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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. Ironic that you say this considering the whole movie strikes me as being about self-improvement without personal growth. I'd say ATJ's character progresses throughout... progresses towards showing who she really was all this time, that is.
  2. This year might be yours. Entering your overdue-for-another-win period, you can probably Meryl Streep it even if your game isn't at its best
  3. Watched Runaway Train. This should be more of a cult item than it is. Wild-ass movie. Ferocious. Not quite like anything else I've seen. The performances especially - both Jon Voight and Eric Roberts are transcendently unhinged in this one. Just sat staring slack-jawed at the screen after it ended.
  4. TDK didn't open here until August 14, I caught it on the 13th though thanks to a local theater doing a preview showing. The wait was agonizing. Then I was one of like four people in that theater, and I remember the sheer momentum of the movie drove me into such a frenzy after a certain point that I was physically shaking through much of the second half.
  5. It's fascinating how it's one specific movie whose 10-year anniversary really marks a turning point. Back in the mid-to-late 00s, movies like The Departed, NCFOM, There Will Be Blood, WALL-E were all significant to my development as a film maniac, but when they turned 10 I barely noticed and didn't reflect at all. But with TDK, the passage of time just hits you like a tidal wave. Even weirder (despite it actually making sense): TDK is older now than The Matrix was when TDK came out. But because I came to The Matrix years after it was released, in something like 2004-05, it just always had a place in my mind as an older movie from before my time. No matter how much older, 5 years or 20 years, it all feels roughly the same. Entirely different when something actually becomes a phenomenon and then ages right before your eyes.
  6. Surprised by how much I liked Tully. It visibly strains when putting its whole conceit together but what it lacks in plausibility it mostly makes up for in emotional truth. This is a beautiful Theron performance; it's now, what, the third movie this decade she deserves to be nominated for but won't.
  7. The only good thing to come out of this will be another quality, articulate Vadim Rizov takedown http://lwlies.com/articles/obama-era-cinema-the-cinema-of-dinesh-dsouza/
  8. Are there any movies with her where that's not the case?
  9. Enemy and Sicario are my favorites of his because his style makes them play as slow-burning horror. Tbh that might be the genre he's best suited for.
  10. And about how amazing it is that Ernest Cline knows obscure 1980s video game trivia. And about how you should spend more time in the real world when you can do and be basically everything you want on the internet while the real world is a dystopian shithole. And about how YOU KILLED MY MOTHER'S SISTER
  11. Adding to what I said earlier, just bring back Alan Cumming. He is after all invincible.
  12. You're about to jizz all over the screen showing Mamma Mia? Sounds bout right
  13. And a few months later Charlottesville still happened. Call me a cynic but I seriously doubt these movies actually have nearly as much effect on people as their creators or you or I would like them to. Predominantly liberal audiences watch scenes like the one you describe and get to feel good about themselves for being on the right side of history and that's about it. Yes, it's good if it gives someone somewhere some inspiration but I'm not inclined to put these movies on a pedestal. They always think more of themselves than they should.
  14. As someone who's seen all three, there's hardly any gap here. They all mostly suck. Spare yourself. Also have you seen Resolution? If not, I'd definitely recommend it before you watch The Endless. Which I just finished and wasn't too crazy about, actually. It's a clever concept and all but I hoped these guys would go forward after Spring, not back.
  15. So what you're saying is that the script let down the cast but it's the cast that should pay for it.
  16. So most people will disagree that it's the greatest action movie, but also most people overrate it. Uh huh. And that 200m thing is complete bullshit and you know it.
  17. Barnack is a forum hero for fighting this fight. Anyone else would have given up long ago. Not him.
  18. double-featured Resolution and Spring. the former is good but the latter is terrific. heard tons of the "Before Sunrise but ______" descriptions but still wasn't prepared for how self-assured and likable it would be. quite a leap tbh. excited to see The Endless tomorrow.
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