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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Yeah Poppins is such a property that Disney probably wanted to keep absolute control/final say on everything ? Needed some veteran they could have confidence to play well with that, very logical for them to go with someone that just did 2 other Disney movie for them. The guys made the first billion dollar Pirates movie, Oscar winning Chicago, not sure the pool of veteran proven track record better than that, that would accept to play by Disney rules and interested by the material is quite big.
  2. A bit of a straw men here, he never said or even remotely imply about being paid, he said keeping access. That said I imagine no serious critics still active would ever admit doing this, some fanboy youtube channel that get some form of access too, to sound cool maybe.
  3. Well yes and no, depend what you mean by luxury. Could be surprised by this: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/maps-and-graphics/most-generous-countries-in-the-world/ The 20 most generous countries Myanmar - overall rating: 65 Indonesia - 60 Kenya - 60 New Zealand - 57 United States - 56 Australia - 56 Canada - 54 Ireland - 53 United Arab Emirates - 51 Netherlands - 51 Top 10 countries for helping a stranger Sierra Leone - 81% Iraq - 78% Libya - 77% Kenya - 76% Liberia - 75% Or: http://perilofafrica.com/umuganda-rwandas-day-community-cleaning/
  4. This is such a stretch of concept/words that make a conversation almost impossible. Communism mean the inverse of authoritarianism, communism is a form of anarchy (that was never tried at any large scale and I doubt can exist for a population of more than some thousands of people without some GMO humans improvement) Corruption is people in a position of authority doing something illegal or dishonest with that power in exchange of benefit, it occurred before capitalist started and were capitalism is low. North Korea is probably the most corrupt place on earth, not exactly strong on capitalism. Not sure corruption would be a valid concept in a pure capitalist world, not so sure why there would be any link between racism and capitalism. Racism is obviously much older and fully existing outside capitalist society, Hitler was violently anti capitalism and anti communism, didn't made him non racist. Socialist society were quite Imperialism (like the Soviet), I am not sure why it would be a synonym to capitalism.
  5. Google is still the biggest buyer of renewable energy source in the US I think, if they have to use coal because of the local grid they build renewable elsewhere to compensate.. Apparently: In a blog post Wednesday, Google's Senior Vice President for Technical Infrastructure, Urs Hölzle, described what the business meant by "matching." Put simply, for every kilowatt hour of electricity the company used in 2017, it bought a kilowatt hour of renewable energy from a solar or wind farm built specifically for Google. http://www.clickclean.org/usa/en/ According to this, youtube: Clean Energy: 56% Natural Gas: 14% Coal: 15% Nuclear: 10%
  6. I doubt that if tomorrow everyone in Africa living from their one acre agriculture barely making enough food to feed their family stop to exist that Western world country will be much worst off. I get the the earth cannot sustain 7 billion people with the western lifestyle but a lot of people that rich are trying to help are not necessary to their lifestyle. That what the extreme poverty population around the world evolution look like: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/491479aad8c86c289773df980ae11cee1bafd3a6/7b5d1/exports/share-of-the-world-population-living-in-absolute-poverty_v1_850x600.svg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/World-population-in-extreme-poverty-absolute.svg Westerners didn't became suddenly much poorer when extreme poverty started a massive downfall after 1970, someone in extreme poverty isn't doing much for others in global exportation, specially relative to someone less poor. South Korea going from extreme poor farm society in making cars/smartphone/tvs and joining the western world in a relative short period of time didn't made us poorer, same for Japan or China.
