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Everything posted by UrosepsisFace

  1. As a reminder, the Lego team needed a warp drive and Batman pretended to want to hang out with Solo's crew, just to steal their warp drive.
  2. I'm not part of the generation that grew up on Power Rangers, and I have no idea who these characters are or what any of this means, but I'm super hyped to see this movie. Super colorful ninja super-heroes and giant animal robots turning into another giant robot on the big screen? Well worth the $10 ticket.
  3. Yeah, each movie has found a way to be successful in different ways and its international appeal is insane. What I admire about this franchise is that it just kept going whatever it's critical perception or BO.
  4. The comedy is limited to mostly one character who does not appear in each movie of the series.
  5. Watching Hardcore Henry in theaters, make sure to take an anti-emetic. Dude next to me kept burping, and having to leave...presumably to throw up. I guess he loved the movie because he kept coming back. Veterans of shooters should have no problem though.
  6. Humor + Horror breaking out. Last year was humor + rated-R action. We also know humor + animation/super-heroes sells big time too. Yet all the pure-comedy movies fail. Ha ha! Lionsgate is rocking it this first quarter, too. Those Zords in Power Ranges look sweet. Can't wait for Name of the Wind. I think Kong is being underestimated. Sure, kids from the 90s will be bringing their kids to see BatB and Power Rangers, and they are buzzing about it on the internet. Kids from the 40s, if they're still alive, will need their kids, grandchildren, great grandchildren, or great great grandchildren to assist them to the theaters for Kong.
  7. I think Arthur has to do exceptionally well, and I don't think that's going to happen. WB doesn't seem too confident putting it between GotG and Aliens. WB's Dungeons and Dragons has also stalled. Lionsgate and Kvothe will just have to save the genre.
  8. In regards to Wheel of Time, it's a major gamble to put so much behind an attempt, but hey, so was Game of Thrones. A Robin Hobb movie would be pretty easy to make, imo. Looking at what's popular these days at the box office, I think Dragonlance would be a pretty successful trilogy.
  9. Well, if happy PG-13 fantasy goes nowhere in terms of BO, maybe darker, rated-R, fantasy will take the wheel.
  10. Comscore probably doesn't take into account the 80+ who will make their grandchildren take them to watch Kong.
  11. When Name of the Wind finally gets developed, it won't be as good as the book, since the movies are never as good as the book. However, I think it'll have very strong appeal and I'm hoping for Hunger Games/Twilight type success. I mean, it's basically Harry Potter meets Wheel of Time. Speaking of Wheel of Time, that's supposed to receive a television series as well.
  12. Yikes. I hope the ladies show up to see Arthur shirtless, because this doesn't look very good at all. With this eventually doing poorly and World of Warcraft doing poorly last year and Seventh Son being a bomb a few years ago, I hope studios don't give up on Sword & Sorcery. I was really hoping to see Lionsgate "Name of the Wind" and a WB "Dungeons and Dragons".
  13. That's the problem. Derivative is the money maker. Skullcrushers instead of trex, southeast Asian setting, Princess Mononoke inspiration? I hope I'm wrong, and Kong gets some attention too.
  14. Hidden Figures and Lion were two of the more disappointing Oscar nominees imo.
  15. Beauty and the Beast looks like a carbon copy of a very successful movie in the era of most well-remembered movies. TFA is an example of how the public loves that. Kong takes its inspiration from Princess Mononoke, which the general public will shrug at. I wouldn't be surprised at the 520 and 115 predictions. I'm hoping the ancient ones from retirement homes across the nation will come out to pay tribute to their generations monster king, though...
