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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 2 minutes ago, Flopped said:

    He might be the lamest movie star of all time. 


    There's a grand tradition of actors who can't act - Arnold, Keanu, etc - but they all had something to offer. A sense of humor, a touch of humanity. 

    Dwanye is the human equivalent of a theme park ride. He sucks. I always knew this in the back of my mind but it wasn't 100% confirmed until I watched him with Emily Blunt in Jungle Cruise. She might as well have been acting opposite a piece of cardboard. I've never seen SUCH lack of chemistry. The movie rips off The Mummy 99 except when it comes to the actors looking like they have some kind of desire for each other. He is Marvel in humor form. Completely soulless. 

    Cool, but I really don’t care what people think of Rock as an actor cause that’s not what I’m talking about. He works super hard, he seems like a decent person so I don’t get the hate for him for promoting his movie, that’s all I’m talking about.


    No one is forcing anyone to see this movie and I definitely don’t think anyone is expecting some masterpiece from this either. I’m hoping for 2 hours of fun and action from some characters I’ve never seen on the big screen before. 

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, grim22 said:

    It's really weird that some fans are angry that The Rock is going all out to promote a movie he is starring in, it's honestly one of the strangest complaints I have heard.

    I really don’t understand the hate for the guy? I mean I understand the Snyder cult guys hating on him but if Cavill actual shows up then what are they gonna say?lol But just normal fans who are hating on him is the weirdest thing to me, it’s so confusing.  

    Without The rock asking to be in his own movie I would of never got one of my favourite cbm made, Shazam. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    I don’t know else to describe Dwayne Johnson. The entire reason we’re getting a Black Adam movie is because he didn’t want to play second banana to another superhero. He and WB are really desperate to make Black Adam happen, and I just don’t think it’s gonna work out.

    Maybe I’ll be wrong though, just like I was dead wrong about Joker, but I just don’t see the movie leaving much of an impression.

    I don’t even care how Black Adam does, I edited my comment above to add context to my other statement. I just don’t think he deserve the hate he’s getting for just trying to make his movie he’s invested in successful. It’s not like the dude isn’t a super hard worker. And so what that he wanted to make Black Adam it’s own thing? Cause of him I’m getting to see members of the JSA now. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    I got that one wrong, but I did also make a NWH over BP domestic club last year, which everyone told me was crazy, but look how that turned out.


    I just don’t see any reason why BA would do well. No one outside of these forums is talking about it, the trailer failed to get any engagement and the movie doesn’t have any hook, other than an actor with an ego who’s had an inconsistent track record at the box office. 

    This is such a lame comment, so tired of reading this garbage take already.   

    So many actors or sports figures or celebrities in general have huge egos yet all I ever hear about is The Rock, all because the dude is promoting his movie that he’s invested in, not only cause he’s in the actual movie but because he’s financially invested as well through his production company. What do people expect from the guy? In my opinion, out of anyone The Rock actually deserves to have somewhat of an ego, from where he built himself up from is really quite impressive. And honestly the guys a pretty good person, does a bunch of stuff for charities, fans and more. I’m not even the biggest Rock fan but the hate the guy has been getting just cause he’s trying to promote his movie is honestly so fucking dumb and petty. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Potiki said:

    It is a global number but only first 24 hours still seems pretty good, likely not as big as HotD on a global basis sure but that is like comparing every blockbuster film opening to the biggest MCU films, GoT is a hugely popular IP more so than even LotR/Middle Earth in recent times. I expect that number will continue to grow as well, obviously what is more important is what percentage of people finished the episodes and plan to continue watching which we got absolutely no indication of and will likely have to rely on third party information to get a rough picture of that. 

    Oh, I’m not trying to downplay the numbers but I guess cause I thought prime had so many members the numbers would be a bit more globally. I wasn’t expecting it to match HOD globally tbh, like you said it would be like comparing certain franchises to the mcu. Probably this has more to do with me seeing HOD numbers just a few days before and setting unrealistic expectations for this show. 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Dominic Draper said:

    As a DC fan I barely even recognize Black Adam in this. Its just another rock project.


    Rock is passionate about whatever is making him money. Tequila, an energy drink or his latest film while he makes comments that make it seem like he doesnt understand black Adam as a character at all.


    That’s fair, you’re welcome to your opinion on his interpretation of black adam. From what I’ve seen it seems fine to me but I’ll judge it once I see it. 

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