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Everything posted by Jonwo

  1. I think if it can do £1m total in the UK, it'll be seen as a success, judging from its strong PTA from just 19 cinemas, I think it may do that once it expands.
  2. PA4 won't be number 1 given that Madagascar launches on the Friday and that has previews the weekend before. Wonder how Hotel Transylvania will do? Its been advertised heavily but it faces both Frankenweenie and Madagascar.
  3. I think Beauty would have done better had Disney held back the Blu-Ray release so that audience could experience it fresh. I'm thinking Aladdin's been delayed so that they can get a 3D rerelease done for January 2014.
  4. I wonder what the next Disney rereleases will be for 2014, I imagine it won't be announced for a while but my guess would be Aladdin and The Incredibles for 2014, the latter to coincide with its 10th anniversary and the former has had its Blu-Ray release from 2013 delayed. Would love to see Tarzan rereleased in 3D either theatrically or on 3D Blu Ray, the film lends itself very well to 3D.
  5. It'll be interesting to see how Untouchable does when it expands. The site average does indicate interest but that may not translate in other parts of the country.
  6. That's a good number for Untouchable considering it was only released in some London cinemas, it's expanding this week so it'll be interesting how it fares.
  7. Hope Springs had a very good drop and the total indicates it had a good audience during the week.
  8. Killing them Softly did okay considering that it's 18 rated. Paranorman benefits from the fact it's good and not much competition until October.
  9. The only successful Looney Tunes film was Space Jam which was decent. I imagine the plot will be the Looney Tunes coming into the real world, they're not the Smurfs, Chipmunks and Yogi Bear which could be adapted into a live action film.It's surprising Warner Bros have struggled with feature animation considering their history with animation and their library is as big as Disney's although admitfully some of them were acquired over the years like Hanna-Barbera and MGM Animation.
  10. Dont like the idea of Looney Tunes being CG, I know WB have done CG Looney Tunes shorts but they work best as traditional animation.
  11. I think this week is just a handful of cinemas for Untouchable, Cineworld are showing it at the Haymarket and Fulham Road and Haymarket tends to show more specialty releases so it's a good gauge to see how the film will perform before it expands.
  12. I thought The Prince of Eygpt was successful for a traditional animated film that wasn't Disney. I thought it was a shame that they stopped making traditional animated films as they were pretty good,
  13. I expect it'll expand in the coming weeks, they often do this for foreign and arthouse films like The Artist, Moonrise Kingdom, The Imposter etc
  14. I imagine it'll get a limited release then expand if it proves popular. It's pretty difficult for foreign films to get a look in as it's sadly a limited audience.
  15. Wonder if Paranorman actually beat The Sweeney Fri-Sun as Sweeney had two days of previews. PR tanked but it had no promotion, Hope Springs did badly as well. Anna Karenina, Lawless and Dredd all had good drops especially AK.Skyfall will be a beast, Bond always does quite well and the 4 year gap means there is some demand. I wouldn't be surprised if it dominates until BD part II comes out.
  16. There isn't a strong slate of films, last year there was Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy which managed to be a modest success, there isn't really anything until Resident Evil and The Campaign at the end of the month. October will definetly make up for a weak September.I've noticed Madagascar has previews before its official release which will bump it'll OW. It'll be a strong half term with Madagascar, Hotel Transylvania, Frankenweenie, Skyfall, Paranormal Activity 4 and also smaller releases like Fun Size.
  17. I wonder if Dreamworks will consider rereleasing Shrek in 3D, I know they toyed with it for a while either for a theatrical rerelease or on Blu-Ray?
  18. The Campaign has done good for a comedy about politics but I think it'll struggle overseas. I alway found it surprising that The Other Guys didn't do that well overseas considering the premise was pretty simple.
  19. I think Ralph and Guardians will do well, not sure on Les Mis given the mixed reception of musicals at the box office but given its a known property and has a great cast, I wouldn't be surprised if it managed to do over $100-150m.
  20. Didn't Aladdin beat Home Alone 2 at the box office, it was definetly the biggest Disney film until Lion King came along. Aladdin along with Tarzan are the one I think would work if rerelease in 3D. I thought the title number in Beauty and the Beast was incredible in 3D, A Whole New World would take it to another level.
  21. Aladdin's Blu-Ray rerelease is due for Spring 2013, think Disney should hold it back a year and rerelease it in cinemas in 3D in January 2014. The Pixar films are more widely available unlike the Disney animated films.
  22. Sweeney should easily make more than that if it holds up. I'm surprised it only cost £3m to make, would have thought £10m.
  23. I'm thinking it'll be The Sweeney as it has a five day opening. Paranorman should be over £1m easily, the lack of kiddie films will help.
  24. The Prince of Egypt was a success and made $200m WW which for a non Disney animated film was a success but their later 2D films were not successful. Given that DWA have dabbled with 2D with scenes in Kung Fu Panda and the upcoming Me and My Shadow, it would be good to see do a fully 2D film again.
  25. I think UK should do okay but it'll be a small success as foreign films tend not to be that successful unless its Bollywood.
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