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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. Lego will almost certainly become a classic anyway, Oscar nom or no Oscar nom. That said, Princess Kaguya better fucking win this thing just on principle.
  2. I just hope Michael Mann doesn't finish his career at what looks to be its lowest point in 30 years.
  3. After three viewings I remain more or less indifferent to Blade Runner (aside from Hauer's speech, which is an all-timer), but it has very possibly my favorite film score of all time.
  4. I'd enjoy seeing that happen just because reactions would be utterly priceless.
  5. Hell, I like most Spielberg films and love several of them, and I'd say #30 all-time (ALL-TIME) is about right.
  6. I'm predicting 4 for Boyhood (Picture, Director, Supp. Actress, Editing) and Grand Budapest Hotel (Orig. Screenplay, Production & Costume Design, Makeup).
  7. On the other hand, if DOR's Oscar begging turns out to be successful this time I'd like to know in advance so that I don't waste any attention on the whole thing.
  8. Why are y'all predicting Hail Caesar? Isn't it getting released in February 2016? Knight of Cups seems like a pipe dream too. If Tree of Life barely got in, I don't know why this would. I predict Tarantino finally takes Picture and Director. It's not like we've seen any of the actual movies, and it seems realistic enough all things considering.
  9. Amber Tamblyn isn't in The Hateful Eight,. Jennifer Jason Leigh is playing the character in the movie (and I'd love her to win).
  10. How much time left till the announcement? (Edit: nm, just under 5 hours)
  11. If it helps, it'll stand the test of time better than 99% of last year's films.
  12. Alphabetically: Before Midnight (2013) Boyhood (2014) Drive (2011) Enemy (2013) Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) Shutter Island (2010) The Social Network (2010) The Turin Horse (2011) We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011) Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
  13. Yeah, every day it looks more and more like they straight-up botched it.
  14. I never said it was the only reason, and hell, I have no idea how much of a role it played (and whether the film would have been nominated if it had been directed by a man), but I see how it could be taken another way. All I was saying was that the Selma snub looks very similar to those, especially to Malcolm X which was another widely (almost unanimously) acclaimed film about a black activist directed by a black filmmaker that was mostly ignored by award voters. One important difference is that we know for a fact Paramount didn't send the Selma screeners to the DGA which undoubtedly played some part.
  15. It's like nothing has changed since Spike Lee was snubbed for both Do the Right Thing and Malcolm X.
  16. Tyldum has been in the race for a while though so I just kinda got used to his presence.
  17. Your avatar is a perfect reaction to Eastwood beating out DuVernay
  18. Now let's just bring back Sherilyn Fenn and let those two crazy kids finally be together.
  19. Yeah I know. I don't really mean I'm angry, it's just really weird in retrospect, especially considering BM was just a year ago. On a positive note, one great thing to come out of this is that more people will seek the Before movies and other Linklaters, and those could always use more fans.
  20. Maybe it is and maybe it isn't, but clearly not enough people agree otherwise he'd be steamrolling the awards season a la DDL/Waltz/Ledger and there would be no Redmayne talk at all. As it stands, they are pretty much tied for frontrunner.
  21. Even though I only first saw Dazed and Confused and the Before movies in 2013, I'm weirded out by the fact that a Linklater joint - and one that's in no way pandering to the mainstream - is a Best Picture frontrunner that's loved by the industry. I can only imagine how his longtime fans feel. Also, while Boyhood is my favorite movie of 2014 I can't help but admit its recognition makes me angry at how little attention the Before films received in comparison. I realize quality by itself doesn't win you awards and your movie needs to gain enough buzz in the industry, etc. But for a guy who made Dazed, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset and Before Midnight, it still feels ridiculous that Boyhood is going to give him his first Picture & Director nominations.
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