  7. Apparently it can still be surprising on some production, I heard once that Paramount had to reimburse BMW for some of the damage they did on them on Mission Impossible and studio still have to pay for insurance and sometime shipping on those. That was Skyfall partnership with some of the deals: Above the line commitment: communication is intended for a wider audience Prom Partners, those were the media commitment Bollinger: Champagne 30 Territories Creating limited edition 007 licensed innovative Bollinger/Bond Collector bottle to celebrate the 50th anniversary Retail and Print Coke: Carbonated Beverage 45+ Territories $30+ MM Media Commitment Special Packaging Themed TV spot Harrods: UK Retail POS materials throughout the estate Visible t 1.7 million visitors Print and online promotional support Heineken: Beer 50+ Territories $60MM Above-the-Line Commitment – TV, Print, Digital, Outdoor, On and Off Premise Dedicated TV spot featuring Daniel Craig and Bérénice Marlohe Introducing super premium 007 showcase packaging Omega: Watch 30+ Territories $15MM Media Commitment Producing TV spots featuring Daniel Craig and Bérénice Marlohe 50th Anniversary Watch – Feb. 22, 2012 Limited Edition Watch – October 2012 Sony Electronics/Mobile: Electronics & Mobile 42 Territories $33+ MM Media Value Commitment Joint activation and messaging - Sony Electronics and Sony Mobile Dedicated TV spot featuring Daniel Craig Visit Britain: Travel 21 Territories Creating a SKYFALL -themed travel package Providing “Money Can’t Buy” Experiences – For media promotions Exposure through all marketing channels TBD – TV Campaign Placed brand: Aston Martin: Automobile Honda: Motorcycles Land Rover: Automobiles Tom Ford: Apparel Licensees Activision: Gaming O.P.I: Nail Lacquer 107 Territories $3+ MM Above-the-Line Commitment Bond 50th Anniversary and Skyfall Nail Lacquer P&G: Men’s Fragrance 32 Territories 007 Fragrance TV, Print, Online SKYFALL promotion leading into Holiday buying season Distribution Channels - department stores, specialty beauty stores, duty free, and drugstores. Swarovski: Jewelry, Apparel, Accessories 50th Anniversary collection with Skyfall piece Retail support in 2,200 Locations Bérénice Marlohe featured in campaign ------------- In term of reducing the movie budget because of actual money sent to the movie producer Heineken: 3m Omega watch: 1m I think the Sony placement was maybe 3-5M in cash but with some going toward Craig pockets and not the movie. That give an idea, we tend to see at least $10-20-30M in ads committeemen versus each million in actual money if there is any, and Bond is a bit exceptional in term of product placement value, would not surprise me if it is in is own little category above everything else in how much money they achieve to get, maybe the Fast&Furious achieve to get something quite nice also.
  8. 100% of the polution is made by individual consumer too, corporation are mere paper made virtual entity for compatibility purpose completely driven by consumer choice and already trying to use the less input in a product than is possible to please the consumer and that is highly correlated with polluting has little of possible for them, the more a product cost to do, the more it will tend to pollute to do. For a government to have the public support to do the necessary action, it need a population that really want it (and that were shaming the consumer occur). Is it really the government job to make us eat less beef, travel less, live closer to work, decide if we make a cement building for people to live in or not ? Those choice kind of need to come from the people, at least by strongly asking the government to do it for them because they know they will not have the will to do it. That the nice thing about a carbon tax, it use raise of cost to do the job that shame would. Regulation/standard is only a little change in percentage with some effects, the giant driver is individual consumption.
  9. Budget talk in the media tend to be a gross estimate net of rebate (state tax credit and/or product placement help if money was exchanged) Take a James bond movie ( a rare extreme case where the product placement is so valuable than some actual money is given to the studio), their net budget were still bigger in reality than what appear on box office mojo, that 175M could still be massaged down. Most of the "money" those company usually pay is by promoting the movie in their product ads without charging the studio money.
  10. Battle If it would not have had the august-september 2014 exchange rate crash it would have made more than the previous one, maybe of all of them: 2009 to first half of 2014 was a great moment of growth for global box office if you were popular in the growing markets, last Hobbit made 122m in China, first one 50m. Hunger Games was not a really an growing market affair and could not have is depreciation countered by the raise in them.
  11. Historically movie making more at the domestic box office than their budget (when the budget is a significantly big one) tend to always have a possible road for it. No idea how true that rumored 90M budget is but if it is closest Sony animated project to give some reference. Cloudy 2 Net Budget : 82M, with a 96M world release. The studio estimated that it needed to do 188.8M world wide (75.5m dbo, 113.3m intl) to break even It ended up making 56.75M in net profit for the studio after that performance: Domestic: $119,793,567 43.7% + Foreign: $154,532,382 56.3% = Worldwide: $274,325,949 This will be significantly more domestic heavy so depending how much they spent on the Intl release (with the help of product placement /partnership deal could have stayed reasonable) it could have a similar break even WW point despite the 10% higher budget, let say that no one is getting first dollar gross and it need to do 10% more than Cloudy 2 from is theatrical return, 93m instead of cloudy 2 85m rental. If it does a really reasonable 3.5x multi (A+ cinemascore, holidays legs), that put it at 123.725m domestic, it would need to do 68M intl or say 56m+25m in China. I think it should be able to do significantly more than that, movie that do significantly above budget at the domestic, tend to be well ok.
  12. That a misconception of how Oscar voting work, VFX branch do not give the Oscar, every member vote for the winner (like for every category). To have the people doing it awards, guild can be a better indication: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_Effects_Society#Film Film[edit] Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects-Driven Motion Picture: 2002: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers* 2003: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King* 2004: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 2005: King Kong* 2006: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest* 2007: Transformers 2008: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button* 2009: Avatar* 2010: Inception* 2011: Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2012: Life of Pi* 2013: Gravity* 2014: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 2015: Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2016: The Jungle Book* 2017: War for the Planet of the Apes In that world, transformer and the Apes movies win.
  13. Nomination is absolutely not about best movie with some VFX, nomination process is by SFX expert from the branch member. When the general voting body that does not know much about VFX vote for the winners, tend how good the movies was/was it a good movie to watch the screeners with the grand kids during the holidays can become much more of a factor.
