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Everything posted by elcaballero

  1. I'm really split on how I feel about it so far. I love the score and the visuals (minus the occasional puppet wonkiness), but I'm iffy on the story so far. I don't think I like Yoda Jr. having such an aptitude for the force before he can even speak, let alone form complex thoughts or emotions. I also don't like the implication that this ability is because of his species (they really seem to want to walk back the ethos of the Force presented in TLJ). Also, I found the Jawa scavengers being, well, Jawas unnecessary. Are they just naturally inclined to build Sandcrawlers and roam around desolate desert planets or something? Perhaps there is a central Jawa authority that dispatches them to a specific Sandcrawler? Definitely nitpicking, because I really enjoyed the Sandcrawler action scene.
  2. Everything the trailers have shown looks great. I do wonder if we'll eventually see some larger cities (which Star Wars kinda has a dearth of, in my opinion), but packing ship battles, CGI creatures, and AT-STs into a TV-show budget is already a huge ask. They're delivering in spades.
  3. When do we riot? I have my pitchfork ready. BOM had such a great interface. If The Numbers ever wanted to redesign, now would be the time.
  4. Same to you. It's been fun, everyone. Now the question becomes, who do I root for?
  5. It really is still a great ballpark. The only thing to come out of building a new stadium is that it has made gameday traffic for Cowboys games a little worse.
  6. Good luck on The Goldfinch and Brittany Runs a Marathon everyone.
  7. USC football is so confusing to me. I think the Pac-12 just sucks.
  8. I'm in on this club. Great weekend, but probably fan-driven and frontloaded (feel free to laugh at me too).
  9. 663 people are talking about this https://www.google.com/amp/s/screenrant.com/frozen-2-new-trailer-monday-confirmed/amp/ Can't wait to see what tone they go for in the new trailer.
  10. And Downton Abbey pulls way ahead! Should be an interesting race between Rambo and Ad Astra this weekend.
  11. Brown may be too crazy for even Belichick to handle.
  12. Yikes, Florida State. I can't remember the last time I've seen such a big first-half/second-half disparity. The drive charts are kind of hilarious, actually.
  13. Yikes. That was... uh, a less-than-easy week.
  14. For any NFL fans, really crazy and sad news about Andrew Luck retiring.
  15. Still wish they went with another name besides the Resistance.
  16. Ran across this the other day. Ewan still has skills.
  17. Yay! Some shots of ships flying too, and they look good.
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