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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. I never understood the focus on money. It's just a business gimmick to sell records. Admissions tell the truth. Local currency, okay. But overseas numbers compared to $? It's worthless. But here we go, should finish with $38m. Just as a comparison how worthless these numbers are: Pirates 4 made $62,5m with 4.4m admissions. So looking at LC its 36m € vs. 44m € instead of $38m vs. $62,5m.
  2. Should be around 3,2m admissions after the weekend, so I guess 3,5m-3,6m in the end I guess. RO should finish in the 4,5m range. Moana slightly above 2m. Sing around 2,5m.
  3. It's almost as if the devils bringing sythetical drugs to humanity, try to complete their masterplan in 2016.
  4. That doesn't translate to BO, yet, though. Might be on a level with FB on the next 2 weekends already.
  5. Mh, FB might just miss the 4m milestone. But it should get to #5 of the year. RO will achieve 5,3m adm. with MI4 multiplier. Might not quite get there, but 5m looks dood I guess. Moana will get to 5,1m adm with Puss in Boots multiplier.
  6. Those articles are hopeless. I'm really shocked at how bad they deliver those numbers. Give them to us, we will write you articles with accurate numbers and also for free. Forbes concerning Fences: http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2016/12/26/box-office-sing-soars-passengers-recovers-fences-breaks-out-on-christmas-day/#105dc92073e8 I mean, seriously? What is wrong wih those "Journalists"?
  7. Numbers all over the place. Deadline is having a chart up, too. http://deadline.com/2016/12/why-him-975k-thursday-previews-box-office-1201875344/
  8. Deadline is only having inreases so far, but combining them with Sat-Numbers, they have: Pass: $7,5m WH: $5,3m CB: $2,2m http://deadline.com/2016/12/why-him-975k-thursday-previews-box-office-1201875344/
  9. Just to make clear how incredibly huge that number for Hidden Figures is: The Revenant had a 43k- PSA last year on only 4 screens. HF scored 38k on 26 screens. Also good news for Silence, then. It won't do anything near Reventant in its wider release, but that's a very nice rebound after the muted opening days.
  10. Nothing to worry, we've all had this problem before. So RO came back to earth after having an outstanding christmas eve. 25m is right where I had it a couple of days before for CD. Passengers finally showing some life, but womens movies often start to deliver on dec 25th. Too busy for the movies before. Sing might do more than 20m today. Was hoping for more for La La Land. Great for Fences, though.
  11. I'm too busy finding any real setpieces to care for any of the characters or certain parts of their body.
  12. It always looked like it had the potential to be a smaller scale version of "The Help". I'm watching Gods of Egypt right now, it's on Amazon Prime and dear God, that's some of the worst CGI choreografy I have ever seen in such an expensive blockbuster.
  13. I still don't get it, but I think I should haven mentioned Rogue One and all would have been alright.
  14. Lala Land is killing it everywhere. So much wasted potential. The only new movie people really want to see is not available for everybody.
  15. I was seriously considering to retire from predicting, after a reasonable source like Variety came up with that ridiculous $30m number. Neither reserved seating nor any other indication hinted at that number. Now it's right where it was expected. RO was not doing anything unexpected in the last couple of day. Journalism is dead.
  16. It could be a great animation adventure. Adventure movied are dead, but they still work as Animation.
  17. I till think people shouldn't look too much at Sherlock Holmes in terms of increases. The higher the numbers, the lower the increases. That's how it is. I wouldn't be surprised by a sub 100% jump on Christmas Day.
  18. It's a good example, how audiences go watch a good story and pass on the bad ones. Mockingjay was a massive drop in quality, trying to be edgy and with that ruining it all.
  19. And the next day with RO right where I expected it. Had it flat for tuesday and -15% on wednesday.
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