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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. It's more than any other movie would do wednesday at 4PM, so ... why not?
  2. And surely a bigger hit with adults, than with kids.
  3. But audiences are, at the moment, pretty much done with every comedy they get. To be fair, there is a considerable lack at the moment. They are either aiming for the african-american audience or women this year and we're already in May.
  4. I guess the current cinema is a mirror of the needs of societey in the current political environment. People search for heroes in times when they feel like somethings going on. Not a good time for comedies. I hope the moment that people realize, that laughing is the best medicine comes rather sooner than later.
  5. https://variety.com/2019/digital/news/avengers-endgame-again-tops-studios-tv-ad-spending-1203201333/ Tv Spendings seem totally in line with what you's expect for a May Tentpole.
  6. I think, Pika is THE Family blockbuster of the season. The movie kids ask their parents to see, while movies like TS 4 and Lion King are probably the movie, parents ask their kids to see. That's why those movies will be way more active in terms of presales. The age group Pika Pika depends on, in my opinion, is the group, who isn't reflected by presales. Everything we are looking at in terms of presales is the Bonus, the young adult interest group delivers. I might be totally wrong, but from the first trailer on, I saw this movie totally happening. I think we got blinded by Endgame, but Pika will find the sun blocker in the right moment and then it will shine itself.
  7. I think people are looking at Pika Pika with wrong expectations. This is neither a sequel to Jurassic World, one of the biggest movies of all time, nor is this a Potter-Franchise. I'd rather look at movies like Despicable me 2/3, Minions or Pets as a perfect comparison.
  8. Remember when Jumanji had no buzz whatsoever? Pika Pika always felt like that one next to the huge Blockbuster to me... Big Trailerclicks, great initial reactions. I still think this will open to $100m.
  9. Isn't it worth a mention, that Pika Pika was the 5th best selling movie in the last 24 hours?
  10. I just found out that this is supposed to be a teen romance? Holy Crap? From the trailer I thought this was pointed at middle aged women. How is the actress only 19?
  11. It instantly came to my eye, because I pretty much knew how much it did from my memory. I had to check the others, and well, Attack of the Clones would have failed (It didn't even break the record in 4 days, why would it do it in 3?)and Passion of the Christ would probably have failed as well. Shrek 2 would have been a close call, but it might have just done it. The rest is pretty save to assume, they would have done it, even though SM2 had July 4th that deflated its sunday, so might have been close as well.
  12. This weekend kind of feels like the end. The end of cinema as we know it. Ending with a big bang, never to be reached again. The end of source material connecting millions of people. From here on, there's no source material left to be made into a movie of this scale. Material, that broight us together. From here on, individualism will succeed even more. May the bang be even bigger than we think at the moment. It's a magical weekend.
  13. Here's the best ODs of all time in France: http://www.jpbox-office.com/1jour.php Keep in mind, that the other movies pretty much all openend on a holiday or during summer holidays, where the whole country had school off. Yesterday, many areas were already back on school.
  14. Let's see if OD exceeded 400k admissions by a bigger margin. It's been a while for german theaters to see that kind of business. Marvel has finally arrived at the Top in Germany. Unfortunately, it's over for now. We were way too late to jump on the train.
  15. Germany has very big presales. Sold more than 100k Tickets on the first day according to Disney. That's huge for our standards. As a comparison, SW EP 7 sold around 550k 2 weeks before release, but SW is on another level.
  16. At this pace, Hellboy is even missing out on mid teens. Wow.
  17. I wouldn't be worried about Pet Semetary. The Nun entered MT with only 5,5% on Wednesday and this one didn't face Endgames Presales. PS being at #3 on Pulse without Endgame is pretty good. Can't see it doing under $30m.
  18. Avengers is a honorable Mention at best in terms of German BO History. I'm not in for those artificial revenue numbers at all. The only facts are delivered by counting admissions.
  19. Could somebody please explain, how i get from these docs to TalismanRings daily presales? Do I need to calculate it all by myself, taking data from the "Purchase History" Doc? So if I want to know, what "Us" sold on Monday, do I need to take all they single day sales Thursday-Wednesday that were purchased on Monday or is there an easier way? Thaks in advance for any help with this issue.
  20. Because Hollywood lost the female target to Netflix by basically not giving a damn for years now.
  21. Weekdays are inflated, jumps on friday and Saturday won't be as big as on a normal weekend. With Peter Rabbit numbers from last year, it's not even doing $10m for the WE.
  22. Gunn shouldn't have been fired in the first place. It was actionism at its finest by Disney to save their face in a heated discussion and now, when nobody cares, they hire him back. Wouldn't be surprised if this was the plan from the beginning to be honest. I don't like the signals this is sending. You either stand by your friends whithin the storm or you don't. But crawling back, when the storm is over, is just...not my cup of tea. Actually, I'm quite surprised, Gunn is playing this game with them, but that's the power of a company like Disney I guess.
  23. You have to give credit where credit is due. The second trailer was just a bad move by Disney. This one on the other hand contained the heart of the animation and scored big, time, when "A whole new World" in this great alternate version played. That's professionalism, to just make it better next time.
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