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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Almost everyone, no animated movie with a non Dreamwork-Pixar 90s style worked in a very long time with the GA, does not need to that peculiar, anything 2D or Kubo and the 2 strings is enough to not interest people. You can make something has strange has Sausage Party, give it that classic 3D computer look and people will be open to it,
  2. Not sure why you would shoot in his home planet or what that would be, there is a reason they brought him on earth or that he seem to remotely care about earth for no reason at all, so people care. Most SH and blockbuster are still set on earth and when they are fighting in new-york they manage to make it look completely empty like if it was shoot on a mix of sound stage with green screen, Rampage for example.
  3. Except maybe wanting to try to keep that tradition special by just putting the main star wars in there. and augmenting audience clarity by a distinguished release pattern.
  4. Rewatched it right after Bumblebee, and yes I agree, you understand why it spawned such a giant world franchise (one big reason was how little to do with transformer-not needing to care be a fan at all of the franchise, but also how good the comedy was and the set piece, felt so tactile, so much in camera with what looked a lot of actual giant military stuff and soldier actually there, with population always in the cross fire and involved and real crowd, something that tend to be absent of most recent blockbuster.
  5. Yes and a bit like a painted feel often, Sin city also, but in both case not sure how much of the action was actually live.
  6. Not sure how much it is, even with a very low 125M world P&A and an extremlly optimistic 55, 47, 25 retention rate And an optimistic finish of 166m dbo, 440m, 57m China 166*0.55 + 440*.47+ 57*.25= 312.35m Without considering the Rowling and Heyman probable first dollar gross point or Overhead and you are in the red. Has for the much smaller OS shares for a product like Potter, I don't know the leaked WB showed yes a much smaller retention rate but still a really good one, 46%. It is a property popular in higher return place like Japan-Germany-south korea that can ask for a lot. P.S. No one using that expression of profitable in its box office run ever explaned exactly what they meant or what was the point of it.
  7. How do you know if it was out of theater ? Could be mismembering but I think it was still showing up on fandango ticket sales for weeks after that, if you look here seem to have been the case: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NBK-Sj8qK3GXl-iOdHYeD94YRNxWJ9HqZ9OKdGoSx2o/edit#gid=384438946 Selling over 500 tickets some days on fandango in August. Movies often play a very long time after they stopped showing up on box office mojo, I imagine dollar theater run and what not.
  8. That is quite true he was in many giant movie the last 2 year's.
  9. True (and between director everyone else after that), but Bruce Willis/Gibson both made comeback in front of it also eventually.
  10. They get big name older star for free, Blumhouse are not paying anyone, Jennifer Lopez/Jamie Lee Curtis worked on scale to have the chance to work with Blum. Tim Burton, Verbinski are the 2 obvious, obviously a come back to that level imply that he would have made a demonstration of good on set actions + sobriety before on a significant amount of time on smaller projects.
  11. It was more that is pariah status do not seem to affect the box office what so ever, there is strong sign people do not care that much when the movie work (same goes for the Weinstein kind a like producer on A Star is Born). Same for when Gibson was breaking box office records with is directed movies without any studio wanting to finance or distribute them.
  12. Could please the director asking for it and international market awareness. Is last movies did Pirates: 622m FB: 444.4m and counting Orient express: 250m Alice: 222m A Paramount type, if he is ready to do it for points..... Or it can be not the studio directly, it can be a Blumhouse horror affair with the star trying to make a comeback doing it for SAG minimum + profits point with an Universal distributing as a slate deal. If you are Disney that last pirates was your last one with him I imagine.
  13. You are right imo, a way to resume the list of element was Showman under 10m OW, that a different kind of movie multiplier wise, Showman multiplier is more than 2x Avatar, the only movie to open above 16m to have a better multiplier in history is freaking Titanic. Something like Sing (7.7x), Cast Away (8.1x) or even Jumanji (11x) at a limit do sound more reasonable than the totally out of no where once in a lifetime affair that was GTS that was possible only because of the very small start, thinking of a 19-20x multi for a franchise movie starting over 20m like MPR, that something that just never happened, Christmas is a bit dangerous the number of year the 25th was exactly that far of the movie opening weekend is rare, too, but it sound really unlikely. Italy did seem to have a strong number 1 start.
  14. That sound more of an issue than it is in reality, Hardy was reading is line in Locke and it was one of the good performance of the year and obviously: He did learn line for a good part of is career (is text writing is on co-star like that when coverage was good for it, or giant text put on building and so on), every actor has a method that work for them and not learning line for some is a good way to sound natural and not rehearse, Peci/Deniro had often a no rehearsal rules, some love it, etc.... Some of is co-star on the Pirates shoot didn't even know about it, they thought he was listening to fitting music during is performance. It can close to the door to work with Tarantino or other director that ask of it, but usually director big enough to ask stuff like from stars are the kind stars will make an exception for, not learning your line for some Pirates movies does not mean you would not do it for a great director movie.
  15. Last year Mel Gibson filmed in is first studio movie since the production of Edge of Darkness in 2008, Polansky got a big french name to play in is movie this year, a Brian Singer movie just made over 650m WW I imagine he certainly can, specially if nostalgia stay such a high currency over time, Murder on the Orient Express success was not that long ago. Even Bruce Willis could have someform of comeback with Glass and he was into direct to video made by Canadian filmmaker without a wikipedia page affair for a long time.
  16. That is meaning less and less, specially post Fox acquisition it will not be some objective in any way to just be the top.
  17. Trade people got burned with Christmas legs in the past. That Avatar/Greatest Showman is flopping message you wrote follow you forever, the maybe it will legs it's way out does not if it does not happen and humans are much more afraid to loose than they are happy to win.
  18. First Transformer is still the best TF movie imo, I do not think this will spawn nearly half the gross in sequels that TF 1 did even without adjusting for inflation and market growth. Feel like it is a good movie for family with very young kids too.
  19. That does not sound true, woman +25 like to plan stuff and pre-buy no ? That movie was expected to be really pre-sales heavy.
  20. A for sure, family affair and F+40 movie do, but I imagine that it is also true for M+40. One other possible element was that those movie were less often event type of movie/pre made fanbase (The Nancy Meyers giant legs type of affair) with the marketing that go with that, when they are like a Mamma Mia! sequel they do not necessarily leg better than your average Tom Cruise/Denzel/Clint Eastwood movie. Still really up in the air for me, Christmas season are almost impossible for me to read, when the actual days end up on the week change a lot the mechanism and to find a similar year's sometime you can only find one in the last decade and here we giant force going for big legs: Family/F+25 audience could come Christmas obviously Musical genre Going against being a big franchise movie that was really pre-sold heavy, that was a major yes or a major no for a big portion of moviegoers before even the first trailer came out usually restricting legs quite a bit. Will see, hard to imagine not doing at least 5.0x is 3 true day weekend.
  21. Is that true ? Horror is a female skewing genre and do not tend to have good legs, female skewing franchise a la Twilight, Fault in our stars, 50 shades etc... played extremelly frontloaded.
  22. First glance make it feel a bit like both are going for the Will Smith type of roles of making joke all the time, instead of the serious by the rules-less serious, less by the rules wildcard classic cop duo dynamic. Feel like it will need to be good to work.
  23. I heard the other way around, it is much more a remake than what people expected.
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