  14. How relevant is the word China in that sentence ? (Specially after saying stop thinking energy use by country, something I am not sure I ever heard anyone ever do when talking about global issue). Is it that good of a tip to help the planet to throw away my already built computer I code with and quit my field of work ? Reduce if not stop meat/milk products consumption, reduce if not stop long distant travel (like say taking the plane), seem like way better tips no ? And are quite simple (require for you to do nothing instead of doing something) and quite cheap (they make you even richer)
  15. A lot of do not eat this or that didn't event "exist" for many of ancestor, like refined sugars (pretty much the only thing that make strong consensus to be bad). And our ancestor had longer lifes than some fake news about it outthere, but still people didn't has long has life in the past: https://ourworldindata.org/life-expectancy 50-65 year's old if you survived childhood seem to have been quite common age to die for our ancestor, it is significantly above that nowadays (more around 75-80). I am a bit curious now, on how it is good for my government for people to be anxious.
  16. Not really we do not have to exaggerate, just not smoking is a lot of it, tend to look like this: Poor diet/read meat/doing sports or not, are yes clear factor but a really small factor versus cigarette/Alcohol/Obesity or just the standard suns and virus out there. And that for cancer that look like could have been "prevented", a lot of cancer have nothing that we know off a link with the patient lifestyle at all. After not smoking and drinking too much, the best action for your health are probably not texting and driving, wearing an helmet on a bicycle, seat belt and stuff like that and not of the diet type.
  17. Meat eating is and will be more and more the big sources, and deforestation would stop / reverse I would imagine. Cars is a smaller source and a much bigger talk for some reason, it feel almost taboo how big of a pollution meat eating is.
  18. It need more to consume a quantity of energy to create that gasoline that is not prohibitive on how much the energy the created gasoline will give you back. There is no doubt that you can remove CO2 from the air if you really want too, but the energy source for your factory doing is likely to use more CO2 than what you are capturing back. For example the system of the company in your link is using 60 KWH in energy to create one liter of gasoline, gasoline has about 9KHW of energy by liters and if your gasoline is not use to heat directly something but in say a engine it will have an efficacy between 15% and 60%, you will have about 1 to 6 KHW back of the 60 KWH you did put in the endeavor and had when you started. It could be nice if you need small amount of your energy to be petrol for special use but has a mass source of energy seem to inefficient, would be like talking about hydrogen made from water electrolysis has a possible source of energy, when it is a massive energy pit not a source.
  19. I think I would go with a litteral check. tax carbon so the average family pay say $2,500 a year more if they change nothing in their comportment (and the entreprise making the energy, products, etc...) and the government give back to every Canadian family $2,500 a year cash (can be a monthly payment in your bank account). So poor people that do not really pay tax at the end of the year does not get hit the most by it (usually because they consume the less and thus pollute the less they will even "win" without doing any change). People fear government being bad and inefficient and that the beauty of the neutral plan, government take no decision, blindly do only what everyone agree is good at, taxing everyone and sending everyone money.
  20. Someone said geekiest movie seen since Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, that was the first movie I thought off when someone asked if SpiderVerse could have been made in live action question. And I think it is a good comparable, SpiderVerse is a bit better and hold is premise/energy more through the end, while maybe because of the live action Scott Pilgrim slowed down, but they are comparable in many ways. Quite the geeks movies, very well received and reached is target audience OW, will it spread out of it and do significantly better than a 3.5x type of multi ? I am not so sure either. The movie already looked extremely good from the trailer and reviews, good word of mouth will not be "news" or a new variable, it was fully expected, it is just a bit better than expected.
  21. Humanity simply ending up reflecting the Sun energy (and fighting about how much, the ideal amount being different for everyone) with some chemical put in the high atmosphere sound quite more likely to me.
  22. Yeah the surprise reaction is a bit surprising to me, the movie to not have a very mixed reaction once it get wider would been the big surprise for a Lanthimos release (and those trailers).
  23. Frozen sound like a good pick, (Iron Man 3 was the obvious number 1 that year), all the others are sequels outside first Potter that was such a giant book phenomenon and Avatar is Cameron with rumored to be the biggest budget movie ever not really that surprising.
  24. Cleaner and renewable being better word than clean true. It need to be intelligently done, it is not necessarily good not if you end up turning back/keeping a massive amount of coal to keep the cost of electricity low because of the wind/solar energy investment you made like Germany did. I am speculating, but would coal need to still be Germany number one source of Energy if they didn't spent has much in solar/wind (say in Nuclear/natural gaz instead, natural gaz being typicaly 50-60% less polluting than goal) I agree with this a lot, and the current French model of non-neutral cost tax that hurt the poorest a lot give that solution a lot of bad press, the revenue neutral turn it into a fun money making game.
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