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Everything posted by JB33

  1. Every blockbuster movie is backed by a big corp. It's not like Jim independently distributed this. Don't act like Fox was a huge part of Avatar's success just like Disney was of Endgame's. If I want to use your logic, then I'd just suggest this is two brothers (the Russos) vs James Cameron. I mean, way to totally invent a narrative. It doesn't surprise me though, because schlock like that is what you Cameron loonies get off on and sleep to.
  2. So is a $200M OW pretty much dead at this point?
  3. Thank you! Yeah nationwide is what I meant. Its PTA on OW was outstanding. I hope it does really well in wide release.
  4. I wonder when this is (inevitably) expanding. Have there been any official reports?
  5. Yeah, that's pretty much me too. I don't even care anymore. The debate is so exhausting. Whatever happens, Endgame has made more than enough for me even if it will be genuinely neat to see it at the top on the worldwide leaderboard.
  6. @Valonqar did you make several clubs that are Movie X over Episode IX? Lol. That being said, I've noticed you've been a pretty good sport about Star Wars lately based on the stuff you've seen and heard about TRoS, rather than hate on it regardless, so kudos on that. Dare I say you're actually a bit optimistic?
  7. Oh God....men willingly giving up on the concept of alpha male. Humiliating. You can still have the utmost respect for women and be an alpha male. This is nature we're talking about. Humanity can't be so arrogant as to think they can, and should, change nature.
  8. At this point I'm legit afraid that other non-Disney studios are going to pull a Fox and throw in the towel. People here know I'm a Disney defender but I sure as hell don't want them to be the only player in the game. That being said, we may find that - much like the theory that Endgame sucked the air out of the box office - Disney sucked the air out of the box office in general in 2019. Next year will be a total down year for Disney and we may see some huge unexpected grosses from other studios' films, as people's money and attention is freed up. I really hope this happens, rather than the theory that people still won't show up for non Disney movies regardless.
  9. This is very true and I was just going to say it. It's especially true for things like cable/internet and mobility. It's why we Canadians have the biggest cell bills by far. Charges are asinine.
  10. You know what I hate about this stuff? The people I argue with on these subjects here are the same people I like and admire so much. All of you are such great posters and people. It sucks that we live in a world where differences of opinion on certain subjects can create gaps between people and impact how they see each other (this subject was touched on in Long Shot, which was one of the reasons I loved the hell out of it). Not saying that's what's happened here though. I guess I'm just saying it's so difficult to be able to express my beliefs and inclinations because I wouldn't want the box office discourse to be impacted between myself and anyone here. For instance, I loathe being referred to as "cis-gender" because I don't believe in this whole business of trans-gender and cis-gender in general. We're male and female. That's it. I also don't believe in gay marriage. That should not be a crime because I bear zero ill will towards anyone on this site who is trans or gay and married and I value what they have to offer here (unless you're shivampa). It's an opinion and it stops at an opinion. I believe people on the other side of the coin should conduct themselves the same way. The problem is, it doesn't often work that way with the left. They love to ban/boycott/vilify anyone or anything who/that doesn't align with their beliefs. It's unhealthy.
  11. Quoting this post from the weekend here because discussion on the subject probably doesn't belong there. That and it's a really great post. And another thing: It's not Scarjo's freaking responsibility to turn down roles for other people! If a trans person had been cast to play a trans character I would have been thrilled, but that's the studio's responsibility to do so. Scarlett saying she should be able to play any character she wants is absolutely 100% true. Like, this shouldn't even be a fucking discussion. There's nothing wrong with what she said. Not even close! The fact there needs to be more opportunities for minorities is a completely different discussion and she shouldn't have to make her interviews all politically correct like a drone. Nobody can say or be what they want in today's outrage culture that is completely dominated by the left. You just can't. So much scrutiny and vitriol over non-issues. Gah! I just needed to vent. World's going to hell in a hand basket.
  12. Ugh, that's lame. I actually haven't been able to make it out to see it yet due to seeing my sister, brother in law and little nephew for the weekend, but I've been wanting to see it ASAP. Looks hilarious!
  13. Of course she's being phony because she likely doesn't see anything wrong with what she originally said and stands by it.
  14. Are we...are we really suggesting she shouldn't be able to play any role she wants?? What in the actual fuck??? @DAJK you seem to be pretty level headed on these kinds of things; what do you think? If you've already commented I haven't seen, as I don't have the time at the moment to go through the thread. Am I on an island here as usual?
  15. LMAO! L! M! A! O! I mean, of course most people have a problem with what ScarJo said. Of course. If a trans actor said he/she (wait, which would it be??) should be able to play anyone they want, nobody would have a problem with that, right? There's literally nothing wrong with what Scarlett said. Nothing at all. People just want to be outraged though. It's like the news I saw today that the one movie theatre in Salmon Arm, BC had to cancel its screenings of Unplanned because the staff got death threats. Like, WOW!
  16. The huge decrease in @mahnamahna's TLK predicts makes me sad.
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