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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. What is going on with people? I absolutely loved TS3 and it's incredible ending, but I have no interest at all meeting those lovely characters in a new adventure. Why can't they just for once let us live with our good memories and own ideas how things turned out for them? Wasn't Finding Dorie enough to hurt the greatness of Finding Nemo?
  2. Feels like the concept of HTTYD, but that's not the worst concept to get inspiration from. It looks absolutely beautiful and the soundtrack makes it even more appealing.
  3. I don't get the praise for the Soundtrack. Speechless sounds totally out of place and like a leftover for Eurovision Song Contest and COntender for 12th place. The other productions sound liveless and so slow. Maybe the base of expectations was low, but this is mediocre and that's it.
  4. Actually, they changed the lyrics to be closer to Ashmans original Lyrics for Little Mermaid, but closer is not always better, when the result should be a piece of art and I swear, some of those german translations are even better in terms of beauty and poetry, than the original ones. They truly are a piece of art. The new movies, Frozen, Vaiana and stuff are pretty much 1:1 translations and thatfor heartless and awkward.
  5. I just relized, they changed the beautiful german lyrics for this movie, just like they did, when they literally killed the german version of The Little mermaid for the re-release. I'm not sure if I can sit through this.
  6. On the other hand: 4 Comedies and 4 movies for a female audience (opening within 2 weeks). The schedule this summer is horribly one-sided.
  7. This clip looks lke a disaster to me. It's not Will Smith' fault, but it's just lacking the slightest bit of life, energy and most important: magic. You seriously have to blame direction and cinematography here. I'm not sure what cameras they used, but the soap-effect in this clip is quite disturbing and takes away any scope and depth from the material. Also, the lack of any filters makes this look so sad. The last trailer was so good and now this. Beauty and the Beast was able to capture some magical shots with warm colours and close ups to camouflage, that you just can't catch up with the possibilities an animated movie has to fill the screen. I'm really shocked that this is a finished product. If they said this was a $20m Disney Channel production, I would buy it any minute.
  8. Will people ever learn? Horror Movies are dead 2 weeks prior opening. La Llorona was also called a bomb and then it opened to $26m.
  9. I actually thought Aladdin would be the one, because this one surely didn't look like a dump. Also, when Solo was scheduled there, there was no way in hell it would have opened that low in an environment pre-Jedi.
  10. Will there ever be another memorial day opener not disappointing? It's been 5 years...
  11. Yes, he said he needed the son, but it was never explained why. Or maybe he needed the son, because his plan was to bring them back together as a family? Well, probably even the writers didn't know. Or the editors were a bit too ungenerous with the material.
  12. Even though Spoilers are allowed, still beware. SPOILER ALERT! The movie was some light fun in a warm and welcoming world, with some likeable characters. But could somebody please help me out with one major plot point. So why exactly did Mewtwo feel the need to transfer Harry into Pikachu? It turned out, that his body was fine in the end, so why wouldn't he just heal Harry, like he healed Pikachu? Did I miss something?
  13. That's this page alone... None of these postings have anything to do with what you said.
  14. Are you serious? This thread is spammed with useless comments for weeks now and you want actual tracking content to be reduced? Every post focussing on actual tracking is, in my opinion, very welcome. The endgame made it obvious, that this thread actually needs to be split in a pure content thread for people who want to get actual information without scrolling through 20 pages of opinion to get it and a comment thread.
  15. Didn't the second Trailer for Jumanji drop from 30m to 2m? Did work out quite well for that one in the end.
  16. It's more than any other movie would do wednesday at 4PM, so ... why not?
  17. And surely a bigger hit with adults, than with kids.
  18. But audiences are, at the moment, pretty much done with every comedy they get. To be fair, there is a considerable lack at the moment. They are either aiming for the african-american audience or women this year and we're already in May.
  19. I guess the current cinema is a mirror of the needs of societey in the current political environment. People search for heroes in times when they feel like somethings going on. Not a good time for comedies. I hope the moment that people realize, that laughing is the best medicine comes rather sooner than later.
  20. https://variety.com/2019/digital/news/avengers-endgame-again-tops-studios-tv-ad-spending-1203201333/ Tv Spendings seem totally in line with what you's expect for a May Tentpole.
  21. I think, Pika is THE Family blockbuster of the season. The movie kids ask their parents to see, while movies like TS 4 and Lion King are probably the movie, parents ask their kids to see. That's why those movies will be way more active in terms of presales. The age group Pika Pika depends on, in my opinion, is the group, who isn't reflected by presales. Everything we are looking at in terms of presales is the Bonus, the young adult interest group delivers. I might be totally wrong, but from the first trailer on, I saw this movie totally happening. I think we got blinded by Endgame, but Pika will find the sun blocker in the right moment and then it will shine itself.
  22. I think people are looking at Pika Pika with wrong expectations. This is neither a sequel to Jurassic World, one of the biggest movies of all time, nor is this a Potter-Franchise. I'd rather look at movies like Despicable me 2/3, Minions or Pets as a perfect comparison.
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