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Everything posted by JB33

  1. Well that sucks about no Canadian theatrical release. Same thing happened with Operation Finale in August 2018.
  2. This looks pretty bad but maybe it'll surprise. Either way RDJ will be fine. Can't wait to see what he does next (Yes, I'm already looking past Dolittle).
  3. Sure, and there's nothing wrong with that. Those are the showrunners' own creative choices. Good for them, and I mean that. My point is that the reason the MCU is so big and popular is because their movies look like our beloved comics have been lifted right off the page and on to the big screen! It doesnt mean that comic book fans aren't also looking for something more mature and complex - look at Joker! - because they like a little of everything. It's just that Marvel movies are under no obligation to have that sort of slant or style. These critics forget or simply have no idea of their purpose when critiquing them. They dont give a shit about what they're based on and what audiences want to see. The movies just dont fit into their box of what they consider filmmaking so they must be shit.
  4. Hate to be that guy who is anal about thread titles again, but would a mod mind adding the release date (December 20)? Anecdotally, I've had a few people in my personal circle alone under the impression this came out on Christmas Day so adding the date might actually be helpful for some folks. *shrugs*
  5. If Wednesday does go as high as 23.5 (or even the 25 I've seen proposed by a few people) it shows just how backloaded Frozen II. It shows just how SMALL the opening weekend was for such a popular animated film. I mean, $23.5M is +13% over Tuesday! That's unprecedented. Usually we're looking at +/- 5% or anywhere in between. Remember, this is also coming off a HUGE Tuesday increase too. Who knows? Maybe we'll just get an enormous Thursday drop to compensate for both the inflated Tuesday and Wednesday numbers. Maybe not though. I'm just trying to be realistic.
  6. You know what all these MCU critics just don't get for the life of them? These movies are based on comic books! They aren't original films. People aren't necessarily looking for what they would in other original, more grounded and worldly films. There's a point to these superhero movies and that is that they are our beloved comic book characters and events coming to life! You think anyone gives a shit how nuanced and artistic these films are? No! None of us - even the MCU's most passionate fans - are comparing these films against The Godfather or something. These auteur directors are the only ones doing that.
  7. Like we can really take Josh Trank's opinion seriously, given you could leave a bunch of drunk teenage boys alone and they still wouldn't leave as much of a disaster in their wake as he reportedly did. Yup, you're sooo cultured and above the rest of us aren't you Josh?
  8. Oh yeah. I was totally expecting a 60% drop for F2 over the December 6-8 weekend and that was well before these recent numbers came in pointing to how big Thanksgiving could be. This is still going to leg it out to a HUGE gross but it's still going to burn off a large chunk of demand over the next 5 days. Who cares though? If it reaches the $99M 3-day @Menor was speculating on, a 60% drop would still make a $39.6M 3rd weekend! So still tons of mileage left
  9. I'll admit I'm getting a little concerned about TRoS. Trying to take your guys' advice though and just wait for reviews and such.
  10. Finally! Can't wait for the teaser! Feels like it's been way too long since we saw Bond on the big screen. It's about time.
  11. $120M or so 5-day was what I got from my projections. We'll have to see how the bumps and Sunday drop are. As we know Frozen II is sort of breaking new ground so we can't exactly rely solely on past trends. Just have to wait and see.
  12. Like that it went up from Charlie's 20.5 estimate. Now, without further ado, let's get this Thanksgiving 5-day weekend started!
  13. Me too! Not too concerned about the rating. This looks to deliver more in the fun aspect, rather than anything too dark or mature.
  14. Yeah I've noticed. Studios dropping 2 real quality films this Thanksgiving by the looks of it in Knives Out and Queen & Slim. Q&S however is getting a pretty small release (1,625 on Wednesday, 1,690 starting Friday). Probably smart. It looks good but not like a crowd pleaser that's poised to break out.
  15. @Jedi Jat dropped a $20.88M number for this in the Tuesday numbers thread. Huge 63% bump! It should go up another 5-10% tomorrow if I've read past trends right.
  16. Good to hear. Tom Hanks' performance was always pretty much a slam dunk so what did you think of Matthew Rhys' performance? I remember really early on when we first got reactions months ago several people mentioned that he was actually the standout in the movie.
  17. Well, hopes dashed. Middling were the reviews and middling was the box office; this came in 4th this past weekend with a $9.25M debut. This one clearly didn't have much more to offer than T'Challa being a cop and the Russos as producers. Did anyone see it yet?
  18. Looks like I won't be able to see this. Just too many other movies on the docket with few opportunities to get to the theatre. On another note, I know others feel differently, but I'm pretty disappointed in the hold this past weekend. 50% is in most cases not a bad drop but I figured with this being a super audience pleaser it would have had a crazy 35% drop of something. Who knows? Maybe this weekend's drop was the worst and from here on it will have those kind of holds. It's known to happen - a movie loses a certain portion of the OW audience but the rest of the audience keeps the momentum going with multiple viewings and good word of mouth.
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