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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Can vary a bit on the distributor-product, famously Disney ask and get quite the nice deal for their big franchise and I imagine change over time so take this with a grain of salt. According to the leaked Harry potter distribution accounts: https://deadline.com/2010/07/studio-shame-even-harry-potter-pic-loses-money-because-of-warner-bros-phony-baloney-accounting-51886/ Rental for WB were of 162.122m domestic, 298.06m intl That Potter movie according to mojo made: Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $292,004,738 31.1% + Foreign: $647,881,191 68.9% = Worldwide: $939,885,929 That a 55.5% domestic retention rate and 46% international retention rate, now that was in 2007 with what was one of the biggest franchise in many market. In the 2014 leaked Sony studio documentations they have figure of expected retention rate for some title and for their hole annual slate average and it looked like this: Market Retention rate Profit margin Japan 47% 15% South Korea 47% 19% Germany 44% 22% Spain 44% 13% Belgium 43% 26% Switzerland 42% 29% Russia 42% 22% Austria 42% 27% Italy 41% 11% Australia 41% 22% Brazil 40% 13% Netherlands 40% 28% UK 40% 23% France 39% 19% Average 42% 21% Mexico 37% 13% China 25% 21% Japan-SK being quite similar to domestic for them, very high theatrical release cost big after theatrical ancillary markets, China being the other extreme almost no theatrical release cost, almost pure profit but less after market revenues relative to the box office than elsewhere, but still a nice deal considering the size, absence of risk and return margin. The rules of thumb of around 40% make sense for the title with a regular box office distribution I think, it is rare for a studio to distribute themselve in 100% of the market too., maybe that Disney with Fox will be able to do it In the US it tended to be around 53% retention rate, much lower on the Sony Classic type of stuff that can go around 35%.
  2. That article is just talking about it is a strange time between the chart success and waiting for the checks to come, never indicating how big or small they will be, artist do not make a lot of money off streamed music, almost none from youtube. But huge album sellers did made a lot of money from musics and the very few that still exist still do (there is just almost none of them by now). There was even a middle class of recording musician in the 90s.
  3. That good example of jokes here, if you film Shapiro speaking in a conference with a cellphone without adding value to the actual capture, post it on youtube and get 4 millions view, you should not get an IMDB credit for that. Same goes for filming a live show on a popular artist and posting it on youtube..... even if you get 100m views.
  4. Of that group that one by far, I barely remember Incredibles 2 making it the last or unranked I imagine. Jurassic world 2 Black panther vs Infinity war Incredible 2 Hum BP vs Infinity war, would need to rewatch them.
  5. For the credited songwriter it get profitable in a strict enough right away sense no ? Bakc in the CD days at least, songwriter built retirement from residuals: Let’s break it down for you. In the making of a CD here are the key players and the percentage of sales that they get, Artist (6.6%) Producer (2.2%) Songwriters (4.5%) Distributor (22%) Manufacturing (5%) Retailer (30%) Record label (30%) And when you are a big name you can get much better deal than those guild minimum type where the record label get almost 3 times as much as the artist.
  6. Usually yes people involved will insist for WB to make it part of the profit they make from the movie sadly for them, so a lot of people with participation point will get a share from the movie soundtrack if it get populars, those movie often use a revenues pool to calculate people bonus that will tend to have a lot of item on it (for example if a book use the movie image on it's cover to help sales and so on)
  7. That was before the RICO act right ? Now belonging to a gangster or terrorist group tend to be illegal in many jurisdiction by itself, Sec. 1962. Prohibited activities (a) It shall be unlawful for any person who has received any income derived, directly or indirectly, from a pattern of racketeering activity or through collection of an unlawful debt in which such person has participated as a principal within the meaning of section 2, title 18, United States Code, to use or invest, directly or indirectly, any part of such income, or the proceeds of such income, in acquisition of any interest in, or the establishment or operation of, any enterprise which is engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce. A purchase of securities on the open market for purposes of investment, and without the intention of controlling or participating in the control of the issuer, or of assisting another to do so, shall not be unlawful under this subsection if the securities of the issuer held by the purchaser, the members of his immediate family, and his or their accomplices in any pattern or racketerring activity or the collection of an unlawful debt after such purchase do not amount in the aggregate to one percent of the outstanding securities of any one class, and do not confer, either in law or in fact, the power to elect one or more directors of the issuer. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person through a pattern of racketeering activity or through collection of any unlawful debt to acquire or maintain, directly or indirectly, any interest in or control of any enterprise which is engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person employed by or associated with any enterprise engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce, to conduct or participate, directly or indirectly, in the conduct of such enterprise's affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity or collection of unlawful debt. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to conspire to violate any of the provisions of subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this section. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racketeer_Influenced_and_Corrupt_Organizations_Act Not sure if it is more than semantic-loophole closing as being actual member of such group would probably require doing something illegal to make you an actual member vs an hangaround., but being an proven member of Al-Quaida if such a thing exist like it does for ISIS is probable to put you in some legal trouble (at least remove your right to fly over the US).
  8. I doubt studios would have, there is a reason it is an independent movie.
  9. If I remember correctly that was one of the movie Willis made in exchange of blowing a previous contract with Disney, maybe he did not made has much has it would normally have on this.
  10. I wonder the percentage of the world audience that bought a ticket for Aquaman even knew it had anything to do with BvS (if it had anything to do with it ?), I am not sure Venom or Aquaman success is base on any direct previous movie outside the genre popularity itself.
