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Gavin Feng

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Everything posted by Gavin Feng

  1. Cameron: That's why I made Avatar movies, telling stories for those human being who never learn.
  2. Spain Box Office, 2022: 49% Up On 2021, But Still Significantly Short of Pre-Pandemic Levels In line with most other major markets in continental Europe, boosted by a standout bow for “Avatar: The Way of Water” Spain’s 2022 box office surged 49% over 2021 to €379 million ($405.5 million by current exchange rates), Comcast Spain announced Friday. Total admission came in at 61.2 million.
  3. 1. I think he is always taking care about gun elements in his works. In Terminator 2, he never want John Connor to touch any gun, according to commentary audio. He believe it's very sensitive to let a kid open fire. And the key reason John Connor become the leader is intelligence instead of firepower. The only time John hold a gun is when he try to stop Sarah killing people and remove her gun. 2. People actually forget that Jim Cameron is a person turning 70. It's reasonable that he is gonna become conservative in some aspects as aging. He doesn't want bloody and violent stuff he did in his early days.
  4. Do we know annual box office for every major market in 2020? @charlie Jatinder
  5. Holy fuck, that's why I think FX is the end. China will never ever approve a new one.
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