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Everything posted by JB33

  1. @TwoMisfits Forgive me if you've already discussed it, but is this one your kids are interested in? Just asking to gauge, at least anecdotally, the interest level.
  2. Yeah I suppose so. Plus several people have mentioned the huge previews affects the weekend drop, which does make sense, since previews are just getting bigger and bigger as Thursday starts to become its own 4th day of the weekend. I guess the box office is a vastly changing landscape right now, and I'm someone who doesn't handle change very well haha.
  3. Yeah it's far from a disaster or anything, but in my own opinion people are making a lot of excuses. Even in summer when weekends are depressed and weekdays are great, there was no reason for this to drop that much. Again, not a disastrous drop, but I think it's okay for some of us to have the opinion that it's disappointing.
  4. Am I the only one here who considers an under $80M weekend for TLK supremely disappointing??
  5. Don't blame you. We get gouged on a lot of things in North America, Canada especially. Flights (especially domestic!), internet/cable, cell plans etc. Grand larceny. Europe is so much better in every way.
  6. Could TLK have a worse weekend drop than Avengers: Age of Ultron??? I know it's the summer and weekends are depressed a bit, but yeesh!
  7. You just couldn't help yourself, @Porthos! I love it.
  8. In my opinion, going larger than life and having a more grandiose, "franchis-y" story arc to it is what turned it into a franchise. I'm not saying going back to racing cars is necessarily a bad thing, just that it wouldn't have nearly the box office power. I, for one, had zero interest in the franchise when it was just macho guys racing cars. Once the Rock came in + the story became bigger is when I took notice. All that to say, different strokes I guess.
  9. Ahhh, I see. Thank you. I will definitely take you up on that soon.
  10. I mean, reliable or not, that sounds pretty logical. I wish it was sooner - like at the 6 month to release mark in early November - but December would make sense too.
  11. Loved the Bruce Lee scene! Also loved when it turned out to be just a daydream.
  12. It's definitely a long movie and I can see where people who criticize the 2nd act are coming from. That being said, it was a great movie for me from start to finish with a great script. It's also a nod to something that we all agree is becoming extinct: a movie in which movie stars carry the movie. I don't mean that like they had to carry the movie because all other aspects were bad, I just mean it's a movie about movie stars with real movie stars!
  13. Out of reacts but thanks @TalismanRing and @captainwondyful!
  14. I see. His statement "This is a long bore of a movie" doesn't carry much weight then, does it?
  15. This doesn't surprise me in the least. I watched Mr. Rogers when I was little. I wouldn't say I'm nostalgic about it at all. After all, it's a young children's TV show. We're not talking about superheroes or even Disney animated classics. Yet, when the trailer came out there was that wave of nostalgia and I felt as if I did care dearly about the show the whole time. It was weird, and yes I am seeing it!
  16. We might be misunderstanding each other. I'm a native English speaker Unless you are referring to options to help with hearing enunciation properly. In that case, I mostly watch movies and TV with subtitles at home. In most other cases, I have to have my TV way too high up for my roommates. Subtitles have been a godsend for me. Before I did that I had been used to watching things and missing so much context and so many small but crucial details in the dialogue. Even now I'll put on movies I know very well, but with subtitles, and certain scenes take on a whole new meaning because I can read every word that's being said.
  17. Boom! By the way, apologies about my previous comment (lowest common denominator). It was unnecessary.
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