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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. Haynes McCarthy McKay Miller either Scott or Inarritu
  2. FYC: Best Picture, Director, Actress, Original Screenplay, Cinematography, Editing, Score, Production Design, Costume Design
  3. Eh, it's not like he's Dennis Dugan or something.
  4. I keep reading everywhere about how mean and nasty this is, and while that only makes me more excited, add the length and the lack of Best Picture buzz and I seriously doubt this gets to 100. I hope it at least reaches Kill Bill unadjusted.
  5. Ant-Man Ex Machina Mad Max Star Wars The Walk
  6. I'd wait till the 1080p blu-ray rip if there was no other option for me to see it.
  7. Some of the most jaw-droppingly gorgeous animation I've ever seen.
  8. Because the Academy was too busy rewarding people who didn't deliver their best films but for whom it was "the right time"? Although Scott's loss in 2000 is really a rare exception to this, since it was definitely the right time, yet they picked Soderbergh, a non-veteran who was just as much if not more deserving.
  9. This type of thinking is exactly what's wrong with the Academy.
  10. I hope Luke would be a bit more self-aware than to dump his kid on a junk-filled desert planet with no knowledge of who her father is. Not sure why it would be so hard to come up with a plausible different backstory for her. Have her be a kid of a couple of Jedi who were being trained by Luke 5-10 years after the events of ROTJ and were then captured or killed, or something like that.
  11. Love all that peace and serenity interrupted by that creepy distorted footage of... whoever that is. (Leland? Cooper with white hair?). Classic Lynch. I'm more excited for this than I ever was for new Star Wars.
  12. Look of Silence is much more personal and its 100 minutes pass by very quickly.
  13. In terms of ambition it's dead last, in terms of quality for me it's tied with ROTS for #4.
  14. I enjoyed all the new actors - Isaac's roguish charisma, Boyega's mix of determination and goofiness, Driver's combination of menace and insecurity. Ridley has enough fire in her to carry a movie all of her own. Carrie Fisher though looked really sleepy in this. Hamill will hopefully deliver in the next one.
  15. The basic story beats in the original Star Wars were nothing new but I think we might be taking for granted how weird the universe and its details must have seemed at the time. Dudes battling space Nazis with sabers made out of energy and in WWII-esque dogfights, all set to classical-sounding music - as far as pastiches go, I bet it looked pretty original. There's nothing weird about The Force Awakens. It basically gets by on its energy and the charm of its actors.
  16. It's pretty fun throughout and the new actors bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm to the table, but yeah, the movie does basically nothing to further develop the universe in any meaningful way. Literally everything we see is a riff on something we've seen before. Technically it's less flawed than the prequels, I suppose, but those actually dared to be their own movies.
  17. 7 minutes of the score. I'm really digging it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHpza9bQAkY
  18. Definitely my favorite reviw yet. But then Vishnevetsky always delivers. http://www.avclub.com/review/quentin-tarantino-gets-theatrical-70mm-western-hat-229377 Just waiting for this to finally hit where I live now.
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