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Everything posted by JB33

  1. Thanks! Yeah I figured it would be an inexact science with no straight answer, at least at this point. I couldn't remember when you started fully tracking. And you got it right. I was riffing. Just being sarcastic haha. Smilies are your friend, as my sister often reminds me.
  2. You'd think....same for Godzilla vs Kong, and Fast & Furious 9. And Black Widow. We're behind on several trailers for big movies.
  3. I'm thrilled Mando is getting such good reception. I knew it was too early to spell Star Wars doom after TLJ and Solo.
  4. I don't know what you're talking about.... On another point, I'm trying to remember....has Sacto overperformed for the last two Star Wars saga films? Wait, I guess you weren't here tracking TFA. What about Rogue One and TLJ? Or is Sacto usually pretty in line with the final result?
  5. That really infuriated me. It should put people on notice that a large portion of both black and white people want a fight and they want the racial tension. People are bored and want something to fight for or against. There will always be horrible instances of racism, sexism etc. because some people are horrible. It's that simple. But there isn't this widespread issue like some people like to pretend there is. They know it too, which is why some try to actually manufacture it!
  6. If there was snobbishness in The Revenant than I guess I must have just ignored it and watched the film at face value because I adore it! Beautifully shot and I love the setting. Performances were also on point too. I don't care for Inarritu the person for the same reasons you're talking about, but I'll admit I can't wait for what he does next.
  7. @Porthos is the one to go to for multis so you're asking the right person!
  8. For me personally I would say Shrek 2 and Shrek the Third because I don't count May as summer. I don't know about in the US but here in Canada everyone is still in school in mid-May. Otherwise, yeah, nothing really close.
  9. So are any limited releases expanding wide over Thanksgiving, either on Wednesday or Friday? For the first time in awhile there aren't many candidates to do so Judy, Parasite, Jojo Rabbit and The Lighthouse already got wide releases. Dark Waters is already confirmed to go wide on December 6. That leaves, what? Waves and perhaps Honey Boy?
  10. Thanks Charlie! Disappointed in the ABDITN and 21B numbers. Thought they both could do a little better this weekend, especially the latter. The F2 number on the other hand is fantastic! How much spillover do you anticipate for tomorrow? If it can manage a 20% drop or better then Sunday will stay over $40M.
  11. Not surprised. At that age she's just entering that phase when it would be hip to say something like that. Not saying she genuinely didnt like it - what would I know in that regard? - but I feel like that's an amusingly hyperbolic, yet typical pre-teen/teen thing to say about this of all movies. It's like my Star Wars obsessed kid stepbrother. This year out of the blue he hates all things Star Wars and totally mute about it. I'm like, yeah, sure kid. Wait until you're old enough that the kids at school aren't telling you how to think.
  12. Started giving reacts to everyone who replied, then ran out. Thanks to the rest of you for your answers. To your point @Inceptionzq re: travel days, December is a funny month for box office isn't it? Especially the latter half (Christmas time). The calendar configuration is at its most crucial for trackers and enthusiasts during that time of the year. You can't just look back at last year's trends because the calendar being off by one day makes all the difference in the world; we have to look at the last year the calendar was the same. Making things even more complicated is the rapidly changing landscape in terms of presales, which requires us to use as recent comparables as possible. Can't do that when we also have to back to 2013, the last time the calendar configuration was the same (though looking at December 2013 releases will still help in a general sense with daily trends and such).
  13. I would argue Shrek pioneered the trend of animated movies that also appeal to adults, making certain ones box office juggernauts. I remember my parents having an absolute hoot with Shrek.
  14. For the "won't open over TFA/IW crowd" (of which I am a part), on the other hand what do you think the odds are of it opening above TLJ? I see @ThomasNicole has proposed a 190-205 range. What about the rest of you?
  15. Unbeknownst to all of us on this site, Frozen II could very well be the monster that blows by expectations that some thought it would be, just that the audience habits are different. That is to say, the audience that's missing from making this a $160M+ mega opener is sitting tight to watch it this week or next weekend. It's like Christmas in a way. Despite the fact that time of year is made for people to fill up the multiplexes on an opening weekend, it's equally - if not more - made for audiences to be more choosy about when they see the movie, which is why most Christmas time opening weekends are actually depressed (IE. Star Wars: The Force Awakens could have very been even more crazy on opening weekend if it didn't open during Christmas holidays, or Aquaman might have approached $100M OW). In a nutshell, the final total is going to be what it's going to be, and there are different avenues for getting there. It doesn't always have to start with the absolute biggest opening weekend possible for it. I realize what I'm saying is kind of basic, but it's also something we (I, for sure) tend to forget sometimes. If this wasn't opening on the date it is, I'm positive a huge chunk of people who will be seeing it in the coming week to two weeks would have seen it on opening weekend instead and we would have seen the kind of mega opening some of us were anticipating. Either way, it's the same result.
  16. Based on $50M previews, what do you think of something like this for OW? Previews: $50M Friday: $61M Saturday: $70.1M Sunday: $54.7M Total: $235.8M
  17. It's a pretty safe bet that Infinity War will keep the #2 OW spot so the Avengers will continue to rule. I would be content with Star Wars accounting for the next 3 spots though.
  18. Are you kidding? I would be ecstatic if TRoS opened over IW! But yeah, not going to happen. I'm hoping for over TLJ though. There latest TV spot is amazing by the way!
  19. Loving the intensity of the praise! Been looking forward to this since the day I heard abo uh t the project (which feels like so long ago)!
  20. By all means, dont read it if you dont want to. I wouldn't blame you haha. I just figured the headline spoke for itself. The article is as bad as you think though.... just garbage, even for an opinion piece.
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