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Everything posted by Valonqar

  1. MPR PTA is pure shit. BB plays in more theaters and has twice as big PTA. Good luck catching up with it with those miraculous legs that everyone is counting on and yet no sign of them.
  2. 200M x 2.5 = 500M to break even. It did. It's now making profit but clearly not as much as WB hoped. still, profit is profit. perhaps they scale down the budget and try to be more like Bumblebee?
  3. Solo was going to bomb in any season. there was no real interest in the movie by either GA or fans and even traditional OS markets snubbed it. It isn't the season or closeness to TLJ or whatever. It's that the movie itself didn't interest anyone. It happens. Hollywood makes movies that can't find audience all the time. Even if they are part of a big brand.
  4. since Aquaman follows the same beats as Thor, I expect same beats as Thor 2 which is where mother dies and sons unite to take down the common enemy. or so it seems. so my theory is that Manta kills Atlana (and Tom), Arthur enlists Orm's help or Orm breaks free in response to his mother's death, but also tries to seize the throne at some point. and yes, manta will need serious man power.
  5. sorry to be a bitch but I need The favorite to fade away cause I want Coogler to make DGA line-up and BP to win Picture. I'm bullish on this outcome so the more competition falls by the wayside thanks to shitty boxoffice the better for my cause.
  6. Eternals look like low rent X Men without the zany-ness of GOTG (Rocket, Groot). Really dull in paper form, don't know about the movie but I definitely don't plan to see it as I'm not a fan of X Men concept either. Black Widow should be big but I understand people who think that her ship has sailed for a true breakout thanks to WW and CM getting there first and second. Plus, a no-powers hero without the advantage of Cruise-like crazy-stunts-done-by-the-actor-himself that drives MI boxoffice especially OS.
  7. My biggest fear for the sequel is that Manta is gonna kill Tom and/or Atlana. It makes sense for him to take revenge on Arthur's parent(s) if he can't get Arthur himself. I love Tom and Atlana and I loved Manta Sr who had great interplay with Manta Jr "my son, you must live to kill this son of a bitch!" also, if something happened to Atlana, that would naturally bring Orm into the story since he was clearly left for more movies just like manta (who has connection to both). I'm super hyped for the sequel but also scared for characters.
  8. MPR was overpredicted because many people, not just here but in media, did not believe in Aquaman. It's very simple. Despite the evidence to the contrary, that anticipation was through the roof, people underestimated Aquaman and started to look for champions elsewhere, from MPR to legs-will-pull-Spidey/BB-to-the-top. I get it, DC blew it with JL but it obviously didn't affect Aquaman cause trailers hyped GA and they seem to really love Jason in this role. So yeah, it's really down to AquaWave. It's real. It's always been, just many didn't believe in it.
  9. No matter how MPR turns out, comparison to The Greatest Showman is ridiculous cause MPR was hyped to be big from the day it was announced. Like, literally all media and most of BOT were chanting this-gonna-be-big. OW was supposed to be big. Legs were supposed to be long. This was not an underdog that overcame bad marketing, bad reviews and bad OW and soar on WOM alone. The movie was hyped as the biggest holiday movie. Move over Aquaman, MPR's gonna be #1 with 400M dom and 1B WW. There are receipts everywhere. Then, weeks before release, awards bodies started to put it on their Top 10s and nominate for Picture and Actress. Reviews are generally strong so the movie has nothing going against it and therefore should have performed to expectations which were sky high. And yet here we are. And it's tanking in Europe save UK, no?
  10. Indeed. @Barnack that's a good explanation. they are hedging their bets but still looking sketchy cause as said in the quote above, they literally went from 50M to 30M-but-but-looong-legs projections.
  11. it seems to me that some trades literally exist to talk about legs for movies that are clearly underperforming. But but legs. Don't worry about shitty opening, but but legs. Yeah, lets see how that works for 10+ movies that are supposed to save themselves with legs. Sorry but it's irritating. It's clear that studios are not happy with results and are pushing for legs damage control that may not be as long as they think.
  12. yes, Aquaman is the best IMAX 3D since Avatar. totally worthy the higher price.
  13. I've noticed that AQM score comes from 16K ratings while other movies are rated by only 5K (ITSV) and 2K (BB and MP). Does that mean something? Likewise, IMDB already has 40K ratings for AQM but 29K for ITSV, 4K for BB and 1K for MPR. Maybe Chinese audience is fueling the number of AQM clicks?
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