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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. Slighty below TJB OD, but that one opened during the holidays. 1,5m+ opening week looks good for it. With Cinderellas IM it would even do 2m admissions.
  2. So I guess those increases all around put that BatB Tuesday into perspective and we have to wait a couple of days, before we have a better clue, where the journey is going.
  3. It's tragic, how Dreamworks went from an inspired studio with a lot of comedy talent to...this.
  4. People need to understand, that people like us are not general audiences. We watch a movie like every day, but many don't, so there's no feeling of "seen that before", like we have it every once in a while. Also, I'll never understand, why every movie has to be intellectually challenging. There's so many basic food I don't want to miss. Haute Cuisine every day? Not so much. For me, movies, others call dumb, still add to more variety in my life as a movie addict. There's so much out there to love for people like us. We are a very blessed bunch of addicts to be very honest. That's why I don't understand, why so many find so much time to do the opposite of loving movies.
  5. I think this is a perfectly fine number for BaTB. Saturday and Sunday showed the family appeal and so it plays like a family movie. I don't think this will have a 175% jump on friday, but it will be fine with around 85-90m over the weekend. Let's have a pessimistic look at things from here. 175m WE 50m WD 85m WE 27m WD 42m WE 14m WD That would already put it at 393m coming from a 43m weekend and with easter still to come. It's a tough task to not get to 500m from here I think.
  6. This is a movie made for young boys. They do not care about critics, just like they didn't care for TMNTs reviews. Kids want to have fun and the trailers looked like fun.
  7. I don't think it's Emma Watsons name in the first place, but the combination of her in this movie, as she just fits perfecty.
  8. BatB sitting at 86% on Flixter, a site pretty much owned by young guys, and still going up should pretty much put $425m as the absolute minimum. Realistically, I have a hard time believing this won't cross $450m.
  9. The point is, that third trailers always post way lower numbers, so comparing clicks from second trailers to third trailers wonÄt help you predicting BO with it. I combined Fast 8, because it has 3 trailers even at around 14-16m views each, while Alien has a single single one with 12m clicks and only a distant second with 3,8m.
  10. Alien is only the second trailer. 2nd trailers for F8 and WW look much better. WW was at 15m views after a week, the 3 Fast 8 trailers combined for 25m clicks after a week.
  11. $60m would mean, BatB would go from the 19th biggest OD ever to the 6th biggest saturday, with a shot at #4 according to RTH. What a great story. A movie for every generation and March record looks good. Also, its IMDB score already went up to a 7,8 from the homophobe 6,4 it was sitting at on thursday.
  12. That's not the point, I already explained it and this is also not Jesus' business at all. I'm perfectly fine with anybodys dislike of a movie. And guess what? I would even think about following a derailment discussion about movies people like.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised to find a discussion about Tele hating JW in pretty much every big WE thread in the last couple of years. Some might call it discussing, others would rather call it spam. The sad thing is, that all this stuff gets more attention, than RTH posting epic numbers. Should maybe try to include all the derailments in the thread-title es well, as the off-topic talk seems to be what everybody is interested in on the big weekends.
  14. No. I'm perfectly fine with people not liking a movie. I'm not even sure, if I will like BatB, as the original is pretty much my favourite movie of all time and the Disney-Remakes so far felt kind of empty, because they couldn't quite catch the magic, an animated movie can. The thing I don't understand, is, how people waste their time with constantly repeating it, trying to ruin it for others with it as a side-effect. That what I meant with all the negativity.
  15. The world really turned into a bunch of haters, discussing what they hate, all day long. No wonder, everyone is turning nuts by all that negativity.
  16. Coincidence? Both, JW and BatB are sitting at exactly 71% with a 6,7 rating at RT. Sad, that RTHs early numbers don't fit. That one started with 67-71m. But I don't think BatB is the same walk up beast, so 68m would make me very happy.
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