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Posts posted by cax16

  1. Ya I think most of the stuff that has been coming out against Miller is from before, because apparently he’s been at home for awhile now. It will be interesting when the time comes to see how WB/Miller address all this. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, belblazer said:

    Media outlets are always doing this to him. Seeing all this meltdown over some bottles of champagne or vodka it's... yikes. And no one even knows if it's real.


    And brainwashed people into thinking that he is on the run when in reality he is in his house in Vermont for months. So many click baits and trolls.

    I mean no one is doing anything to

    Ezra, all of this stuff happening is from their actions. Granted we don’t really know what’s going on with most of the accusations but still, for things to keep coming out means Ezra is involved with this stuff in some way.


    I hope Ezra really is getting the help they need. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, TMP said:

    you say that like it's a bad thing

    It is, I want to see the movie cause I know it’s going to be good. But I’m getting tired of reading about Ezra every week. 

  4. Lots of info today lol,


    From the article below, quite a bit of info about JJ in there, it will be interesting to see how much of his stuff actually gets made.



    One HBO Max project that sources point to as being on solid ground and moving along is Constantine, a darker reboot of the DC Comics character from British writer Guy Bolton. The project is set around a diverse lead, rather than the one played by Matt Ryan in the 2014 NBC series and The CW’s Arrowverse, or the 2005 Keanu Reeves feature film.”




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  5. With all the stuff that has happened with Miller they’re probably just hoping it’s well received by the GA and can help set the path forward for their plan. I’m sure they 

    know it won’t make money but it’s probably better then the other options being floated around like straight to streaming or reshooting the whole movie to replace Miller. Maybe if they’re really lucky they can break even or just lose a bit. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

    I guess Gunn and Phillips are safe. Gunn seems more interested in TV stuff and Joker made a billion dollars and won Oscars. Both aren't "exactly" connected to overall DC anyway. I'd assume this means Reeves is safe but that stuff might be trickier since it's directly Batman


    I'd say just make Gunn the DC Feige at this point, but I doubt he wants that

    I know some people don’t like Gunns humour and I respect that, with that said, Gunn is super knowledgeable about the comics and he knows the movie making process as well so I’d definitely make him part of a “team” If they are putting one together to run DC films. 

    But, you’re right, I have no idea if he wants that. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, WittyUsername said:

    I also assume that Zaslav has no interest in making Michael Keaton the main Batman of the DCEU. I suspect the current plan is for Affleck to stay on. 

    Ya I should of added that, I said it yesterday on here that I’d expect them to have a new Batman going forward for the dceu that isn’t Keaton. 

    I think all the movies done filming now will have more added reshoots/post credit scenes to add in other elements for them to move their “plan” forward. 

  8. 1 minute ago, lorddemaxus said:

    The Rock is never playing the big bad lol. He literally requires his movies to have him get punched/hurt a specific number of times and probably requires that his character wins at the end of the movie. The only way this would work is if the final movie of the franchise is something like Infinity War.

    I don’t see why not? He would literally be the centre of attention for years, he would thrive on that. He wouldn’t die or whatever till they had a huge team up. He’s also pretty old already lol. 

  9. Just now, Potiki said:

    Agreed, source is Reddit. so I take it with a gigantic grain of salt but if it is true hopefully this doesn't fuck with The Batman 2, Peacemaker, Blue Beetle etc. 

    I know Gunn said a few days ago that peacemaker and all the other shows he’s working on are part of the dceu or whatever they’re gonna call it. And I don’t think they’re gonna touch anything with Reeves stuff after the Batman tbh.


    I assume the biggest changes out of all of this is we’re gonna get a new Batman for the dc universe, it won’t be Keaton. And we’ll definitely have a Superman wether it’s cavill or whatever is still unknown.


    I’m actually not totally against using the rock (black adam) as a big bad if it’s true, Black adam is a powerful and menacing character, but it’s all gonna depend on the stories they’re  gonna tell. Also, I think the rock can help sell the movies cause of this popularity but again, if the movies aren’t good, none of that will matter. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, AJG said:

    So some guy on Reddit mentioned the DC’s 10 year plan a full day ago and got downvoted




    Reminds me of the time I saw a guy on r/movies leak scenes from the Snyder cut years ago and got downvoted because no one believed him.

    I mean I’m fine with this if this is their actual plan and they stick to it( and it’s true).I don’t buy into the marvel stuff , just worry about the DC stuff and make it good, that’s all that matters. 

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