  16. I'm loving the hate for 50 Shades Darker. I was sitting in a sold-out theater with the wife, listening to some guy complain to a few women about having to be dragged to a movie rated in the single digit% by RT. He complained that every review said it was corny, pointless, and had terrible dialogue. Whole theater seemed to either groan or laugh at ever terrible line or outrageous situation. In the end, though, it was a sold-out theater and the next two showings were also sold out, possibly filled with peopled dragged their by their friends. My showing for Lego Batman was also sold out, and the jokes hit. Whole theater laughed throughout. Everybody liked the first movie. Everybody seems to like this movie. It has Batman and Lego. Why the under performance? Look, the first Lego Movie opened against The Monuments Men and Vampire Academy. Look, Zootopia opened against London Has Fallen and Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. You can make the argument that Lego Batman is facing competition (both possibly passing 100m in the end) that goes after very different audiences, but is it so hard to imagine a Batman fan choosing to watch John Wick 2 instead or a couple choosing to hire a baby sitter and watching 50 Shades Darker instead on Valentines Weekend? If that doesn't explain it, then...cartoon aimed at kids is still too dark and doesn't have babies or talking animals that are meant to be cute... Finally, go John Wick 2! In a world that complains about the violence in Walking Dead, I am very much pleased such a film exists...
  17. Pop culture movie, high budget, possible franchise starter? Rotten Tomato? That's not a surprise. RT is quite predictable. The big franchise-starter video-game movie with good reviews will be Detective Pikachu whether it's good or bad. Why? AC and WoW zealots can be ignored, but the Pokémon Legion reigns supreme. All Pokémon movies will be 70%+ on RT. btw, i've been reading comments from people who wanted a light-hearted, straight-forward movie about buddy assassins cracking jokes at each other. Uhg, the Mickey Mouse Club will ruin cinema.
  18. I'm not saying the reviews won't hurt the film. Certainly good reviews help and bad reviews hurt, but it's very far down the list of what really influences the final box office. Just look at the summer. Tarzan, Purge, and Bad Moms were all Rotten. Audiences thought differently and all had BO success. When RT does not sync with RT audience, it's almost meaningless. The movies I mentioned had something like 10 to 30% difference between critic and audience. Batman v Superman had stronger potential, sure, but a film doesn't make the equivalent of a Kung-Fu Panda movie after it's opening weekend if its word-of-mouth was as bad as the RT critical rating. BvS had 30%+ difference between critic and audience score. Another way of putting it, films like BvS and Suicide Squad that you've followed, made as much money as critical-darling Moana's run so far. Fantastic Four flopped because it was TRULY hated by both Critic and Audience scores. I would say RT critic has a greater causal affect on BO (but still slight compared to other factors), but RT audience score has a better correlation.
  19. Star Wars doesn't need any help at all. That's unfortunate that people hope the rest of Hollywood fails to help the success of Disney. Well, Tarzan had bad ratings and faced summer competition and still easily broke 100m. No offense to the leads of Tarzan, but Passengers out-hots them for sure. The movie Joy made 55m from a Christmas opening. I'd like to believe it was the JLaw factor more than the 60% on RT that achieved those numbers. That was a family drama set in some provincial town. Jlaw has another pretty costar this time around and she's in space. I think that's enough. I don't see why this movie can't at least reach 100m. Like I said, Tarzan fared pretty well with less star power and only slightly better reviews.
  20. Hmm...what will have a greater affect on the public eye? A Green Tomato from the internet or two of the prettiest people trapped in space? I'm beginning to suspect the members of this forum are comprised of RT critics that they place such importance on the RT score. RT score might not even be in the top 10 influential factors for this movie's success.
  21. Saw La La Land and Manchester By the Sea so far this week. Can't wait for Rogue One! 150m OW here we come!
  22. I avoided knowing anything about it other than its box office success. I almost quit watching it in the first 20 minutes or so. Then it got on the level of Steins;Gate. I don't watch much anime in the last decade, but Steins;Gate was pretty damn good.
  23. Saw "Your Name" (kimi no na wa). There's a reason why it was crushing the competition in Japan and China. I enjoyed it more than the likes of Arrival and Moana.
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