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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 1 hour ago, Eric the Lion said:

    And I'm sorry, who is this Daniel Alter guy? From what I can gather from his IMDb, all he's contributed to society is producing those Hitman movies and whining on Twitter. That doesn't really scream "insider" to me.

    That’s literally all he does, and he’s very defensive of Disney/Marvel, he’s very odd. I had to block him years ago. 

  2. 2 hours ago, reddevil19 said:

    Not long ago I would have agreed with you. But earlier this summer I was on a jury for a murder trial. I won't go into the specifics, but I will say the trial opened with two days of us viewing video and getting a blow-by-blow of the murder. 

    What followed is really difficult to comprehend without being part of it, but it opened my eyes to just how severe some mental issues can be, and how a person that's constantly been let down by the social and health system can spiral, with the result being multiple ruined lives. 


    Obviously Miller has advantages that us "normal" folk don't. But if we want to take mental health seriously, we shouldn't be dismissing the issues of a privileged person - I have realised just how easily some dismiss the poor, socially awkward, reclusive, seriously disadvantaged as well. Let's give everyone the same benefit of the doubt and opportunity to seek help. Miller can and should face legal consequences as well, but let's allow them the opportunity to seek actual help at the same time. Hopefully they will... 


    Now, for the actual business side of this, the best outcome is they're kept in treatment and away from the public for the next year at, while legal proceedings slow down a bit, the Batmen take front stage for marketing, a statement of support for Miller seeking help while making it clear such behaviour is not welcome and thereby it is mutually agreed that while focusing on their recovery, Miller will not be continuing on in the role. If possible, shoot additional scenes to tease a new actor, let the movie play and hope it just about covers costs when all is said and done (including post-theatrical) while leaving people satisfied with the content and wanting more... 

    I wasn’t gonna post cause honestly everyone has already made up their minds about Ezra as you can see from

    the snarky responses on social media, but I have a few family members dealing with mental health issues and it’s a very difficult situation to be in. No amount of money/fame etc can help when you’re dealing with these issues.


    I truly hope Ezra gets the help they need, there’s way more to this then just movies. 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, belblazer said:

    The backlash over this quote lol but I understand what he said and I agree. It's a good idea of having a movie for both characters + introducing JSA in Black Adam.  But I'm not that stupid to believe that it wasn't his ego who made him decline the project.


    Will be hilarious if after all these years to make it happen, it ends grossing less and not having the same reception as Shazam.

    Very likely both will happen tbh. I know made a club for BA over JL but I’m really not expecting over 500m for BA and that’s if it goes well in China.

  4. 16 minutes ago, RRA said:

    Despite his success with his “FlashArrowVerse” (or BerlantiVerse) in creating a live action DC comics shared universe on TV with team-up events, DC Cinematic reddit is pretty negative about this possibility. 

    He could make it work, but WB would find a way to break his legs before the marathon starts.

    That place is a hell hole, who cares what any of them say.  Not that I expect Berlanti to take the job either way but he’s proven to be a good producer over the years. 

  5. 1 hour ago, WittyUsername said:

    Are you referring to that supposed report that a gang shooting happened while they were doing reshoots? If so, that story seems pretty fishy to me. For one, I don’t see why they would already be doing reshoots, when the movie finished filming less than a month ago. 

    another “scooper” has said they still have 25-30% of the movie to shoot, I have no idea how that’s possible when they apparently wrapped filming in July but who knows anymore. 

  6. There’s tons of shitty people in Hollywood but that doesn’t really matter, it doesn’t change what Ezra has done or make it ok.

    I also don’t think the movie should be “canned” just cause of Ezra. This situation really doesn’t have to be so complex imo, just move on from Ezra, that’s it. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

    I get their dilemma. DCEU films have yet to really achieve both massive critical and commercial success together outside of the first Wonder Woman. If they think Flash could be their No Way Home, canning it is probably incredibly difficult. But also I don't see critics being nice to this movie anyways cause they'll all have been following this saga on social media. 

    I mean if the critics are gonna shit on it cause of Ezra Millers personal life then what can anyone really do about? I’m sure WBD want good critical response but they’ll care much more about audience reactions+box office. 

  8. 50 minutes ago, TMP said:

    plenty of mediocre superhero films get high test screening scores, so releasing another one isn’t worth giving someone as unhinged as miller an opportunity to lead a big budget film. also im sure dc fans will just move on to aquaman or joker or whatever lol

    What about all the other cast and crew that worked hard on the movie? That just doesn’t matter?


    Also, Miller is most likely gonna be recast anyways so it’s not like they’re gonna get any enjoyment out of movie if it’s successful, they basically screwed themselves going forward. 

    • Like 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, John Marston said:


    Except I would say in ter


    This is not just a social media thing. Mainstream news articles are reporting it. And when the movie gears up for release there won’t be another media storm and some parents might not want to take their kids to a movie which stars someone worth these kind of accusations? Also I’d say Flash isn’t a guaranteed hit with general audiences anyway 

    We’ll see what happens, everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the situation. 

  10. “And newly installed Warner Bros. Pictures Group chiefs Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy, in seeking to mend fences with “Batgirl” star Leslie Grace, are entertaining the possibility of having her continue to play Batgirl in a future DC film (or, at least, star in another Warner Bros. production).“


    I think it would be great to bring her back as Batgirl in another movie. Hopefully that happens. 

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