  11. You said they were all the same, yes it will exist some Nancy Meyers fan that happen to be a troll, but I would be there will be a significant different in the proportions of fans in some fanbase crazy enough to send treats to reviewer on Rotten tomatoes or start petitions or sign petitions about what people thing of the movies.
  12. You would bet how much Twilight with is near midnight fanbase event box office record didn't had a fanbase ? The fact you would think that of those property just show how different (and less eager to engage in fights on the Internet over movies) some fanbase can be versus others fanbase.
  13. Maybe, maybe not, but certainly not in the way the average box office message board users experience with the fanbase. The giant Clint Eastwood fanbase is not at all the same has every other fanbase, I doubt the giant twilight, Transformer or 50 shades fanbase reacted to bad reviews the same ways other fanbase do and so on. Different property will attract different demographic in gender and age, different personally type that will make them different. Hercule Poirot fanbase will not be the same than the GI Joe fanbase.
  14. George Lucas didn't use studio to finance Phantom Menace, Knight is an extremely rich individual with a production company that have success and desire in the low (for Hollywood) budget genre with stars ready to do the movie for points. Not wanting studio to have stake on it does not need you cannot have them to if you wanted, specially on is small horror I bet most studio would absolutely love be more than distributor on them if he would let them. I doubt Blum has zero stake on it, do people have source on this ? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6823368/companycredits Production Companies Blinding Edge Pictures Blumhouse Productions Blum historically offer the possibility to the filmmaker to invest money in if they want to break is fix low budget rules, being a movie way above the usual 4-6m, could simply that have happened ?
  15. That movie made some people and the studio loose a significant amount of money (it was a 120m budget + participation affair missing the 200m bar) while Grown Up made a fortune
  16. Sincre genre-franchise changed expectation, if the next infinity war movie make 3 times it's rumored budget it will be one of the biggest failure of all time, or if Glass make 60m WW next year. There is a direct and an opportunity cost at burning a franchise entry that make 3x it's budget possible failure, let alone the participation deal structure that can be in place.
  17. Looking at the last time Christmas matched this year : https://www.boxofficemojo.com/daily/chart/?sortdate=2012-12-26&track=oneshot.htm Movies seem to all have added at least 10 times what they did the 26 (many went on to add closer to 15 times than 10 that day). If this year end up being a bit similar 10x would push Holmes at 45m, Second act at 32.6m, terrible audience rating for Holmes could stil make it interesting too but it would need quite the bad legs to add less than 6 times is last single day.
  18. Maybe time to find a different hobby... if a movie end up being good is such a low batting average.
  19. Netflix has an on screen keyboard to use with your TV remote, but I am not sure that something do it that much, I suspect they "control" a lot of their programming by going with the main screen suggestion, not by manually searching. Netflix not proposing in their main page to people a new titles available tend to make someone write about it, the little group of people influencing what Youtube-Netflix propose to you do have quite the power and it is not a bad idea to track what is going on. I remember even people filming their TV making a point of some new release not popping up in any way on it. But if someone does not need some help from them or anymore publicity or anyone to care, it is a freaking 2 billion dollar movie from Disney-Marvel.
  20. Not read the story but that sound like a strange take.... Why would one all the sudden search for InfinityWar, you need to suspect the movie is on netflix to do that and if you so aware about that movie and netflix that you know the exact date it is on, you probably did do the search. I would also imagine that almost all netflix users watch it on there TV and do not have that good typing tool or search box reflex, giving a lot of power to the recommendation list.
  21. Aquaman is coming from an OW while spider verse is week 3, if we would need to the actual FSS Aquaman numbers the drop would be much smaller, OW are quite inflated.
  22. Rogue One went over 500m and played 59% male according to the mpaa, Catching Fire made 195m dbo from male audience according to the MPAA and one of the biggest domestic movie ever Force Awaken played male heavy quite a bit. That bumblebee opening demo: Updated PostTrak exits are 65% general audience, 35% families. Leading demos are Men under 25 at 29%, men over 25 at 28%, females under 25 at 22%, and females over 25 at 21%. Forty-eight percent of all moviegoers were Caucasian, 24% Hispanic, 12% African American, and 11% Asian. A great 65% definite recommend here for the Transformers spinoff, with men 25+ enjoying it the most at 90%. No surprise there: Setting a movie about a 1980s popular franchise, accentuated with nuances of E.T. and in its own decade, does resonate some wonderful nostalgia --------------------------------------- TF5 As opposed to opening day, the under 25ers started showing up to Last Knight over the weekend. They now rep 52% of all moviegoers per ComScore/Screen Engine’s PostTrak versus the 45% originally spotted, and men under 25 have grown from 29% of all moviegoers to being the predominant crowd (38%). Previously, older males were leading the charge at 33%, but they have now dropped to 23%. Last Knight drew 46% Caucasians, 26% Hispanic, 17% African American and 8% Asian. Men under 25 are giving Last Knight its best reviews at 80% on PostTrak and the under 18 set gave it an A CinemaScore (but that latter grade was on Wednesday night; PostTrak updates their audience polls throughout the weekend). Last Knight earned $7.6M at 390 Imax auditoriums since Wednesday. Sixteen of the top 20 U.S./Canada runs were IMAX locations. 3D represented 67% of Last Knight‘s $265M worldwide weekend. Do not seem to have lost particularly more audience among the male demo than female and were the audience with the best exit poll score, African american too, went from 22% on TF4 down to 12% on Bumblebee opening....
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