plus. I know I'm not good enough to win, but I still have fun, so see no point in not playing.
  5. Cause it might actually be worse to not include the star/writer/director in the shoots. (If that's possible)
  6. I keep forgetting this is a sequel to another movie. maybe the GA will too.
  7. Gods, bloody Labor day, through my entire week off. Forgot to put in numbers.
  8. I think more it's poor choice to phrase when trying to praise the original Magnificent 7 as a plot not done to death, when it is of course a remake, a remake of a classic no less. It's at best stupid, at worst disingenuous. (For me the original is better, but I like Mag 7 too.)
  9. Which just begs the question, do they realize that Magnificent 7 was a remake? I also question anyone who ignores the star power of Yul Brynner, Charles Bronson, James Coburn, Steve McQueen.
  10. I know what it means. Just finding it poor choice of words in regard to the original Magnificent 7.
  11. My memories pretty shit, but wasn't LOTR supposed to be 1 long book that the publishers forced Tolkien to break into three? And if you think any of those books are long, wow. Dense and boring yes. (Yes, boring is just my opinion) Long, no.
  12. Oh, I'm not going to do this that seriously. It's just stupid fun for me. Still the worst score of anyone playing double digit games.
  13. A part of me feels like I'm being made fun of. another part of me refuses to stay down!
  14. I'm just going to ignore how terrible I am at this, and just keep playing.
  15. Nothing like a Tuesday after an inflated Monday.
  16. ...Why do I get the impression a lot of the trailer is from other movies? I don't have sound, so no idea if it's a flash back kind of trailer.
  17. Always been a fan of riffs on Christmas Carol, and this doesn't look like a straight up find and replace like some others I've seen. I'll probably watch this on a cheap Tuesday.
  18. Well, looks ok. Seems interesting. Makes me think of a Christmas Carol.
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